Snake Oil
Taking It All Too Hard
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In the mid eighties the rock group Genesis came out with an album that had a song called “Taking It All Too Hard.” It was a great album with a lot of popular hit singles, but this was my favorite track. I really resonated with this song, it seemed to put me at ease every time I found myself battling with the intense emotions, hopes, confusion, and seemingly endless fears about my future. All typical things for someone in their late teens to be confused about. I felt intense, angry at times, and had strong opinions about a number of things. At the same time, I was reading a lot of channeled books and other metaphysical wisdom and learning that detachment was a path to enlightenment. I wondered if there was a way to find a balance between the intense feelings that made me feel both incensed and alive, while remembering the wisdom of detachment. Was it possible for me to maneuver comfortably in both worlds?
The Archetypal symbol of Temperance (14) is one of the 22 Major Arcana symbols in the Tarot. This Archetype shows the image of a woman pouring two cups of wine back and forth into each other. She has angel wings and the look of someone who is enlightened as she stands on the edge of a lake. The upright position of Temperance represents the process of stabilizing and developing equilibrium. It reminds us that healthy cooperation and adjusting our responses in anything we commit to can lead to internal and external harmony. We understand we have to work at finding balance through trial and error to achieve our goals. It resonates with the wonderful sense we feel when we find ourselves passing our life tests. It is possible for us to find a balance between passion and detachment. In its reverse position it speaks to us about being radical or extremist in our actions. We fail our tests and suffer because we are too heavy handed in our approach and lack moderation. This can be from the influences of others refusing to adjust by being disruptive or a situation where we are causing the disharmony. In either case, we may find ourselves in painful conditions where we feel defeated, fearful and even “shipwrecked.” Like most people I have experienced both the positive and negative of this archetype.
There are many different areas in life where people become unbalanced and lack healthy Temperance. Some extreme and dark examples are: school shootings, people stockpiling guns “because the government is coming to take them,” someone committing suicide because of shame around financial failures, a man or woman kills their wife or husband because they were verbally or physically abusive for years, one parent keeps the other parent from seeing their children to punish the other. All of these examples clearly illustrate extreme responses and a lack of balance. People do crazy and often irreparable damage when they lack temperance.
The majority of us won’t ever do anything this extreme. Most of us get caught up in just a little “crazy” when we lack temperance; Stalking your boyfriend on FaceBook, and compulsively checking his phone or driving by his workplace to see what he is up to. Painfully staying in an unhappy marriage because this is what “till death do us part” means. Stealing from work because “we aren’t getting paid what we deserve.” Obsessing over any difficulty we may be experiencing and not being able to eat or sleep because we are in “so much pain.” We lack temperance when we get so myopically focused on the difficulties and problems that we contemplate or act with extreme responses to attempt to balance the scales. No matter how difficult any experience may be, there are always good things in other areas of our lives. We lose sight of these positive things and often create new problems when we react impulsively.
Relationships in one form or another seem to bring up the issue of a lack of temperance the most for people. I see people all of the time who are struggling with balance in relationships. Whether they be in familial, work, or with a significant other, this is the area that most people seem to “take it all too hard.” Yet, throwing the engagement ring you paid dearly for into a lake because your girlfriend isn’t ready to marry you is a definite example of a lack of temperance. Spreading rumors about a co-worker who pissed you off is a definite lack of temperance. Keying your boyfriend’s car because he cheated on you is not a wise solution. Hurt, anger, and problems surface from time to time in our experience with other human beings. Yet, if we remember the purpose of healthy temperance and wise detachment, we can find a way to navigate through anything with grace. Detachment doesn’t mean we pretend not to care and stop feeling our feelings. Detachment is an ability to have an experience without drowning in it. A recognition that while the situation may be really bad, there is purpose we will someday be able to see.
In order to accomplish anything of value in life, whether that be devotion to a cause, relationship, or any project that really matters to us, we have to allow our passion to rise. We have to let ourselves get excited and fired up! Even when doing something we really love we will experience ups and downs along the way. We can remember trial and error are part of this process. In the book of Runes, the Gateway Rune Thurisaz reversed reminds us “to be certain that you are not suffering over your suffering.”* What this means is that the word suffering originally meant to “undergo.” If we experience difficulties, or a sense of powerlessness in a relationship or situation, while we need to feel the feelings that surface, we also can remember that pain is generally not a permanent thing. Physical and emotional pain are smoke signals telling us something is not working. If we are willing to do what is necessary then the pain will go away. A change in viewpoint may be enough to release our suffering. We often need to look at the situation as it “really is” as opposed to how it “should be.” In some cases we may need to abandon the path or relationship if it’s too toxic, but there is always a solution.
