Wednesday, March 16, 2022

March April 2022 Snake Oil/Past Lifetimes and the Price of Gas?

 March April 2022 Snake Oil/Past lifetimes and the price of gas?


The concept of living other lifetimes and reincarnation can be intriguing and exciting. To many people it may make intuitive and even practical sense. Yet, it can also be a subject littered with misperceptions, confusion and to those who only value logic and tangible in the lab concrete proof, it can seem like malarkey. There are actually many authors, both scientific based as well as metaphysical who have studied and written extensively about this subject from multiple angles. In those circles it is largely unquestioned. A number of movies and television shows about the subject have actually done a respectable job, while of course there is a lot of hyped sensational nonsense mixed in too. I personally encountered a number of people in my early years of metaphysical groups and classes who had very definite opinions to share about the subject. A young woman at a psychic development class I took at age twenty claimed she lived during Pompeii during its fall. I thought this could have been possibly true. In another instance I once talked to another woman who claimed she was Cleopatra in a past life time. This seemed a LOT less likely.

The concept of whether I have lived other lifetimes was never something I pondered. I always knew that this was the case. I remembered glimpses of other selves even as a child. My Catholic education had no outlet for discussing or understanding this awareness, and that may have contributed, in part, to an early rejection of some of the teaching of this religion. When I took baths, which I often did as a child and well into my teens, I would catch memories of being in a bath in other bodies and in different homes, times, and families. Particularly poignant was a memory of being in a female body. It did feel like she was royalty or from a wealthy family. I clearly told my friends when I was about 9 that I was glad to be a boy in this lifetime because it was actually a bit easier. There were many times when I would talk to another person and get glimpses of their face briefly changing to another self. I used to think of it as a bleed-through. All of the significant relationships I have experienced with partners or friends were with people I immediately or eventually recognized as someone I have known before. Much of this awareness took place long before I began to read or study reincarnation.

I really upped my studies though in my late teens and early twenties and have read many books about this subject, and once took a seminar in San Diego by a well known author. Contrary to a popular belief among many people and those uneducated about the subject, quite a few well researched cases have been studied and verified that would be very hard to dismiss. I even learned how to do past life regression when I was about 21. I did regressions for friends and had many notable stories of success. I eventually learned self-hypnosis and actually logged in a notebook about 40 recognizable lifetimes, and guessed there were many more. It seemed the further back in time, or in my baby soul and young soul lifetimes I wasn’t always a very upstanding citizen. Quite a number of people I immediately got into relationships with when I moved to Phoenix at 25 happened in the first few months when I arrived in the valley. I recognized many new friends immediately. I had dreams or snippet memories of past contacts with them both before and after I left New York. Another aspect of many, many reasons why I felt drawn to move here.

There are so many different stories of personal past life contact that I could easily cover them in a series of books, but here are two that truly stood out:

When I was about 22 I did a self hypnosis regression to see what I would consider my “Happiest lifetime.” I saw myself-remembered myself-felt myself as a familiar clumsy man at about age forty. I lived with my mother and some pets that I talked to in a safe environment. I couldn’t recall when it was, or where it was but that seemed less relevant. I was a special needs individual, my focus was less on the intellect and more emotional and intuitive. My mother was not my mother in my current lifetime though. She was an early forties waitress that I worked with named Nicki. We quickly became unlikely friends in this lifetime in a way that may have seemed weird to many of the people around us. She beamed with pride when I was around her. She must have been proud of how smart and funny her son from another time and place now was. I would guess she was proud of me in that other lifetime too for different, yet equally valid reasons. She died in this lifetime a few years ago from complications related to Parkinson’s disease. I will always miss my friend-mom from another time and place and know I will see her again.

Another experience was something I caught glimpses of in dreams as a child. I even remembered actual details of it at different times. I did a regression at about the age of 23 and got more details. I was a Russian Jewish man in my late fifties just before the start of world war two. I fled the area I lived in for fear that things would soon go badly. I pleaded with friends and family to leave also but was mostly dismissed. I lived in England for about twenty years before my death alone in a room with a number of cats. In my current lifetime I was badly allergic to cats until about the age of 33. I think my body associated being alone and sickly when I was around cats, even though I always loved them too. I still feel a sense of responsibility to warn others if I sense difficulties ahead, although I have also learned to allow them their experience and not try to save or control. To this day I still haven’t been able to get through Shindler’s list and similar movies. For a long time I resented the English people and their culture and I seem to oddly know a bit about Russian life and the Jewish religion. I recently realized that the feral cats I now feed and pet that live in our condo complex came back to their dad from another time and place.

