Saturday, August 27, 2022

September October 2022 Snake Oil/But It's Not Fair

 Snake Oil  But it’s Not Fair?

For years I have chatted with a boxer at my gym who always greets me with enthusiasm and jokes about me being “His favorite person to talk to!” He is a great guy, friendly to everyone and volunteers boxing coaching for many of the teens at the gym. After a few years of locker room chats he uncomfortably admitted to having a volatile relationship with his father. He is of Mexican heritage and he has many siblings, all sisters. Being the only boy his father was hard on him, even cruel at times, often telling him things like he “Was weak, ugly, and would never amount to anything.” Clearly a delightful man. Needless to say at age forty he was struggling to forgive his father. Not surprisingly he got caught up in gang stuff, drugs, and alcohol at a young age. Thankfully he is clean and sober, married and in a much better place although he struggles with being bipolar. I have talked to him a few times about the benefits of forgiveness for his own health and well being. He does earnestly listen and seems to appreciate my advice and suggestions.

Recently he approached me while while I was doing cardio on an exercise bike. He was frustrated because he was looking for work and had gone to an employment agency two days in a row. His frustrated story was more or less: “I go to this place on the west side and it’s full of thugs and messes in there trying to get jobs. When I talked to the guy who finds jobs he tells me that he has one for me actually. But because I was there a few months ago, but didn’t return the next day like he asked, there was a condition for me to get the available job. I had to come back this morning to actually get the job. Jeez, I already apologized, who does this guy think he is? Why make me jump through hoops? If I really didn’t need a job so badly I would have punched him in the face right then and there. But I begrudgingly went so now at least I start a new job on Monday. I am still really pissed. I can’t believe that jerk. If there is one good thing my dad taught me is to never let anyone disrespect you, right?

Rather than give him the expected buddy approval empathy and validate his suffering by diving into the pool of “he had a right to be mad nonsense,” I took a different approach. I asked him, “would you like a better suggestion?” He looked a little nervous and said “Yes, of course I value your opinion.” I told him life is not fair at times, but one can use this to one’s advantage rather than focusing on your perception of being mistreated. Consider a different approach, show up for the job fifteen minutes early on Monday. Make it clear that you will volunteer to stay later if they need you whenever you are able to do so for the first few months. Figuratively kiss your bosses ass a little if need be. Be an excellent eager to learn employee. Think of these acts less as weakness or subservience and more as strategy. The employment dude had to test you to see if you were reliable. Your apology was a good first step but not enough. You need to take more action in a positive way and not keep focusing on feeling mistreated. In time at your new job you may even get a raise and better hours. Liking the job and advancing is not definite by any means but far more likely if you play it the way I am suggesting. Focusing with a victim posture; that you were disrespected is the problem. And why in the world are you listening to your dad’s “never accept disrespect advice” still? For the most part your dad’s advice and commentary usually sucks, right?


He was wide eyed, amazed and clearly heard me. I had told him that yes there are times we should absolutely not put up with any form of abuse and not let anyone disrespect us, but in order to make gains in the world of working jobs some wise submission can be a smart move. There is a pecking order in the world. Whether or not we like it or not it still exists. I had so many roommates and friends in my teens and twenties that quit new jobs because they felt disrespected. I had a roommate in my mid twenties that came home after quitting his one week job because it was slow and the boss told him to clean and organize the storage closet. He quit because in his words “I am a line cook at the restaurant, how dare he ask me to do that? I told him to shove this job and walked out, no one disrespects me!” It took him two weeks to find a new job. He ended up a month behind on rent that I foolishly covered, but he had his self respect! What an idiot! I would have seen the “organize the storage room suggestion” as an opportunity. A chance to show him I was a team player and was mutable in my talents. Needless to say, most of the jobs that I had while I was a waiter or bartender started off with me thinking about what I could do to look good to the boss or the owner and to be seen as valuable. I played this type of strategy early on at a number of jobs and after six months to a year of working at restaurants, my fellow employees would often say things like “How come Jim gets off on Sundays? He can walk around and eat if he wants to and nobody says anything to him. How come he always gets the best stations and the good customers?” I often had bosses that stuffed extra cash in my pockets from time to time to show appreciation and to keep me working there.

In astrology the sixth house (of twelve houses and areas of life) correspond to how we handle work, health and healing, fixing and repairing, being productive, the practical details of life, and unequal relationships. Unequal relationships are a reality whether we like them or not, simply put: not everything is equal. Most jobs have a pecking order. I saw examples of this clearly in the restaurant business. As an example; the boss or owner was over everyone. The mangers took the next position. The Chef would come next. Hostesses often followed from there. They were the face of the restaurant and wielded the power of seating and greeting. This is why I always strategically would be extra cordial to the hostesses. They had the power to give me ”better customers.” I didn’t see it as a power struggle even when at times it occasionally was. Often the next in line were bartenders, then came waiters. The kitchen staff followed, then busboys, followed by the cleaning crew. Like it or not restaurants and most other aspects of life are not set up like a commune. If you got along with everyone you tended to thrive, not by focusing on the reality of the imbalance, but by accepting it. I never wanted a management position but I was offered them frequently. I preferred the position of coming and going without a ton of added responsibility, a plus to being a waiter in most places. Being reliable, excellent at my job, attractive, affable, and one who did not create problems and even went out of my way to solve them was typically the way I played it. More often than not that approach really paid off.

