Saturday, January 18, 2025

January February 2025 Snake Oil/Good Vibrations

 January February 2025 Snake Oil 

Good Vibrations


We all inevitably go through losses of friendships, intimate relationships, co-workers, and sometimes family members. Losing connections at different points in our lives is a right of passage and while modern terms like “getting ghosted” are creative in their expression separations are not a new phenomenon. We also just for different reasons, and without any specific drama or seeming betrayals, simply drift apart. There are times when these experiences are fairly easy to understand, even if they are still a bit sad. Changing schools, leaving jobs, and moves to new locations make practical sense. Often when we ideally wish to stay connected, no matter how much we may like or even love the ones you are leaving behind, the plan to stay close friends and always be connected doesn’t always work out. Being nearby in a neighborhood, meeting in the break room at work, going to the same school, gym, and similar situations tend to make contact consistent and easier to maintain. Yet when inevitable life changes happen, like getting a new job, new homes, or any other life shifts, this also requires the need to put energy into making new connections in the new locales. This is both natural and can take away time from old friendships. Sometimes the experiences and separations from people we care about end in uncomfortable or even explosive ways, and leave us stinging in pain. These types of losses can be harder and often take longer to recover from.

There are significant and at times painful changes we experience from time to time in life. In some cases we can feel devastated. A deep loving intimate relationship can sour if one partner cheats on another, becomes abusive, or offers little explanation as to why they choose to distance themselves and walks away from us. Close friends marry and have children and no longer have time for us. In the reverse we may begin to raise a family and our exciting unattached single friends may become intolerant and lack understanding of our new priorities, responsibilities, and lack of time. New partners can be jealous or uncomfortable with the old connections from our previous life and may subtly or coercively discourage perceived past friends and family as “bad” influences, and prefer you lose the connection. In extreme cases it can be “it’s me or her/him,” and possibly even the coercion of a choice. People we once enjoyed hanging out with may become perpetual victims or simply just bummers to be around. Few of us have not experienced the puzzling departure of someone we once cared about ghosting or disappearing from our lives without any explanation. This can often make our detective mind work diligently to attempt to figure out what went wrong, and frequently be a hurtful blow to our ego’s. 


I have been a part of many different groups of friendships in my life. Being “popular” for the most part, was never something I struggled with. I have managed in my lifetime to be both the responsible friend and also somehow pulled off being one of the fun one in most of my social groups. This is a seeming contradiction but not odd for those who understand astrology (I have Saturn in Aquarius in my eleventh house and other aspects that bring a fair amount of affability to my personality). Many of my past social groups were connected to different restaurants I worked in. Those environments made friendship connections easy to find. Sometimes when I found a better job, I even brought the hard working, cool ones with me to the new job! Still, most of the time when I changed jobs or locations as much as we wanted to stay forever friends, this did not pan out. A few years ago I was part of a group of metaphysical friends for about three years. While many people in a number of parts of the world were panicking and hiding in their homes during the Covid fear times, we met up drank coffee, had meals and hung out without the suggested fear based theatrics. In some respects they were like family to me. This timed almost perfectly to when I lost actual blood family to their move to another state. Another close friend who became family years before all of this, that I used to think of as my brother from another mother, went fear crazy during that time, something I refused to participate in. Both he and his even more fearful wife “bought” every thing the main stream media sold, so they tossed me aside. My new metaphysical family was a perfect timed replacement for a number of years. Still, for a number of different reasons, we inevitably drifted apart. I still have fond memories of that time, but in the end, fortunately without any real explosions, we just separated and stopped meeting up.

In my younger years as I embraced the study of metaphysics, extremely religious (fire and brimstone stuff) and right wing people became uncomfortable for me to be around. In the last decade or so I began to feel the same way about those who are theatrically on the far left politically as well. The philosophies and perspectives about how we differ in our views about life, just became too charged up and we just lacked needed common ground. I still have many great connections with people who are Christian though. Moderate ones who are usually a bit metaphysical, even new agey people; the ones who have what I see as that sweet spot, and this works for me.

I recently connected with a new potential friend who told me early on that he was proudly an Atheist. I have had lots of Agnostics as friends (people who aren’t sure or even had some doubt about whether there is a larger force behind the order of things) and they are still a workable match for me. I have never needed everyone around me to think the same way, or be educated in metaphysics. I like a certain amount of diversity, different ages, races, back rounds, sexual orientations etc... Diversity keeps me on my toes and makes life interesting. The problem with my new Atheist friend was not only a lack similar philosophical perspectives but he was also antagonistic in some respects about our different perspectives. He doesn’t “believe in Astrology.” This, to me means he has never looked at or studied it in any real way. From my perspective this is like not believing in gravity. I had to consider the wisdom of being close to someone that does not value what I do for a living. When I mentioned that I smoked cigars on occasion I was treated to a heated lecture about how I was inviting throat and mouth cancer. He suggested we could still be friends but the solution was “we could hang out but I could never do that around him.” He inevitably ghosted me and probably decided I wasn’t his “cup of tea.” Oh, the gift of being mature and wise enough to see being ghosted by someone in many cases is a gift. I got to avoid the gentle confrontation telling him that we weren’t a good fit.

The simple truth is we all move through a process of becoming more discriminating with age and experience. We are tested by others, and this helps us fine-tune both ourselves and our relationships and friendships. I stopped hanging out with people who drink too much alcohol and became combative or reckless many years ago. I stopped going to restaurants with friends who don’t know how to tip or are condescending to staff. I found myself moving away from a few people who gossip too much, or complain obsessively. I inevitably learned to stay away from overly sensitive people that don’t appreciate my humor, including minimizing the time I spend with a few humorless family members. These were all aspects of people I was far more tolerant of in my younger years. Now I feel like everyone should be free to do what they enjoy, believe what they believe, and to be exactly who they are, but it doesn’t need to be around me!
While some of us will find ourselves wanting new groups of friends and expanding our social circles, especially those that married and had children early and missed out on the fun of many friends and being part of group association, some of us prefer moving in the other direction. The older I get, the more I want a smaller circle of friends. This makes sense to me. I have been very social for many decades, and its not that I don’t enjoy group activities occasionally, but I feel no sense of deprivation about being by myself. I like me. I enjoy times of being alone. I like to think I have settled into a healthy place of balance with a bit of both experiences leaning toward a little more happy solitude.

