January February 2025 Snake Oil
Good Vibrations
We all inevitably go through losses of friendships, intimate relationships, co-workers, and sometimes family members. Losing connections at different points in our lives is a right of passage and while modern terms like “getting ghosted” are creative in their expression separations are not a new phenomenon. We also just for different reasons, and without any specific drama or seeming betrayals, simply drift apart. There are times when these experiences are fairly easy to understand, even if they are still a bit sad. Changing schools, leaving jobs, and moves to new locations make practical sense. Often when we ideally wish to stay connected, no matter how much we may like or even love the ones you are leaving behind, the plan to stay close friends and always be connected doesn’t always work out. Being nearby in a neighborhood, meeting in the break room at work, going to the same school, gym, and similar situations tend to make contact consistent and easier to maintain. Yet when inevitable life changes happen, like getting a new job, new homes, or any other life shifts, this also requires the need to put energy into making new connections in the new locales. This is both natural and can take away time from old friendships. Sometimes the experiences and separations from people we care about end in uncomfortable or even explosive ways, and leave us stinging in pain. These types of losses can be harder and often take longer to recover from.
There are significant and at times painful changes we experience from time to time in life. In some cases we can feel devastated. A deep loving intimate relationship can sour if one partner cheats on another, becomes abusive, or offers little explanation as to why they choose to distance themselves and walks away from us. Close friends marry and have children and no longer have time for us. In the reverse we may begin to raise a family and our exciting unattached single friends may become intolerant and lack understanding of our new priorities, responsibilities, and lack of time. New partners can be jealous or uncomfortable with the old connections from our previous life and may subtly or coercively discourage perceived past friends and family as “bad” influences, and prefer you lose the connection. In extreme cases it can be “it’s me or her/him,” and possibly even the coercion of a choice. People we once enjoyed hanging out with may become perpetual victims or simply just bummers to be around. Few of us have not experienced the puzzling departure of someone we once cared about ghosting or disappearing from our lives without any explanation. This can often make our detective mind work diligently to attempt to figure out what went wrong, and frequently be a hurtful blow to our ego’s.
I have been a part of many different groups of friendships in my life. Being “popular” for the most part, was never something I struggled with. I have managed in my lifetime to be both the responsible friend and also somehow pulled off being one of the fun one in most of my social groups. This is a seeming contradiction but not odd for those who understand astrology (I have Saturn in Aquarius in my eleventh house and other aspects that bring a fair amount of affability to my personality). Many of my past social groups were connected to different restaurants I worked in. Those environments made friendship connections easy to find. Sometimes when I found a better job, I even brought the hard working, cool ones with me to the new job! Still, most of the time when I changed jobs or locations as much as we wanted to stay forever friends, this did not pan out. A few years ago I was part of a group of metaphysical friends for about three years. While many people in a number of parts of the world were panicking and hiding in their homes during the Covid fear times, we met up drank coffee, had meals and hung out without the suggested fear based theatrics. In some respects they were like family to me. This timed almost perfectly to when I lost actual blood family to their move to another state. Another close friend who became family years before all of this, that I used to think of as my brother from another mother, went fear crazy during that time, something I refused to participate in. Both he and his even more fearful wife “bought” every thing the main stream media sold, so they tossed me aside. My new metaphysical family was a perfect timed replacement for a number of years. Still, for a number of different reasons, we inevitably drifted apart. I still have fond memories of that time, but in the end, fortunately without any real explosions, we just separated and stopped meeting up.
In my younger years as I embraced the study of metaphysics, extremely religious (fire and brimstone stuff) and right wing people became uncomfortable for me to be around. In the last decade or so I began to feel the same way about those who are theatrically on the far left politically as well. The philosophies and perspectives about how we differ in our views about life, just became too charged up and we just lacked needed common ground. I still have many great connections with people who are Christian though. Moderate ones who are usually a bit metaphysical, even new agey people; the ones who have what I see as that sweet spot, and this works for me.
I recently connected with a new potential friend who told me early on that he was proudly an Atheist. I have had lots of Agnostics as friends (people who aren’t sure or even had some doubt about whether there is a larger force behind the order of things) and they are still a workable match for me. I have never needed everyone around me to think the same way, or be educated in metaphysics. I like a certain amount of diversity, different ages, races, back rounds, sexual orientations etc... Diversity keeps me on my toes and makes life interesting. The problem with my new Atheist friend was not only a lack similar philosophical perspectives but he was also antagonistic in some respects about our different perspectives. He doesn’t “believe in Astrology.” This, to me means he has never looked at or studied it in any real way. From my perspective this is like not believing in gravity. I had to consider the wisdom of being close to someone that does not value what I do for a living. When I mentioned that I smoked cigars on occasion I was treated to a heated lecture about how I was inviting throat and mouth cancer. He suggested we could still be friends but the solution was “we could hang out but I could never do that around him.” He inevitably ghosted me and probably decided I wasn’t his “cup of tea.” Oh, the gift of being mature and wise enough to see being ghosted by someone in many cases is a gift. I got to avoid the gentle confrontation telling him that we weren’t a good fit.