I have had a few times in my life when I was “shipwrecked.” I did a few mildly crazy things in my younger days. I picked mates that couldn’t give back in a healthy way. I struggled with things not going the way they were “supposed to.” I have been guilty of the “poor Jim” stories in my head, and even tortured my friends with my complaints. I played some of these tapes: “Why is God putting me through this?” “I am in so much pain, when will it end?” “I don’t deserve this, I was just trying to do something good.” Thankfully age, wisdom, and detachment have helped me to become more moderate in my approach. At this point in my evolution, victim types of reactions are almost non-existent. I am able to see my part in the creation of every event. We are human beings and we are meant to feel emotions both the “good” and “bad” ones. Sometimes our struggles are huge and may take some time to solve. If we are suffering in any way we can step back and remember that we always have a choice. We get to choose how we respond. No matter how out of balance we may feel, doing something destructive will rarely solve any problem. Detachment can be a comfort because it reminds us this too shall pass. We can recognize that suffering over our suffering is also a choice, and not a good one.
We can learn to use the Temperance archetype in the best possible way. To some extent, we are always in the process of adjusting and fine-tuning our ability to have balance. A child given two glasses, one with milk and the other empty, will delight in pouring them back and forth until they are perfectly even. The child may spill the milk. At some point he may even knock the glass over completely. He may feel frustrated by his clumsiness and his lack of dexterity. Yet, with patience, practice, and continued effort he will develop a perfect rhythm, and usually accomplish his goal and absolutely enjoy the process itself.
Jim Ventura 2-2014
Editor’s Note:
This piece probably went through more rewrites than any column I have ever written. Sometimes there are so many ideas related to a subject, it can be difficult to keep them from running too long. In the case of discussing an Archetype the areas of life it represents are simply too numerous to cover! I mentioned the essay to a buddy (also in his forties) who immediately understood what I meant when I told him I was writing a column called Taking It All Too Hard. His wife, on the other-hand, began to get uncomfortable with the idea of detachment. She felt that it meant “not caring.” And, if people don’t care about the problems and wrongs of this world how will anything ever change?” She is passionate about education, and I respect her passion and convictions and willingness to work at solving the problems in this area. Her husband told her she was too worked up over the issue and they ended up having a fight about this and other matters while I was visiting! It seemed like I triggered an avalanche. They worked it all out inevitably, (and later told me they are now getting along better because they were able to “clear the air” in a few other areas) but it made me aware of what a sensitive subject like this can trigger for people...
At the end of 2013 and in early 2014, I had a few weeks when my phone was a bit screwed up and I think I lost a few emails at that time. If you contact me and I don’t respond within a day or two, it is likely that I didn’t get the message (although both phone and my emails seem to be working fine now, especially because I switched my phone provider). Feel free to leave another message or email if I don’t respond back within two or three days. While I am only scheduling appointments 4 and a half days each week now, I still always respond quickly to requests for booking appointments. I have been having weeks lately where I do get booked up a week in advance. Same day appointment requests are becoming a rare option (although some days I do have cancellations), but it’s still okay to ask. Please be patient though when I have busy weeks and my first opening isn’t for a week or two. To quote St. Augustine, and something I have to remind myself of often: “The reward of patience is patience.”
I finished the last edits for my third book about using casino comps called FreeRide. We are looking at a launch date for late May of this year. I am looking forward to getting this book out into the world! I am also looking forward to refocusing my energy back into finishing a few other books including my Tarot interpretation guide book, which is actually halfway finished. That will then have to go though tons of edits as well. A lot of works goes into making books... After that, I plan on putting the finishing touches on Snake Oil Volume Two.
Spring is here. I am sure my North East friends are extremely happy to see winter coming to an end. Wishing everyone a Happy April. Cheers, Jim V
“Maturity is the ability to think, speak and act your feelings within the bounds of dignity. The measure of your maturity is how spiritual you become during the midst of your frustrations.” Samuel Ullman
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” William Arthur Ward
Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately many of these books are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.