If we are willing to step away from the emotional side of losing friendship, lovers, even family, we can still appreciate the good times in the past no matter how long or short their duration in time was. We can get a clearer picture of why things may have had to end and realize there are no mistakes in the universe. Not every friendship or relationship is for life. We outgrown some people, and priorities change. Rather than a prolonged focus on the sadness of perceived rejection we can see it (even if it ended harshly) as having run its course. Sometimes a destructive ending can be a necessity. As much as I love diversity among friends, sometimes the vibrational matches become just too far apart. Continuing close connections with people too far apart in mutual perspectives just won’t work anymore for my comfort and theirs. I was able to put up with a lot more nonsense in my younger years. I am more discriminating now in what fits into my social circles, and my intimate one on one partnerships as well. One of the best aspects of getting older and wiser is that now I simply prefer to surround myself with good vibrations.



2024 and the holiday season has come to an end. I was indulgent as usual for most of December but far less than normal. It was a lot of fun, but I am happy to get back to normal life again. We get a whole month or so before the next round of seemingly endless next holidays ahead with Valentines Day and Easter next. Still these are far more mellow than the intensity of the end of the year holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years; plus with the added roller coaster this past year of the last election in early November, it was extra exhausting to say the least!
I have been posting a lot of cool information about the numerology of the new year, astrology, and even some of the reoccurring patterns I am seeing as I get my usual heavy requests in January for “New Year readings.” You can find many of these videos, reels, and posts on Instagram, Tik Tok, FaceBook, and YouTube. Information about how to access these posts can be found at the end of this newsletter and the New Year YouTube video can be accessed at J Ventura Snake Oil on that site. The short version is: Universal Nine year in Numerology, Wood Snake Year in Chinese astrology, and one of the “biggies” in western astrology is Pluto’s move into Aquarius for the next twenty years. The Nine year has themes connected with completion and finishing up previous projects. A personal example of this is after almost fifteen years of doing my radio show, Blog Talk Radio closed its “doors” for good.  A bit of a sad ending for me, but it also felt like it was supposed to come to an end. With my other projects expanding, it was in alignment to let that go.

It is still not too late to request you New Year reading. Info about this empowering session that's all about getting a feel for your upcoming year is in this newsletter. I would note that there has been a very slight increase in my rates for 2025, although this is just a $5 increase. Clients currently in my Regular Client program will see no increase in their rates as long as they stay committed to the program (quarterly, monthly and every other month options for sessions). If you have fallen short in consistent check-ins with your participation in this program for any reason contact me to get back into the many benefits of re-committing to the program. If you have not yet done so and are interested in joining the program also just email and ask about it.

This Autumn and early winter was a time where I had a number of resort bookings and home or office party events. It seems the world is opening up a bit more socially again. Information about how you can book a home or office party with mini readings are in this newsletter. An added perk is I can do those events virtually by phone, Face-Time and Zoom now as well! This opens up the possibility of having one of these events if you are not local to Arizona. They are a big hit when added to any event and bookings can be as short as 90 minutes and up to five hours.
Wishing everyone a prosperous, happy New Year ahead. Cheers, Jim V

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one” Brad Paisley

  Home and Special Event Parties


I am available to do private parties (Phoenix and surrounding cities) with “mini readings” for your guests. Parties can be booked with either 10- 15 minute or 30 minute session blocks. Many of the different oracles I work with can be chosen for your specific event.

If you are interested in hiring me to do a party, let me know and I can check on availability options. There are a number of formats for setting up parties and here is some basic information. Please don’t hesitate to ask of you have any questions about booking parties.

The current most popular option is mini Numerology and Astrology readings with the choice of one of three oracle cards: Tarot, Angel Cards, or Druid animal cards. Specific oracles that I work with may also be requested.

The parties are a fun way to enable family and friends to become more comfortable with the benefits of oracle readings. I have done many of these parties in the past and they are truly memorable events for all of the guests.

Minimum and maximum numbers of readings/hours are required to book an at home or office party that I physically have to travel to. A minimum of 3 hour bookings with a maximum of 5 hours, 2 and a half hour minimum for locations within 15 miles of my home. $50.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a party date.

You can either book me for the $100 an hour rate for your party or event (so your guests don’t have to cover any costs) or guests can cover their own costs for readings. Both options work very well, although I still prefer that the host collects all of the payments from guests for their readings with second option to make things move along more efficiently. 30 minute readings are also a very popular option. Shorter 5-10 minute sessions for each guest are another option for really large events.

Parties can now be virtual! Props for the modern age with phone sessions, Face-time and Zoom options for anyone out of area. This option gives an added benefit for any type of party or event, like showers, birthday parties, and just getting together for friends and family. The format is the same but virtual parties have the added benefit of only having a 90 minute minimum booking and can be as long as three hours.

Contact me for more information to set up either an in-person event or virtual one at

“You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you.” Eckhart Tolle

New Client Special 2025:


January 1st 2025 thru November16th, 2025 Special: New Client introductory offer:
$5-15 off listed rates! A $5 discount off of all 45 minute sessions. Both 70, or 90 minute session can take a $10 discount. Debit and credit card payments accepted for all 45, 70, and 90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can choose an extra $5 off the current rates for cash or check payments for sessions! Pricing is at the end of this newsletter or just request a session and availability calendar. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session you can also take advantage of these rates and use the above discounts! 

“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” Michael Altshuler

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channeler's in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.