People often understandably ask me the question, what good it is for us to know about past lifetimes? In what way does that help in the practicalities of our current life? Yet, in an even more pronounced way like exploring your genealogy, heritage or ancestry in this lifetime, you see pieces or attributes in yourself that aid in piecing together who we are now. Talents, abilities, and even challenges offer insight into why we may currently have skills or struggle with these similar patterns. I bought a deck of past lifetime cards (that I still use when working with clients) and one of the first cards I pulled was the prehistoric Sorcerer. It suggested that I was an ancient soul who had great power. In my younger years in this lifetime I sometimes succumbed to hurting friends who I felt wronged me. Thankfully I got hold of this darker aspect of myself early on in life and decided successfully to focus my powers on good. I still sometimes deliciously think of so many creative ways to destroy anyone who angers me. But I remind myself and my inner prehistoric sorcerer that forgiveness and understanding are far better uses of power. Karmic balance is built into the universe. I need not take on the role of righter of all perceived wrongs. And this has an added benefit of not creating new karma to have to resolve (the old soul focus) and then have to find a way to burn those ribbons too.  


We are given an ego for a reason. It is to help us navigate effectively in this life and this body and tangible world around us. Still, we can learn to put our ego aside from time to time to catch glimpses of other selves. Our practical sides, our ego will remind us that it is bunk to think we have other aspects or lifetimes to consider. It does its job well and reminds us of things like; what do knowing about past lifetimes have to do with dealing with the real world and the price of gas? What good is it? Often, even when the information comes through it will try to convince us that we are making it all up. Yet, if you choose to open this door it is useful. Not as an escape from the demands of this life, but to aid in understanding why we are made up the way we are. We will likely be disappointed when we realize we probably weren’t George Washington, Attila the Hun, or Joan of Arc. More likely we were a woman who was sold to be a concubine at a young age. A shaman people loved and feared in Africa, 600 years ago. A man who had a gambling problems and added karmic ribbons to burn when he sold off two of his daughters to cover gambling debts. A soldier who deserted his fellow comrades because he feared and struggled with not feeling right about killing. A jealous sister in ancient Greece who seduced her older sister’s husband. A madame for a bunch of younger prostitutes in the old west with a heart of gold... We gain insight when we are willing to tune into who we truly are and why we are drawn to certain people, events or situations. I believe we do this in between lifetimes, so it’s not a bad way to get a head start or to integrate a bit of this in our present. And best of all, we realize the part of us that fears death or worries about things like eternal punishment is simply inaccurate. We know that we carry on and develop as a soul in different stages. This is not only a valuable deeper truth, but a doorway into enjoying what this current life has to offer secure in the knowledge that we lived before and will live again.
3-2022 Jim Ventura 



It looks like we just lived through the adage “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.” Here in Phoenix we had some beautiful 75 degree days, followed a few days later by low 60s, windy days,  and then a few days in the 80s. The nights have been cold (well our version of it anyway; 40s and low 50s). The temps could climb or drop 15 degrees in just a day or two. My friends around the country have reported similar experiences with radical temperature changes. I like to remind my readers that weather patterns to some extent mirror the collective of the people living in the area. Extremes of emotions, frustration, anger, fear, and confusion contribute to the formation and experience of weather patterns, both what we would perceive as good or bad ones. Turbulent weather often cleans the landscape too...

Recent inflation in many areas coincided with the peak of the Covid experience this winter. January and February had some high numbers of people testing positive for Covid. Partly due to more people testing, but also because it was like a collective experience for most of us to just get it (whether one gets sick or not varied from person to person) over with! Lock downs, masks, lack of human contact etc... can only go on for so long without disastrous side effects. The losses of life were horrible too for many families and my heart goes out to everyone impacted by this difficult time in our history. I said that this would likely be the course before it was over almost two years ago with a Walking Dead TV show on AMC analogy when everyone realizes they all basically have “it.” My Old Soul perspective of course angered a few people around me. Jeez, what else is new lol. I reiterate an important point: “There are hazards on the physical plane.” The positive side of this collective experience of everyone getting it, is that the perspective of a herd immunity seems to have finally arrived and while I don’t think it is gone forever (guessing its stays around like another form of lousy flu), it seems the extremes are at least over. 

The perspective of how I view world events and personal ones will resonate with some people and others will find it uncomfortable. This is how things are and I have gotten far more comfortable with the occasional rejections I experience from others. I only speak or write about subjects I have researched and am knowledgable about. Ask me about air conditioning repair, or surgery and I go blank, but I am impressed by those who are knowledgable about that subject and that's why I listen to and pay them when needed! It works the same way with clients that I work with one on one; some love my perspective and insights and others would prefer a different perspective. There are excellent psychologists and psychiatrists for people to work with. There are of course, a number of people in those fields that are lousy too. There should be no shame in working with a counselor to talk things out or get another perspective or insight. We have been going through some heightened turbulent times in the last few years. Whatever course my friends, readers, clients choose I would support the idea of adding a bit of this to the hopefully other important ways we take care of ourselves like exercise, eating healthy (for the most part!), sleeping well, etc...
Many of my long term (or short term of just a few years) regular clients have been checking in with me regularly for years. I offer quarterly, monthly, and every other month options. While we may do astrology updates, Tarot card readings, Rune pulls, angel cards etc...Many of my regular clients just like to talk about what is happening in their lives (while I typically take notes) and then I catch areas of blocked energy, limiting beliefs, and potentially healthier viewpoints both physically and energetically to consider taking. I am especially good at helping to see the emotional, energetic limitations that may contribute to disease. This can be hugely beneficial whether one takes a western medicine approach to solving it or uses alternative medicine. Working at solving it at multiple angles is likely to prove more successful. While insurance won’t cover sessions with me, the Regular Client program is discounted for those who use the service and sessions  can run as little as $50 a session with prepaid option. Request information about this program if interested.