The simple truth is we all move through a process of becoming more discriminating with age and experience. We are tested by others, and this helps us fine-tune both ourselves and our relationships and friendships. I stopped hanging out with people who drink too much alcohol and became combative or reckless many years ago. I stopped going to restaurants with friends who don’t know how to tip or are condescending to staff. I found myself moving away from a few people who gossip too much, or complain obsessively. I inevitably learned to stay away from overly sensitive people that don’t appreciate my humor, including minimizing the time I spend with a few humorless family members. These were all aspects of people I was far more tolerant of in my younger years. Now I feel like everyone should be free to do what they enjoy, believe what they believe, and to be exactly who they are, but it doesn’t need to be around me!
While some of us will find ourselves wanting new groups of friends and expanding our social circles, especially those that married and had children early and missed out on the fun of many friends and being part of group association, some of us prefer moving in the other direction. The older I get, the more I want a smaller circle of friends. This makes sense to me. I have been very social for many decades, and its not that I don’t enjoy group activities occasionally, but I feel no sense of deprivation about being by myself. I like me. I enjoy times of being alone. I like to think I have settled into a healthy place of balance with a bit of both experiences leaning toward a little more happy solitude.
If we are willing to step away from the emotional side of losing friendship, lovers, even family, we can still appreciate the good times in the past no matter how long or short their duration in time was. We can get a clearer picture of why things may have had to end and realize there are no mistakes in the universe. Not every friendship or relationship is for life. We outgrown some people, and priorities change. Rather than a prolonged focus on the sadness of perceived rejection we can see it (even if it ended harshly) as having run its course. Sometimes a destructive ending can be a necessity. As much as I love diversity among friends, sometimes the vibrational matches become just too far apart. Continuing close connections with people too far apart in mutual perspectives just won’t work anymore for my comfort and theirs. I was able to put up with a lot more nonsense in my younger years. I am more discriminating now in what fits into my social circles, and my intimate one on one partnerships as well. One of the best aspects of getting older and wiser is that now I simply prefer to surround myself with good vibrations.
2024 and the holiday season has come to an end. I was indulgent as usual for most of December but far less than normal. It was a lot of fun, but I am happy to get back to normal life again. We get a whole month or so before the next round of seemingly endless next holidays ahead with Valentines Day and Easter next. Still these are far more mellow than the intensity of the end of the year holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years; plus with the added roller coaster this past year of the last election in early November, it was extra exhausting to say the least!
I have been posting a lot of cool information about the numerology of the new year, astrology, and even some of the reoccurring patterns I am seeing as I get my usual heavy requests in January for “New Year readings.” You can find many of these videos, reels, and posts on Instagram, Tik Tok, FaceBook, and YouTube. Information about how to access these posts can be found at the end of this newsletter and the New Year YouTube video can be accessed at J Ventura Snake Oil on that site. The short version is: Universal Nine year in Numerology, Wood Snake Year in Chinese astrology, and one of the “biggies” in western astrology is Pluto’s move into Aquarius for the next twenty years. The Nine year has themes connected with completion and finishing up previous projects. A personal example of this is after almost fifteen years of doing my radio show, Blog Talk Radio closed its “doors” for good. A bit of a sad ending for me, but it also felt like it was supposed to come to an end. With my other projects expanding, it was in alignment to let that go.
It is still not too late to request you New Year reading. Info about this empowering session that's all about getting a feel for your upcoming year is in this newsletter. I would note that there has been a very slight increase in my rates for 2025, although this is just a $5 increase. Clients currently in my Regular Client program will see no increase in their rates as long as they stay committed to the program (quarterly, monthly and every other month options for sessions). If you have fallen short in consistent check-ins with your participation in this program for any reason contact me to get back into the many benefits of re-committing to the program. If you have not yet done so and are interested in joining the program also just email and ask about it.
This Autumn and early winter was a time where I had a number of resort bookings and home or office party events. It seems the world is opening up a bit more socially again. Information about how you can book a home or office party with mini readings are in this newsletter. An added perk is I can do those events virtually by phone, Face-Time and Zoom now as well! This opens up the possibility of having one of these events if you are not local to Arizona. They are a big hit when added to any event and bookings can be as short as 90 minutes and up to five hours.
Wishing everyone a prosperous, happy New Year ahead. Cheers, Jim V
“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one” Brad Paisley
Home and Special Event Parties
I am available to do private parties (Phoenix and surrounding cities) with “mini readings” for your guests. Parties can be booked with either 10- 15 minute or 30 minute session blocks. Many of the different oracles I work with can be chosen for your specific event.
If you are interested in hiring me to do a party, let me know and I can check on availability options. There are a number of formats for setting up parties and here is some basic information. Please don’t hesitate to ask of you have any questions about booking parties.
The current most popular option is mini Numerology and Astrology readings with the choice of one of three oracle cards: Tarot, Angel Cards, or Druid animal cards. Specific oracles that I work with may also be requested.
The parties are a fun way to enable family and friends to become more comfortable with the benefits of oracle readings. I have done many of these parties in the past and they are truly memorable events for all of the guests.