“...Many people want to change the world for the better, but the ideal seems so awe inspiring that they think they can make no headway unless they perform some great act of daring or heroism, or envision themselves in some political or religious place of power, or promote an uprising or revolution. The ideal seems so remote and unreachable that again, sometimes any means, however reprehensible, eventually can seem justified. To change the world for the better, you must begin by changing your own life. There is no other way.

You begin by accepting your own worth as a part of the universe, and by granting  every other being that same recognition. You begin by honoring life in all forms. You begin by changing your thoughts toward your contemporaries, your country, your family, and your working companions. If the ideal of loving your neighbor like yourself seems remote, you will at least absolutely refrain from killing your neighbor-and your neighbor is any other person on the face of the planet.

You cannot love your neighbor, in fact, until you love yourself, and if you believe that it is wrong to love yourself, then you are indeed unable to love anyone else...”

Jane Roberts The Individual and nature of Mass Events.

The Shape of your Year ahead


I recently posted my new YouTube video about the Numerology Universal year along with notable astrological influences for 2025. I also added a quick look at what to expect in the upcoming Year of the Wood Snake in Chinese Astrology.
These are the general vibes and the stuff that we all participate in as a collective for the year ahead. Another more personal perspective is to book one of the most beneficial (and popular) session requests I get is to look at YOUR personal year ahead. 

There are many different options to gain insight and helpful Navigational assistance:
A detailed look at your Astrology chart and upcoming transits.
There is also a combination session with a look at your personal Numerology, and the option of choosing a few or all of the oracles listed below for a look at the personal influences and guides for your year ahead:

Your Druid animal totem (what spirit animal may act as your power animal)
Viking Rune stone (The is something I actually do myself every year for what is the “Right Action” to focus on)
Tarot Archetype - What is your personal archetype from the twenty two Major Arcana from the Fool (0) through the World (21) card.
Lakota Indian Guide message (What will nature be whispering in your year ahead)
Angel card message (what do your guides and angels want you to be aware of in your year ahead).
Color Cubes (what is the best color vibration for you this year).

Every year I also benefit from gaining knowledge by noting similar patterns and cards among my clients. Sometimes we see multiple unique influences, and other times there are very notable similar themes that create a notably clear with each unique oracle used during the sessions.
Sessions can be in office (Phoenix) or by phone, Face-Time, or even Zoom.
Sessions can be 45 minute, 70, or 90 minutes.
You can message me for availability and pricing, or the most efficient option is via Email at Gift sessions may be purchased for friends and family as a new year gift!
Wishing everyone a great New Year ahead. Cheers, Jim V

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (BEST method for contact).
text only: (602) 349-0746 Phone calls: (602) 957-3035

Information about the different sessions and types of readings, classes and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website:

“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.

I also have a few other media channels other than Face-Book:

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (approximately once a month 6-12 minute videos) at J Ventura Snake Oil.
Instagram at Venturawords ( Astrology updates and other insight on short 90 second reels)
 Tik Tok (animalspeaks) where I do short but powerful 2-6 minute videos about how to use animal totems and spirit animals!

All personal sessions/readings for 2025 are: Full session (70 minutes) $125.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $150.00 Mini phone session 15-20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 prepaid sessions also brings sizable discounts. Some examples; 3 prepaid 45 minute monthly sessions is $155 total or about $52 a session. 3 prepaid quarterly 70 minute session are $245 or about $82 a session.

Chinese New Year Jan 29th. Year of Wood Snake!

Thursday, November 14, 2024

November December 2024 Snake Oil/Exciting Inspiration or a Hard Push?

 Snake Oil/Exciting Inspiration or a Hard Push?


While we do set up certain plans for a lifetime before birth, to a large extent life is about making choices. It is a major component of exploration connected to being alive in a body in the physical world. Fortunately even questionable or limited choices will inevitably help us to grow. This is because we can both learn from those choices and potentially redirect ourselves back to more positive options. Yet, there are times when we may also get caught up in extreme fear, stubborn patterns, and extremely poor choices that are likely to pull us off our greater life plan and move us further away from our life purpose. Because of this, there are times when our Higher Self, Essence, God force, Angels, Spirit Guides, or whatever you choose to call this wiser part of ourselves, will inspire us with a new direction. Typically there are five stages to how this process operates:

Stage one is either excitement and enthusiasm about new possibilities, or we may  just begin to not feel joy anymore in connection to something we have been doing for some time. These gentle nudges can manifest as seeing someone doing something really cool or just looking happily fulfilled and we think “Wow, I would love to do or feel something like that!” We might even get inspiration from others suggesting “You know, you would be really good at that.” A nudge from our Higher Self could also be in the form of remembering a skill or talent that we were naturally good at in our younger years, or enjoyed and just never continued to pursue. Inspirational ideas may come from dreams, music, nature, movies, meditations, and many other wonderful avenues. Another possibility is we may just find ourselves notably unfulfilled in a career, relationship, location, friendship grouping, and other ways we have been spending our time. These types of feelings can act as catalysts to search out new, more positive paths.


If we ignore these types of prompts the next stage (2) after repeated attempts to motivate us from our Higher Self, will manifest as inconvenience. We may have a more than normal amount of appliance breakdowns, plumbing issues, car problems, mild body discomfort, feel depressed, parking tickets, unavailable friends, and all kinds of other reasonably gentle yet irritating pushes. Whether from a fear of change, misplaced loyalty, or just a tendency to cling to the comfort of what we know, we may still stay on a course that is no longer beneficial for us. After a while if we continue to stay stuck we will inevitably move to stage three. Stage three and four may be interchangeable and stage four may actually come first.

At stage three we begin to experience hard pushes. This can play out as car accidents, hurtful loss of friendships, or getting fired from a job. We may find ourselves in the path of brutal damaging weather, a cheating spouse, getting robbed or even minor but still uncomfortable ailments. Illnesses like colds, kidney stones, broken bones, or painful sprains are reminders that we need to reevaluate where energy is blocked up and to consider taking better care of ourselves. These and similar types of problems are now forcing us to look at the areas of our lives that are often connected with repressed emotion from childhood, chronic fear, suppressed anger, outdated beliefs, or outright denial of what is happening. Some people will still ignore these signals and feel victimized and relentlessly complain but do nothing, or search for things to bury or hide from the problems even further with drugs, alcohol, antidepressants, overeating, affairs, etc... and still refuse to face these longstanding hurts, limiting beliefs, and self sabotaging choices and actions.