Jupiter is going to conjunct Neptune in Pisces in early April. the 12th to be exact but we will feel the effects far sooner. This is actually a positive mass transit that will influence everyone. Its placement in your chart can get even more specific. Request an astrological transit update if interested in your next session (in-office, phone and face-time are all options) and I will be doing a radio show in early April to explain it’s larger effects.

I posted a video last month on about understanding soul age and in early April I will post part two. A deeper look at Old souls. Subscribe to my channel to get updates once a month when I post a new (approximately 10 minute video): J Ventura Snake Oil
Wishing everyone a-happy start to the spring! Cheers, Jim V

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France

“I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow; but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” Agatha Christie

New Client Special 2022
January 1st thru July 31st 2022 Special:


$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45, 70, and 90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session for a friend or family member you can also take advantage of these rates! 

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.

Seth on creativity and play
“Most people, however, are so utterly serious that they suspect their own creativity. They expect that its products will be unreal or not valid in the physical world. Yet there is a great correlation between what you think of as creativity, altered states of consciousness, play, and ‘spiritual’ development.’

When you create a poem or song or a painting you are in a state of play, of enjoyment, of freedom. You intend to make something different, to produce a new version of reality. You create out of love, for the sake of experience. At one time or another almost everyone has that kind of experience, but children have it often. They compose songs and music and paintings in their heads. They alter the focus of their consciousness frequently. They do not stop to ask whether or not the play is real or pertinent. Physically, play develops their body mechanisms. It also flexes the great capabilities of their minds. 

When you think: ‘Life is earnest,’ and decide to put away childish things, then often you lose sight of your own creativity and become so deadly serious that you cannot play, even mentally. Spiritual development becomes a goal that MUST be attained. The goal is to be achieved through hard work, and as long as you believe this you do not understand what the spirit is.
I keep returning to natural analogies-but plants do not work at developing their potential. They are not beautiful because they believe it is their responsibility to please your eye. They are beautiful because they love themselves and beauty. When you are so serious, you almost always distort the nature of your own spirit as far as your understanding of it is concerned. You cannot let your guard down long enough to discover what it is. You keep looking for new rules or regulations, or methods of discipline. You keep searching for a new ‘ascended master.’ or guru, to keep you in line and point out THE WAY...”

The Unknown Reality Volume Two Jane Roberts Channeling Seth.

Highlight session:


This session focuses on uncovering some of your past lifetimes. My abilities combined with the Phoenix cards, will help you to reconnect with the lessons and themes of other lifetimes and other selves. By understanding our past we become more clear about who we are in the present. We can see threads of abilities and challenges that we are currently working with and where they may have other faces. the Phoenix cards will also point out areas of this world and era’s where you may resonate with! 

You probably wont be surprised by the outcome of your past life reading. Most of us have dim and ghostly ideas of who we were. “Return me to the faraway places and times I once knew." This reading can powerfully jar your own memories of your past lifetimes.

Clients currently receiving my every other month newsletter receive $5 off listed rates for 45, 70, or 90 minute sessions (all formats that work with this session) and in-office clients who pay by check or cask receive and additional $5 discount. Phone or face-time, Zoom sessions are also available for out of area clients or locals who prefer a session from home. Email me at to book.

“Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.” Ellen Degeneres

“Spring is the best life coach; It gives you all the energy you want, all the positive thoughts you wish and all the boldness you need!” Mehut Ildan

Snake Oil Radio


Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcast this period)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, March 31st at 3:30 p.m. mountain (Phoenix) time. I will follow an extra broadcast on April 7th to focus on the Jupiter Neptune conjunction. Usually one Thursdays each month you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to chat with other listeners in the chat room with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).

To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into:  You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (best method for contact).
Phone calls: (602) 957-3035 text only: (602) 349-0746

Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://

“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.

You also may want to check out my posts on

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (approximately once a month 6-11 minute videos) at
J Ventura.Snake Oil. You can also find me on Instagram (mostly astrology updates) and Tik Tok (animalspeaks) where I do short videos about animal totems!

All sessions/readings for 2020-2022 are: Full (70 minutes) $115.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $135.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back with an added fee of $5 for $70.00 each, although no other discounts will apply). Mini phone session 20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 pre-paid sessions also brings sizable discounts. Some examples; 3 pre-paid 45 minute monthly sessions is $150 total or $50 a session. 3 pre-paid quarterly 70 minute session $240 or $80 a session.

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