Life is full of unequal relationships. Often in retail service jobs you may have to put up with obnoxious customers and difficult bosses. In the medical world some head nurses and doctors can be difficult or controlling to the nurses and orderlies but within reason this is part of the game. Frequently better looking people get more opportunities, nepotism exists, and racial inequities abound. There are unfair challenges to overcome if you were born into poverty and advantages to being born into wealth. Life at times is in your favor and times it’s just not fair. There is the right of kings. Look at movies and stories about medieval placements in the positions of court, talk about unfair! There are wide ranges of how we choose to deal with any number of positions like family placements, benefits to being smarter, stronger, taller, likable, and even lucky. I chose fairly early on to get over this reality and accept some BS in life. It is simply a far wiser perspective to not resist WHAT IS or to learn from inequities. Sometimes one can maneuver oneself to an advantage because of it and even climb the ladder. No one should ever except extreme abuse by any means, and some jobs may just be too much imbalance to deal with. Still, a good portion of what we perceive as abuse or mistreatment may not actually be abuse. Sometimes we are fighting a war of projection or judgment that we can’t actually win. In many cases we are unconsciously drawing difficulties to us because it is a part of the human tendency to recreate unresolved conflicts that stem from our past and them play them out again.

I saw my buddy a few days later at the gym. He was all set to start his new job on Monday, but there was a change in plans. He had put in an application on his own weeks before to a valley internet and cable company. They wanted to hire him for a starting training position at $25 an hour versus the $17 an hour job he was just hired for. He wisely and graciously told the other place that he would have to turn down the job because he got a better offer. I patted him on the back and congratulated him. He proudly told me “Dude I am going to get there 20 minutes early on Monday. I am not going to react if I get uncomfortably bossed around as the new guy by some of the people I work with. I will ask if they need me to stay late. I will be eager and excited about learning. And like you said Jim, I will probably be at $30 an hour within a year or so!” Now you’re getting it my friend.
Jim Ventura 8-2022 




My favorite season of the year is here. I scattered a few great, positive quotes about the Fall throughout this newsletter. The beauty of Autumn and the vibe of winding down and letting go of some things is something I truly align with.
Halloween is on the horizon. I often get a number of party bookings in October. Most of those dried up during the Covid shutdown period and the limits sadly lingered for over two years. I actually did an event at the Phoenician (High end Scottsdale hotel) recently for a large convention group. A private party and event booking company now up and running again hired me (and seven other readers doing different things) to do mini Astrology sessions for about 7 minutes each for a four hour booking, two weekend nights in a row. I brought my I-pad air hooked up to the hotel’s wi-fi and pulled up a quick look at each guests solar astrology charts. The twenty and thirty something guests loved it. Parties like these are a great way to introduce people to astrology. 

Information about booking me for one of these types of events or simply at your home is in this newsletter. There are limited spots for October of course, but you can host an event like this anytime of year. And best of all for out of area clients, I also can do virtual parties via Face-time, Zoom, or just by phone!
There have been two new YouTube videos posted in the last three months. One is about having an out of body experience and another is about the totem of seeing Raccoons and what that means. You can find them in the YouTube search engine under “J Ventura Snake Oil.” Like and subscribe if you want notifications when a new video posts, typically about one each month. 

Myself included, and many of my Regular Clients have initiated or began new exciting projects as Jupiter moved in Aries a few months ago and expanded our urge to capitalize, and take action on the fire that make us unique. There have also been some delays that have been frustrating at times. Sometimes it is things in the world that are not personal, other times it may be some resistance inside of ourselves and limits to opening to abundance. One of the many things I prioritize when working with clients is learning how to be patient and to persevere. This can be a lifelong pursuit, but a truly winning and effective strategy. My Regular Client Program is valuable in so many ways. It is a commitment to keep working on your spiritual growth. Email me for information about joining this service. Happy start to Fall, Cheers, Jim V

“The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let the dead things go.” Unknown

New Client Special 2022 
January 1st thru November 10th, 2022 Special:


$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45, 70, and 90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session for a friend or family member you can also take advantage of these rates!