Stage four is often major illness. When all outlets for change have been repeatedly ignored, the body will take the issue on. Things like cancer, pneumonia, damage to organs, hip surgery, HIV, leukemia, stroke, emphysema, hepatitis, etc... These are often extremely difficult stages. Fortunately if one seeks help either through western medicine, surgery, or holistic methods, often with the assistance of knowledgeable healers, there can be a way out. While some therapies may be more effective than others, whatever the form or type of therapy, we may find ourselves finally consciously or unconsciously facing the limitations and blocks. The desire to be happy and healthy again is a powerful way to assist the healing process, and may lead to a new lease on life and a possible renewed sense of purpose, or even a brand new road. After overcoming ordeals at these levels of intensity there can be the added benefit of finally learning how to “not sweat the small stuff,” precisely because we have dealt with really hard stuff! Forgiveness of self and others is paramount.

Now, not every minor, or major difficulty or catastrophe we experience is connected to something blocked. One example is In the case of childhood illness, often these are chosen at a higher self level to overcome, or to provide another level of life experience for a number of different reasons. We may choose these limitations for karmic reasons before birth. This type of bravery often becomes a bright light of strength for others to potentially learn from. Our adventurous souls will choose a few lifetimes of extremely difficult conditions for any number of unique reasons. But limitations like this are frequently balanced by other unique and notable talents. We also sometimes forget that there are hazards on the physical plane, and we will inevitably encounter a few, or a lot of difficulties in each life. Perceiving difficulty as some form of punishment is ludicrous, nothing could be further from the truth. We will all inevitably evolve either during one lifetime or through a series of them. In some lifetimes we will get caught and struggle to escape the grips of fear and continually resist the lessons of the first four stages, then stage five will become the path to a new start.


Stage five is chosen when all growth and change opportunities have been ignored and the result is death. Our Higher Self will decide that the life and the vehicle (the body) can no longer go on with such extreme limitations and plan an exit from the physical. There is NO judgment from our Higher Self or punishment for this in any way. There is no actual or permanent end to our spirit. Death is the process of moving from the physical back to the Otherworld where we originated from. What has not been worked out will be resolved in the spirit world or in another incarnation in the physical. We will be given the opportunity to try again. This is not in any way suggesting that death itself is somehow negative. All of us will, at some point exit our bodies during our lifetimes. This can be done joyfully with a sense of accomplishment for a life well lived. There can be a feeling of “this has been fun, even a really good experience, but I am tired and it’s time to go back home.” There are no wrong ways to live a lifetime. Even a life that is consumed with fear and challenges that are never faced and ideally released will still inevitably lead to growth and evolution. As always, the choice is ours.
Jim Ventura 10-2024




 This is the first time in many years that I have posted a new column during the holiday newsletter that is not specifically about Thanksgiving or Christmas!

There have been some major, hard to miss astrological events over the last two months. One that was probably most notable and impactful is Pluto’s move into Aquarius. Pluto will stay in Aquarius for about nineteen years beginning on November 19th of 2024, and there are some big changes ahead for society and most of us personally. Pluto sits in a sign for between sixteen to nineteen years and it not only impacts society but it is the transformer of a house or two of life for each of us that gets more specific in our Natal chart. Pluto has finally moved out of Capricorn where it did not sit comfortably for the past sixteen years. Both the housing crisis, and banking challenges in 2008-2009, as well as Covid in 2020 were some of many very fear based elements in both society and for many personally that were connected to Pluto in Capricorn.  I have talked about some of this on my social media plat-forms (you can find info on those at the end of this newsletter) in more detail. I have, of course, been diving into it in more personal detail with current regular clients and with semi regular or even a few new clients in the last two months. Contact me if you want a detailed look at how this has been influencing you and will likely impact you in the coming years.

2025 is on the horizon. Winter is a natural time for a bit more contemplation and retreat. The holidays can bring into focus our relationship to our families and this may be a combination of wonderful or very challenging. I still like to humorously quote George Burns with “Happiness is a close knit family two thousand miles away.”

Some of my Regular Clients in my program (monthly, every other month and quarterly options at notably discounted rates and the added benefit of having access to my many years of acquired knowledge and also the new stuff I am always learning!) have happily either for their own reasons finished the program, or are still currently maintaining consistency. A number of my regulars have gotten busy or lost their way in keeping up with regular check-ins. I consider this similar to excitedly joining a gym or exercise program and starting off strong then not going at all after a few months. Most gyms love this BTW! The demands of life can pull us off course. I have also talked to many people over the years who showed interest in the program and never actually joined. We make New Year resolutions all of the time. Consider making a resolution to consistently work on your spiritual growth. Whether working with me, another wise teacher, or by prioritizing self study, this is never something anyone ever regrets. Information about this program later in my newsletter.
There will be a slight price increase in January of 2025 for sessions. This will not impact clients currently in my Regular Client Program. The current discounted  rates will stay the same.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday season! Cheers, Jim V

“December, being the last month of the year, cannot help but make us think of what is to come.” Fennel Hudson

November and December Gift certificates Special: $10-$75 off all sessions!
This offer is for New Clients and Returning Clients!


The holidays are approaching. Give a gift to someone you love that they will really appreciate: a reading/personal Navigational consultation with Jim Ventura. All sessions booked at this time AND all gift certificates purchased from November 16th, 2024 until December 31st, 2024 will be at a discounted rate for clients who are currently on my mailing list (receiving Snake Oil or following me on Face-Book, Instagram, or YouTube) and new first time clients can also take advantage of the special!