Minimum and maximum numbers of readings/hours are required to book an at home or office party that I physically have to travel to. A minimum of 3 hour bookings with a maximum of 5 hours, 2 and a half hour minimum for locations within 15 miles of my home. $50.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a party date.
You can either book me for the $100 an hour rate for your party or event (so your guests don’t have to cover any costs) or guests can cover their own costs for readings. Both options work very well, although I still prefer that the host collects all of the payments from guests for their readings with second option to make things move along more efficiently. 30 minute readings are also a very popular option. Shorter 5-10 minute sessions for each guest are another option for really large events.
Parties can now be virtual! Props for the modern age with phone sessions, Face-time and Zoom options for anyone out of area. This option gives an added benefit for any type of party or event, like showers, birthday parties, and just getting together for friends and family. The format is the same but virtual parties have the added benefit of only having a 90 minute minimum booking and can be as long as three hours.
Contact me for more information to set up either an in-person event or virtual one at Venturasag@yahoo.com.
“You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you.” Eckhart Tolle
New Client Special 2025:
January 1st 2025 thru November16th, 2025 Special: New Client introductory offer: $5-15 off listed rates! A $5 discount off of all 45 minute sessions. Both 70, or 90 minute session can take a $10 discount. Debit and credit card payments accepted for all 45, 70, and 90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can choose an extra $5 off the current rates for cash or check payments for sessions! Pricing is at the end of this newsletter or just request a session and availability calendar. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session you can also take advantage of these rates and use the above discounts!
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Michael Altshuler
Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channeler's in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.
“...Many people want to change the world for the better, but the ideal seems so awe inspiring that they think they can make no headway unless they perform some great act of daring or heroism, or envision themselves in some political or religious place of power, or promote an uprising or revolution. The ideal seems so remote and unreachable that again, sometimes any means, however reprehensible, eventually can seem justified. To change the world for the better, you must begin by changing your own life. There is no other way.
You begin by accepting your own worth as a part of the universe, and by granting every other being that same recognition. You begin by honoring life in all forms. You begin by changing your thoughts toward your contemporaries, your country, your family, and your working companions. If the ideal of loving your neighbor like yourself seems remote, you will at least absolutely refrain from killing your neighbor-and your neighbor is any other person on the face of the planet.
You cannot love your neighbor, in fact, until you love yourself, and if you believe that it is wrong to love yourself, then you are indeed unable to love anyone else...”
Jane Roberts The Individual and nature of Mass Events.
The Shape of your Year ahead
I recently posted my new YouTube video about the Numerology Universal year along with notable astrological influences for 2025. I also added a quick look at what to expect in the upcoming Year of the Wood Snake in Chinese Astrology.
These are the general vibes and the stuff that we all participate in as a collective for the year ahead. Another more personal perspective is to book one of the most beneficial (and popular) session requests I get is to look at YOUR personal year ahead.
There are many different options to gain insight and helpful Navigational assistance:
A detailed look at your Astrology chart and upcoming transits.
There is also a combination session with a look at your personal Numerology, and the option of choosing a few or all of the oracles listed below for a look at the personal influences and guides for your year ahead:
Your Druid animal totem (what spirit animal may act as your power animal)
Viking Rune stone (The is something I actually do myself every year for what is the “Right Action” to focus on)
Tarot Archetype - What is your personal archetype from the twenty two Major Arcana from the Fool (0) through the World (21) card.
Lakota Indian Guide message (What will nature be whispering in your year ahead)
Angel card message (what do your guides and angels want you to be aware of in your year ahead).
Color Cubes (what is the best color vibration for you this year).
Every year I also benefit from gaining knowledge by noting similar patterns and cards among my clients. Sometimes we see multiple unique influences, and other times there are very notable similar themes that create a notably clear with each unique oracle used during the sessions.
Sessions can be in office (Phoenix) or by phone, Face-Time, or even Zoom.
Sessions can be 45 minute, 70, or 90 minutes.
You can message me for availability and pricing, or the most efficient option is via Email at VenturaSag@yahoo.com. Gift sessions may be purchased for friends and family as a new year gift!
Wishing everyone a great New Year ahead. Cheers, Jim V
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: Venturasag@yahoo.com (BEST method for contact).
text only: (602) 349-0746 Phone calls: (602) 957-3035
Information about the different sessions and types of readings, classes and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: http://JimVentura.com.
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.
I also have a few other media channels other than Face-Book:
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (approximately once a month 6-12 minute videos) at J Ventura Snake Oil.
Instagram at Venturawords ( Astrology updates and other insight on short 90 second reels)
Tik Tok (animalspeaks) where I do short but powerful 2-6 minute videos about how to use animal totems and spirit animals!
All personal sessions/readings for 2025 are: Full session (70 minutes) $125.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $150.00 Mini phone session 15-20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 prepaid sessions also brings sizable discounts. Some examples; 3 prepaid 45 minute monthly sessions is $155 total or about $52 a session. 3 prepaid quarterly 70 minute session are $245 or about $82 a session.
Chinese New Year Jan 29th. Year of Wood Snake!
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