Channeled Corner. I have read many, many books from some of the best trance channeler in the 70s-2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material i have collected over the years:

“...Parents of young children frequently cry in exasperation that their young ones won’t listen, won’t pay attention, won’t follow orders. This is interpreted as evidence of willful disobedience, to be ruthlessly weeded out. It just goes in one ear and out the other.
Indeed, quite literally, the young child listens not to the words but to the breath on which they are delivered. It knows only firsthand reality, not the symbolic retreat of language. It literally lacks the neurological structure to retain a blast of oratory bombast and change accordingly. Men particularly, often the furthest divorced from the natural order and therefore utterly without a clue as to the nature of the young child’s mind, are fond of imparting paternal ‘lectures’ as a means of harnessing the young feet into the lockstep of adulthood.

The child learns not by words but by example. Again, it depends on its parents for its understanding of the nature of physical reality and the culture in which it was born. Nothing is hidden from the young child; they are the most telepathic creatures on earth. They know exactly what you are thinking, though you build a fortress of verbal mendacity around your intent. And the child imitates your INTENT, not the endless stream of verbiage you feed it.

If the parent treats others with instinctive kindness and warmth, the child learns that others are to be trusted and cherished, unless they prove otherwise. If the parent deals with everyone honestly, the child learns honesty. If the parent demonstrates respect for the child and other small creatures, the child learns to value all expressions of divinity, whatever their size.

We need not go on at length about this: you know quite well that the child learns by example, not lecture. We simply wish to emphasize again the importance of the parent in providing the framework through which the remainder of life will be expressed...” partial quote form Whatever Happened to Divine Grace by Jose Stevens

“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” Lauren Destefano

Home and office Special Event Parties


While parties can be booked anytime of year, Halloween is almost here. Weekend Halloween parties for the last two weeks of October tend to book up fairly quickly!
While I charge approximately $105 for hour private sessions my party rate is only $90 per hour. If you are interested in hiring me to do a party, let me know and I can check on availability options. There are a number of formats for setting up parties and here is some basic information. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions about booking parties.  

I am available to do private parties (Phoenix and surrounding cities) with “mini readings” for your guests. Parties can be booked with either 5-10-15 minute or even 30 minute session blocks. Many of the different oracles I work with can be chosen for your specific event.
The parties are a fun way to enable family and friends to become more comfortable with the benefits of oracle readings. I have done many of these parties in the past and they are truly memorable events for all of the guests.
Minimum and maximum numbers of readings/hours are required to book a party. Three hour booking is my minimum for having me come out to an event. I will cut the minimum booking to 2 and a half hours for events that are within a 15 mile range of my home. A $40.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold a party date. There is another option (ask about this option if interested) but most people prefer to book me for the $90 an hour rate for your party or event so your guests don’t have to cover any costs. 

I also can do parties virtually for events or home parties in the USA and Canada. These event sessions can be by phone, Face-time or even Zoom (I can receive Zoom call but you would have to set one up). Virtual sessions can be between two-four hour bookings. 

Two of the most popular combinations for either mini (5- 15 minute) readings or 30 minute sessions seems to be 1. A combination of Astrology and Numerology, with the added option of oracles like Tarot, Angel cards or Druid animal totems. 2. Another popular option is a glimpse into your guest’s Astrology charts. I bring my I-pad air with me and take a look at and explain some of the aspects of everyone at the events unique Astrological Solar chart!
During some of my past parties the host requested I use other oracles like Runes, Angel cards, or Lakota Indian cards, or Animal Totem cards instead of Tarot. The Tarot can be very detailed and sometimes guests may prefer something a little “lighter.” Check my website for more information about different oracles available. Email me or call to check for availability for booking your party or event.

“Of all the seasons, autumn offers the most to man and requires the least of him.” Hal Borland

Snake Oil Radio


Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcast this period)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, September 15th at 3:30 p.m. mountain (Phoenix) time. Usually one Thursday each month you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to chat with other listeners in the chat room with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into:  or on your phone. You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments if the show is offering that (please check, many of my column shows don’t).

“It’s the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves!” Winnie the Pooh

“Always the battle of the Spiritual Warrior is with the self. Funding a will through action, yet unattached to outcomes, remaining mindful that all you can really do is stay out of your own way and let the Will of Heaven flow through you-these are among the hallmarks of the Spiritual Warrior.” Tiewaz The Warrior Rune

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (best method for contact).
Phone calls: (602) 957-3035 text only: (602) 349-0746

Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://

“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.

I have a few other media channels other than my monthly radio shows and FaceBook:

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (approximately once a month 6-11 minute videos) at J Ventura Snake Oil. 

Instagram at Venturawords (mostly astrology updates) 

 Tik Tok (Animalspeaks) where I do short 3 minute videos about animal totems!

All personal sessions/readings for 2022-2023 are: Full (70 minutes) $115.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $140.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back $70.00 each, although no other discounts will apply). Mini phone session 20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 pre-paid sessions also brings sizable discounts. Some examples; 3 prepaid 45 minute monthly sessions is $150 total or $50 a session. 3 prepaid quarterly 70 minute session $240 or $80 a session.