Special discounted rate:
$10.00 off my current listed prices for any 45, 70, or 90 minute sessions. You can also purchase up to 2 gift certificates (or decide to purchase a follow up session for yourself to use in the coming year after your initial gift session purchase) the second gift certificate or session will be $20 off my listed prices. If you purchase a third it will be $40 off that one! A maximum of three sessions or gift certificates may be purchased at this time at these rates. In-office cash or check payments can add an additional $5 off the total discounted price.

Price list for services are at the end of this newsletter and on my website. The gift certificates are good for one full year and can be used any time during the remainder of 2024 and all of 2025. If you want a printed gift certificate to give to a friend, I can either mail them to you or, if you prefer, mail them directly to the people who you want to receive them (snail mail or email). You may want to buy a gift certificate(s) either for friends, family or for yourself to be used anytime in 2025. Sessions can be in-office or by phone, Face-Time. or Zoom for out-of-area clients.

“If there is one thing I’ve learned over the eons, it’s that you can’t give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it.” Rick Riordon

Snake Oil Radio


Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcasts this period)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, November 21st at 3:30 p.m. Mountain (Phoenix) time. This 45-minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to chat with other listeners in the chat room with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the website’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on iTunes and similar locations for podcasts.

There will also be a special interview show on December 12th at 3:30 pm with:
Join me for a live interview with Maribeth Decker.

Maribeth is an intuitive animal communicator, medical intuitive, and energy healer, and is the founder of, where People and Pets Heal and Connect. She works with pet guardians who dearly love their animals yet face tough issues. She uses her intuitive animal communication and energetic healing skills to address animals’ physical, emotional, and behavioral issues. 
Maribeth is especially gifted in helping pets and their people move gracefully through transitions - into the family, into a new family, or onto the next life.

Some of the topics we will discuss:
Introduction to Animal Communication
    •What is animal communication?
    •Basics of animal communication
Enjoying Your Animals' Senior Years
    •Peace in Passing: Comfort for Loving Humans During Animal Transitions
    •Strategies that help you navigate this time
Increasing the bond with your animals

To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: or on your phone. You may also access it by going to the site and typing “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments IF the show is offering that (please check, many of my column shows don’t).

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, or won. It is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.

From Caterpillar to Butterfly
“Early one morning, two caterpillars met while drinking dew from a leaf. One caterpillar was green with orange speckles. The other caterpillar was white with several long horns.
The green caterpillar said, ‘How are you?’
The white caterpillar said, ‘As well as can be expected in this world.’
‘Yes, it is difficult sometimes,’ agreed the green caterpillar.
‘Difficult-I would say!’ said the white caterpillar. ‘Life is terribly difficult. We crawl on our bellies all day. My aunts and uncles have bumps all over their bodies. My grandmother has not been doing well. No...she hasn’t. A bumpy, hard crust has started to form around her, and she just hangs on the branch and won’t talk to anybody.’
The green caterpillar responded, ‘My wife has been a real sting-worm lately. She stung me twice this week. But the worst problem is the isolation-the little cocoons. Everyone keeps wrapping themselves in lumpy, bumpy cocoons. They can’t talk to each other, they don’t go outside. They just hang there. So you think we will be the same way?’
‘I’m sure of it,’ replied the white caterpillar. ‘Everyone follows the same path.’
‘There must be a reason for it,’ said the green caterpillar.

A butterfly that had been listening to the conversation lit upon the leaf from which the two caterpillars were drinking. The butterfly said, ‘Your destiny is greater than you think. Yes, you must enter the cocoon. Life may be different from what you think you wish it to be, but from the cocoon you will emerge a new creature. I was once in a cocoon. I once struggled just as you struggle.’
The caterpillars looked at the butterfly with amazement, ‘But, are a winged creature.’
‘Yes, yes...I am a winged creature,’ said the butterfly, ‘but I once crawled just as you crawl. I once grew old, isolated myself, and wrapped myself in a cocoon and died. Then I came forth a new creature, resplendent and beautiful.’


The butterfly’s words gave the caterpillar hope, and they left rejoicing, for they believed they had a far greater destiny than they had perceived before.
You are like the caterpillars. Your families are like the caterpillar’s families. You and your families encounter many difficult and trying times. You isolate yourselves and wrap yourselves up in cocoons, engrossing yourselves in your lives. This creates trials and tests that bring spiritual development. From life you will expand to a greater destiny. You will become a divine being of light. Entering into your cocoon and aged worm, you will come forth a new creation-a butterfly of divine grace.
Families provide the challenges that assist the spirit in allowing this ultimate development.”
The Eternals spirit Speaks Magazine 1991

Regular Client Program 


My Regular clients enjoy working with the many different types of oracles I work with for enlightenment. But a good portion of them work with me in the form of an enlightened counselor, and life coach. Discussing what you are going through or working on at each time is definitely healing but also allows added insight from my many years of navigational consultations and the wisdom of working with a very old soul! 

One of the best programs I have been doing for 24 years now is my Regular client program. The program is designed to benefit my clients at multiple levels. Clients who enroll in the program come in every three months for personal sessions (monthly, or every other month sessions are also an option). This can also be done for out-of-area clients by phone. Session prices are discounted for Regular clients. The focus of the program is on consistent work in developing your intuitive abilities, learning how to navigate more effectively through life by using the signs and signals that are all around us, and conquering fear-based programming permanently. We also get to work with all the many different oracles I currently work with! My Regular client program has resulted in some tremendous spiritual evolution for hundreds of people over the years. Some of my Regulars have gone on to do spiritual counseling, or similar types of work and some are healing and guiding others personally and professionally. The progress I have seen over the years among the majority of my Regular clients has been phenomenal. It is wonderful to see the spiritual, physical, and emotional progress I have assisted in motivating. So many of my Regular clients have dramatically changed the way they now view life and are enjoying a more enlightened point of view. You too can join this program as well, just ask.