Seth on one of Christ’s messages:
“Another small point here: Christ’s dictum to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:39) was a psychologically crafty method of warding off violence-not of accepting it. Symbolically it represented an animal showing its belly to an adversary. The remark was meant symbolically. On certain levels, it was the gesture of defeat that brought triumph and survival. It was not meant to be the cringing act of a martyr who said. ‘Hit me again,’ but represented a biologically pertinent statement, a communication of body language. It would cleverly remind the attacker of the ‘old’ communicative postures of the sane animals.”
Jane Roberts from The Nature of personal Reality
Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be three live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, April 3rd, at 3:30 p.m. (MST -AZ doesn’t use daylight savings time). Almost every Thursday you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. Halfway through some of the shows you can even ask me for a free 5 minute mini reading with your personal question. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: You may also access it by going to Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602) 957-3035 text: 602-349-0746 Email:
“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Winston Churchill
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.
All sessions/readings for 2014 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each). Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins.
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices for any 45-90 minute sessions (except when using a special discount promotion). Local in office visits receive another $5 off listed prices for cash payments.
I accept cash, checks, debit cards, Master Card, Visa, and PayPal for payments on sessions and for books and classes. Send me your birth month, day and year to get added to the yearly Birthday mailer promotion.
Now Available in print
Snake Oil Volume One
Jim Ventura has been writing his monthly Snake Oil column for 10 years. Volume One is a collection of his first four years of Snake Oil. This volume also includes nine Snake Charms. Practical explanations and instruction for meditation, ear conning, lucid dreaming, etc... Jim’s Snake Oil philosophy is all about changing the perceptions of how we view life to include metaphysical perspectives into all of our experiences.While we keep our feet firmly planted on the ground in this world we can simultaneously expand our consciousness. Snake Oil reminds us that we can also grow to become more enlightened while finding the wisdom of humor in ourselves and the world around us.
Excerpts from Snake Oil volume one:
Snake Charm
Any truth in all that past life stuff?
“Most people are fascinated by the possibility that they may have lived other lifetimes. Any serious study of metaphysical philosophy will lead to the conclusion that reincarnation is part of our experience. Sadly, the subject is fraught with confusing information and quite a bit of misinformation that muddles the waters of clarity around how reincarnation works. Some of the most common inaccuracies that I hear from both metaphysical people and non-metaphysical people are: “This is my first lifetime, I am a brand new soul.” “This is definitely my last lifetime, I am not coming back.” Next time I am definitely coming back as a dog.” I have always been male in all my lifetimes, I am a pure male soul.” “There is no such thing as reincarnation, otherwise it would be talked about in the Bible...”
Snake Oil
“I often remind my clients that what we fear might happen is almost always far worse than any difficult experience we ever actually endure. We waste valuable life force, time and energy stressing and worrying about possible future disasters. “How will I survive financially if I leave this loveless marriage?” “what if my family disowns me when they find out I am gay?” “what if I never find the right mate and end up alone?” “People are getting laid-off all around me; how will I survive if I lose my job?” “What will happen If I get sick?” The list of things to dread is endless. We all encounter difficulty from time to time. Occasional challenges are part of life in a physical body. Thankfully, most of our imagined worse-case-scenarios rarely come to pass. Real problems and difficulties are never really the issue. Being caught in the grip of fear is the real battle to resolve...”
Snake Oil
Clouds got in my way
“We crave certain substances and use them to excess when we are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally out of balance. The most commonly used addictive substances are:
Tobacco - masks unresolved anger and feeling powerless (it is common for smoking to begin during adolescence when turbulent feelings are part of the teens years).
Sugar - masks a feeling of not being loved.
Chocolate - similar to sugar, but also masks feeling comfortable with intimacy.
Alcohol - masks fear (witness the drunk expressing delusional bravery and sometimes acting belligerent and telling everyone around him/her what “they really think”).
Marijuana - masks sadness.
Caffeine - masks everything...”
Snake Oilhis “art” stolen from him. For weeks we were graced with a sign at the front of his stairway suggesting to passerby's that they: “don’t touch my shit!” I am guessing that the majority of my neighbors were equally embarrassed by this ridiculous sign. We also had a friendly, crazy, retired older man who walked around with a loaded gun tucked into his belt...”
To order a copy contact me by phone or email. $12.00 including sales tax. Please include $3.00 for shipping ($15.00 total). In office clients can pick up a copy here for $10 for all of April 2014.
Or send check or money order to Jim Ventura 2515 N 52nd St. #206 Phoenix AZ 85008. I can also bill through PayPal if you want to use a debit or charge card to order. You can request to have your copy signed!
Snake Oil Volume One is also available at
“Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.” Albert Schweitzer
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