More about the Regular Client Program... This program was designed to create an easy, cost effective way for my clients to progress in their spiritual development.
When we are consistent at attending to our body/mind/spirit, we naturally move through life with more harmony and greater joy. When our spiritual awareness is heightened and fine tuned we are often happier which helps us to enjoy all aspects of our lives, including occasional personal challenges because we see them as inevitably beneficial. We can truly assist the people around us. Human beings learn by example. Your intimate partnerships, friendships, family, and children benefit when you are in a good space.

The Regular Client Program makes it easier to prioritize keeping your spiritual, emotional and even physical “garden” free of weeds. In China, the professional soothsayer is a reverent and dignified calling.  It does not attract the sort of suspicion it does in the western world. In fact, in most eastern cultures, seeing an oracle reader is a sign of wisdom, success, and prestige. If you have an interest in increasing these attributes and working with a highly skilled navigational consultant then the Regular Client Program may be right for you.

“You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic.” Alice in Wonderland

“Don’t go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (BEST method for contact).
text only: (602) 349-0746 Phone calls: (602) 957-3035

Information about the different sessions and types of readings, classes and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website:

“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.

I have a few other media channels other than my monthly radio shows and Face-Book:

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (approximately once a month 6-12 minute videos) at J Ventura Snake Oil.
Instagram at Venturawords ( Astrology updates and other insight on short 90 second reels)
 Tik Tok (animalspeaks) where I do short but powerful 2-6 minute videos about how to use animal totems and spirit animals!

All personal sessions/readings for 2023 and 2024 are: Full (70 minutes) $120.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $145.00 (Two people can split an extended session back to back for $150.00 total although no other discounts will apply). Mini phone session 20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 prepaid sessions also brings sizable discounts. Some examples; 3 prepaid 45 minute monthly sessions is $155 total or about $52 a session. 3 prepaid quarterly 70 minute session are $245 or about $82 a session.


Monday, September 2, 2024

September October 2024 Snake Oil/Closer to the Heart

Closer to the Heart


One of my fondest memories of my early twenties was attending many different rock concerts. I saw amazing groups like Yes, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, The Moody Blues, The Fixx, and so many other notable bands. My friends and I would bring our concert paraphernalia and just hang out and listen to incredible live music with other fans. I have been blessed to have wonderful memories of many, many good times associated with music. One of my favorite bands was Rush. To this day, they still are making great music, although it has been about twenty eight years since I attended my last Rush concert. During every concert they always inevitably sang one of their most profound and touching songs called “Closer To The Heart.” It was always the same pattern in every concert. When the first few chords of the song began everyone would stand up and quietly light their lighters and raise them in the air. Each individual flame creating a sea of light. It might sound silly if you have never experienced something like this, but it was always a powerful event and an emotional wave that lit up the room in a really touching way. There were no arguments or disagreements about what this song meant. Everyone there was connected, each in their own way and feeling the same universal hope of “building a new reality that was closer to the heart.”

2016 is over and few of us would argue that it was an extremely difficult year. I actually personally had a fairly good year, but I helped a lot of people who experienced some really difficult tests that challenged them. The tragic news stories, losses of major celebrities, artists, and musicians were far too frequent. The terrorist activities here in America and abroad were brutal. There was a period in the early summer where there seemed to be weekly stories that were incomprehensible. One of my friends at my gym who is just a few years older than me wisely remarked that he felt bad for young people today because they were “sadly becoming used to this stuff.”  They would never know a time when tragedies and terrorist attacks weren’t a normal thing. The elections were relentlessly mud-sliding, fake news stories were everywhere, attacks on men and women of color, and the slaying of police officers were some of the darkest stuff I have ever seen so far in my lifetime. Not only were the candidates at times smearing each other, but the memes I saw on Face-Book from friends on either side were at times incredibly uncomfortable to look at. I never unfriended anyone, but I did have to temporarily mute a few people who were posting things that were quite ugly. It is one thing to disagree and express a point of view and another to viciously attack people who disagree. The election was fascinating to follow. It was unlike anything we have ever seen before. It was uncomfortable to watch and hard to turn completely away from at the same time.

I often heard during the year that a high percentage of Americans’ feel things are going in the “wrong direction.” There might be some truth in this belief. Stagnant wages, corrupt politicians, and the shrinking of the middle class are among a host of difficult areas that are hard to deny. Yet, we sometimes seem to overlook how far we have come in the last three decades when it comes to human rights. When I was a young man interracial dating was often extremely frowned upon. Mixed couples (it almost seems silly saying those words now) were frequently taunted, disowned, and treated horribly. Woman still had all kinds of nonsense to deal with; a list too long to list here. Racial, sexual, and religious bias were still at levels that young people today could not comprehend. Now more people can comfortably admit they are spiritual without being labeled “new age nut-jobs.” While Christianity in its many forms is still practiced by far by the largest percentage of Americans, other religious affiliations are able to be more comfortable expressing themselves, including Atheists and Agnostics without scorn. Gay and lesbian couples no longer have to hide in the closet. They legally marry, have children and live far more comfortably in comparison to even a decade ago. We recycle things, are becoming more aware of eating healthier, have amazing technological breakthroughs that make a lot of aspects of our lives far easier. Advances in western medicine and healthcare have moved forward. Prosthetics have given people mobility. Alternative medicine and healing have become actual options for people. Inequity still clearly exists. We are far from where we ideally should be, but we have taken great strides forward. To not acknowledge this notable progress is purposeful blindness.

With all of these amazing changes and forward movement over the years one has to wonder why are we currently experiencing such an obvious darker backlash in human rights? While all kinds of people have been able to come out of the closet and be themselves we also see a lot more negative people and troll-like commentaries as well. A rise in the Alt-Right movement (a modern name for white supremacist groups) and some equally extremist groups on the very far left as well, are sadly on the rise. The challenging of woman's rights again, arguments over the use of the “right bathroom” and name calling of epic proportions are hard to comprehend. I have seen people I call friends on Face-Book post some surprisingly ugly things. One side calling liberals things like “Libtards.” The other side calling anyone who disagrees “racists” and “hillbillies.” Comments on articles and posts are some of the meanest, ugliest things I have ever seen. Hate crimes toward Jewish people, Muslims, immigrants, and transgendered people are on the rise. We seem to be moving backwards and almost getting uglier in some respects. The beautiful  progressive hope of people coming together and moving closer to the heart truly seems to be a pipe dream.

I was very, very young in the early to mid seventies, but just old enough to remember the sharp divisions between Republicans and Democrats. The country was very divided. The contrast of the hippie, peace, and love movement against an extremely conservative movement were often in an angry battle with who was “right.” It feels like a somewhat similar pattern to that time again. I suspect we will see very similar themes played out again. One of the most common of the seven fears, or Chief Negative Features in human beings is stubbornness or a fear of change. Its positive expression is determination. Its negative expression is obstinacy. A lot of people with stubbornness are yelling loudly at this time. Many people are getting meaner. Fear is increasing on both sides, the left and the right. It can be extremely difficult to maneuver comfortably during cycles like this. It has felt very uncomfortable energetically for most of 2016. It may not be easy to do, but seeing the larger picture can be of value. This discomfort may actually be part of the healing process. Sometimes forward movement in society may include a temporary dark move backwards before we take great strides forward again. The current volatile energy is actually a response to how far we have moved forward. The confusion and fear of a changing evolving society has scared many people and triggered some “fighting back.”

The movement away from a focus on the heart is noticeable in other ways. I see so many people in unhappy marriages, clinging to jobs that they don’t find rewarding, but “pay the bills.” Large numbers of people struggle with commitments to family that they don’t find fulfilling or truly rewarding. Many people use alcohol, antidepressants, and a wide assortment of drugs to help block the pain of a lack of joy in their lives. It is no surprise that we have an epidemic of drug addiction in many states. Potentially life destroying abuses of pharmaceutical drugs, heroin, and meth are ways of coping with lives that are unfulfilling and not heart centered. Self-destruction, another of the seven fears is actually a fear of a loss of control.

A few weeks ago a Middle Eastern deli/bakery was the target of vandalism here in Phoenix. Rocks were thrown though the store front windows and graffiti saying hateful things desecrated the building. This is a family run business that has been in the valley for over forty years. A beautiful coming together of people created a go-fund me page on Face-Book to help with the repairs. Quite a bit of money was raised. Now even more people are patronizing the deli than ever. People came together to do the right thing. People figuratively raised their “lighters” high in the air. They acted from a place that was closer to the heart. This is one of many current examples of good that can arise from ugliness. We will thankfully see even more of this in the coming years. Good things are peeking through, but it is likely to be a rocky road ahead. Maybe if more people stop identifying with only being a Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc... and see themselves as all part of the human race we could change the focus. The truth is clinging to only a left or right position is myopic. The majority of us have areas where we are somewhat liberal and somewhat conservative. It also suggests a lack of self awareness to not recognize and honor that there are other people who may feel or believe differently than us. Moving forward to a heart centered place needs to be more than just a political issue. Yes, sometimes we need to stand up against oppression and to challenge what is ugly in this world. This is one significant way we contribute to changing the world for the better. Still, it is important to be decent and kind in our day to day lives, to become more heart centered, and release more of our bias. The most powerful element of societal transformation and growth are small every day positive, thoughtful deeds of ordinary people will contribute to building a new reality that is closer to the heart.
Jim Ventura 12-2016

link to the song Closer to the Heart:



This painfully long summer seems to be finally coming to its end. The usual media adds for pumpkin spice everything that used to annoy me, are now stirring some potential joy as I look forward to the Autumn season ahead. It was not a pleasant summer by any means. We had a very warm June, July as well as most of August that had above average temperatures just about every day and night. I like to remind myself and my clients often that “As we are tested we fund the power to avert blockage and defeat. At the same time we develop in ourselves an aversion to the conduct that creates stress in our lives.” Quote from the book of Runes - Defense, Avertive Powers, Yew Tree. Another notable connected quote is “Our resistance to what is causes all of our suffering.” I was able to travel out of Phoenix a few times this summer, but my plan for next summer is that I will at least double that time away from the heat. A number of conditions have made it a more accessible dream, and it is time for a change. The irritation of excessive heat, and too many people here in the summers is helping to make my creative manifesting process even more willfully directed toward accomplishing this goal! I will create the financial means and other aspects needed to do so. I can still work away from my home fortunately because so many of my sessions now are by phone already. 

This column originally ran in late 2016, early 2017, I made very few to any edits. At a practical level this was good but the fact that I didn’t have to make changes and the negatives are so similar, is where it gets to be a bummer. Sadly this election season is almost identical to the one at the time this was written; not very pleasant. The difference of opinions and perspectives while sometimes horribly opposite of how I view things, to me are less important than remembering everyone has a right to believe what they choose. And unless those perspectives are accompanied by actions that cause danger to me personally or to society, who cares what other people believe anyway? Sadly an update to when this column originally ran is one of the members of the group Rush passed in 2020, but his impact will be around for a very long time.

I had an almost six week period in the summer where I did very little writing. Motivation was truly lacking. I didn’t fight this though and get caught in nonsense, self doubt or worry and fear thoughts. I was working through some minor health issues (guessing many people with similar issues would have thought they were major) but I always trust they are there because of blocked energy and whatever is surfacing will always inevitably resolve. I used the holistic paths that I have been working with for decades now and really have mastered, in both trusting those methods will work and knowing the body can repair itself in almost all situations. I prioritized diet adjustments, rest, trigger point therapy, herbal means, vitamins, yoga moves, and most importantly getting to the emotional, energetic, and limiting beliefs that were creating the illness in the first place. The idea (belief) that an illness just jumps out and gets you randomly is no longer a part of my reality. At this time the situation is about ninety percent healed!

I have been continuing to build and post on my new site at There are lots of incredible freebies, navigational suggestions, metaphysical stories, and tips currently there and an added growing library of really amazing stuff for just for subscribers to the many added extra’s. One of these extra’s is that subscribers are able to have sessions at a very discounted rates (quarterly Regular Client rates) anytime they choose.

I also have been continuing to build my posts on my new Patreon site at Currently I have 40 stories for the upcoming book(s). The focus is a number of short memoir’s of childhood, and also my twenties thru fifties so far. Its often both insightful and humorous celebration of the many wonderful and sometimes bizarre friends I have met along the way. There are lots of freebies at the site and of course a growing library of really amazing extra stuff for subscribers who get to see stories that are not currently accessible anywhere else. Check either or both of the sites out.

If it has been awhile since you have had a personal session, remember that sessions can be in office or by phone, and as I have been told fairly often “incredibly helpful for navigating through whatever you are dealing with!” If you are currently on my newsletter mailing list, there is a $5-10 discount on all listed rates.
Happy start to the Fall season. Cheers, Jim V

“The beauty of fall is in its ability to make everything look like a fairy tale.” Unknown

Music is very spiritual, it has the power to bring people together.” Edgar Winter

New Client Special 2024


January 1st thru November 10th, 2024 Special:
$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45-minute session, 70, or 90-minute session! Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45, 70, and 90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. Even if you have seen me before If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session for a friend or family member you can also take advantage of these discounted rates!

“Fall: The weather just went from 90 to 55 like it saw a state trouper.” Unknown


Snake Oil Radio


Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcasts this period)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, September 19th at 3:30 p.m. Mountain (Phoenix) time. This 45-minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to chat with other listeners in the chat room with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the website’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on iTunes and similar locations for podcasts.

To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: or on your phone. You may also access it by going to the site and typing “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments IF the show is offering that (please check, many of my column shows don’t).

“Empathy is really the opposite of spiritual meanness. It’s the capacity to understand that every war is both won and lost. And that someone else’s pain is as meaningful as your own.” Barbara Kingsolver

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channeler's in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.

Doctors and healing
From Spirit Speaks magazine 1992

“In your society you have for many years placed strong emphasis on going to the doctor. Many if not most of you were born with the aid of medical personnel. As a result your minds hold a very strong belief that you need doctors in order to be alive and that you need doctors to promote your wellness. This is a very strong thought in the consciousness of your society, especially in your Western world.
As a result, often you need to go through the motions of going to the doctor or to some medical personnel in order to stimulate the healing and release. It may not be that what they do has any positive effect on your physical organism, but your belief that they can do something to help you creates the climate for healing. This is the reason why so very often in medical studies there is significant improvement with placebo groups, because they believe something is being done for them that is stimulating health, and therefore the mind promotes health.

So, even though theoretically you could breathe out any illness, and certainly we encourage you to utilize breath and to utilize full oxygenation of the being, we suggest that you use wisdom to recognize the whole complex mental set that you come from in your culture and that you therefore do not resist visiting medical personnel to stimulate the process of healing. Prescription drugs, for example, are directed to curing the symptoms, but the homeopathic practice is based on the philosophy of bringing the illness to a healing crisis so that the body’s own healing mechanisms can come into play. It is geared toward getting the body to heal itself, not just suppressing the symptoms.

The holistic practices you hear so much about today are not new. What we have here are some very basic thoughts about experiencing doubt. If enough people believe that there is more than enough of everything for everyone to have more than enough, there will be enough in abundance that any opposition on the part of the AMA to holistic healing can be healed. There are many ways to achieve the same goal, and there is no right and wrong in the universe.

The difference between the holistic community and the AMA come strictly from an outgrowth of the strong right/wrong thoughts, from the belief that here has to be ONE right way. The more you open your minds to believing that there is an infinity of ways to accomplish the same goal, the more you will find this gap between the holistic community and the traditional medical community closing up.” Seth
Intuitive and Oracle reading classes 2024

In-Office or by Phone Classes!


While I no longer host group classes in my home, some of my most popular classes are still available! Currently classes can be in-office, by phone, or through Face-Time.
You can take one introductory class or continue with a monthly class for up to six months for any of the classes offered. Each instructional class is 90 minutes. You may schedule a one on one class in office or by phone for yourself, or have a friend or family member join you and split the costs.

Single one person class: $55.00 or 3 classes prepaid $150.
2 people option: $70 for each class ($35.00 each) 3 classes prepaid $180 ($90.00 each).

Email me for more information (more expansive info about each class series) and my availability calendar to book your personal intuitive and oracle development classes. my email is

Current options:

1. Tarot Card Reading
2. Astrology-101, and advanced classes
3. Michael teachings
4. Past life Journeys
5. Intuitive development
6. Creating Prosperity
7. Viking Rune Stones
8. Healing with color
9. Understanding Shamanism
10. Reinventing yourself
11. How to use Animal totems for empowerment.
12. Channeling and automatic writing
13. Numerology
14. Remote viewing, astral projection, and working with your dream state
15. Angels and Spirit Guide. 

“Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” Unknown

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (BEST method for contact).
text only: (602) 349-0746 Phone calls: (602) 957-3035

Information about the different sessions and types of readings, classes and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website:

“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.

I have a few other media channels other than my monthly radio shows and Face-Book:

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (approximately once a month 6-12 minute videos) at J Ventura Snake Oil. 

Instagram at Venturawords ( Astrology updates and other insight on short 90 second reels)
 Tik Tok (animalspeaks) where I do short but powerful 2-6 minute videos about how to use animal totems and spirit animals!

All personal sessions/readings for 2024 are: Full (70 minutes) $120.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $145.00 (Two people can split an extended session back to back for $150.00 total although no other discounts will apply). Mini phone session 20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 prepaid sessions also brings sizable discounts. Some examples; 3 prepaid 45 minute monthly sessions is $155 total or about $52 a session. 3 prepaid quarterly 70 minute session are $245 or about $82 a session.