May 2013 Snake Oil
Snake Oil
I’ll Play for You
I prioritized working on a specific theme with many of my Regular clients in 2012. It was to reconnect with the talents, abilities, and things you enjoyed doing, and often did naturally well when you were a child. I also joined in this quest with my clients. Even though I already do many of the things that I did as a child in my current profession, I knew there was more talents that I had consciously or unconsciously blocked. When I was a pre-teen and a teenager I enjoyed recording pretend radio shows on audio tapes, made mini books, wrote and drew comic books, showed notable skills at essay writing, and liked to both write and perform. I used my intuition to guide people, saw information in patterns, had sharp math skills, a strong voice, and loved to tell funny and transformative stories. Anyone who knows me can see that none of this is a far stretch from what I do now. Still, I knew that there was more I could uncover. Overall, my clients did well and reconnected with buried aspects of themselves that they could now prioritize and allow to be a part of their lives again. We all began to tap into recognizing our “true work.”* In my process, I uncovered another lost joy/skill that I was always really good at doing. I was frequently told I needed to let go of this part of myself by society, some of my school teachers, and a few of my family members in order to “appropriately grow up and accept responsibility.” Thankfully, I never did completely listen to them, yet I did begin to believe it was detrimental for me to use this part of me too often.
The specific piece I retrieved was a recognition that I was always really, really good at “playing.” When I was younger I was a fairly popular kid. I had a lot of friends, and often a number of people that would have liked to be my friend. Sure, I was a weird child to say the least, but I always had a knack for making just about any event, whether a positive or negative one, a really fun one! It didn’t matter if it was a major plan of something fun my friends and I were going to do, or if it was just injecting funny comments, and mildly crazy ideas into even the most innocuous moments, I could make it fun. I had a knack for turning almost anything into a silly entertaining experience, and friends responded with appreciation for my notable skills in this area. When I started working (this began early for me at 13 with my first paper route - “the Penny Saver”) I enjoyed the practical details of work and I strove to master my duties. Yet, people also enjoyed working with me because I made any job I did a little more fun.
Many of my friend’s parents were not as fond of my playful talents as their children were though. I was often looked at as a “weirdo” and I got similar responses from some of my siblings. There were times when they were even downright cruel about putting me down for my playfulness. The attacks weren’t frequent, but they left scars. Being told I was “off the wall,” and “played too much” contributed to my having doubts about my talents. At times in my life I even feared that they might be right in some ways. What was equally troubling was the lack of real support or encouragement from some of my siblings and my parents for my talents. Creating security and making money were valued far more than playful enjoyment of one’s tasks and using and mastering creative talents in my family. They put a heavier focus on being conservative both with work and money. I was told that “this was the right way to be.” My family was not unlike many families, I only got approval when I did it their way.
In America, we have duel and contradictory beliefs in the mass psyche about how playfulness is something that is suspect. Many people believe that if you play too much, you are lazy, childish, uncommitted, and not doing the hard work you are supposed to be doing. We fear that playfulness is a form of escape from responsibility, or a doorway into indulgence. We believe it is something that only children should do (some don’t even encourage children to do it). On the other hand, as a society we tend to not only glamorize people who play, but pay them really well for doing it! Successful musicians, singers, actors, performers, and professional athletes make their lucrative livings by playing and we adore and sometimes envy them for it.
When I play, I often get my best business ideas, columns, and receive metaphysical breakthrough’s in awareness while doing so! It isn’t the reason I play, it is something that often emerges from it. In addition, when I inject playfulness into almost any event I tend to really enjoy that event or chore even more. One of my clients recently asked me why I didn’t have a housekeeper clean my condo once a month? I could easily afford to do this, or even offer session trades for it, so her question made sense to me. My answer was that I really enjoy my cleaning days. I don’t want to give them up. I play great music, and enjoy the entire process of cleaning. I do the same thing with cooking and don’t eat out very often because I am a good cook and I simply enjoy cooking. When I am using an exercise bike at the gym I watch people and often think of funny things I could say about them. Fortunately, I am restrained enough not to do this. A lot of people would not appreciate or grasp my twisted humor. I also enjoy food shopping, and a million other mundane things. I simply know how to make all of them fun.
Play is intrinsically a vital part of effective reality creating. It is one of the primary tools in the seeding process of creating tangible events. Yet, not everything we fantasize about or games we play becomes a tangible reality in our world. Sometimes the games we play, the things we imagine are only brief games. We may tire of them, become bored, and naturally move on to new games. The imaginative play helps us to decide if it is something we want to prioritize experiencing. Play has other benefits as well. It draws us completely into the moment. We tend not to worry about yesterday or tomorrow while we play. When we are playful and happy we are healthier and tend to age better. We are internally youthful in spirit, feel more joy, and this physically benefits the body as well.
Like anything else we can overdo play. One of the reasons I didn’t keep video games in my home is because I would play them too often if they were here. I’ve learned from past experience that I can get a bit obsessive. Play is always good, but it can lead to avoidance of responsibilities, addiction, or excessive indulgence. If we become too heavy handed with playing we may become an “adrenaline junkie,” or make questionable ethical decisions in the process. Still, these negative aspects are not really because of the “dangers of playing too much,” but actually stem from internal fears that make us become excessive with play and use it like a drug to mask fears. Many of the people who play video games obsessively are actually fearful that they are inadequate in their abilities to work and be successful, so the excessive play is more of an addiction related to fear of self-worth, or other chief negative feature fears, like self-deprecation, greed, and stubbornness (any of the seven human fears can use excessive play in a negative way). A fear of lack (greed) is usually the motive behind adrenaline junkies. It took me some time to see it, but play itself is a purely positive thing, no matter what society believes. Play is something that I love and I am really good at it. When I recently reconnected with my desire to play more often without the artificial guilt I took on from other peoples negative beliefs, things started to improve in my life. I felt like I was in flow again. The things I playfully visualized coming my way began to come more easily and with more fun attached when they showed up!
I can see now that much of the antagonism I received and occasionally imagined I was receiving from some of my family, and the world around me during childhood were because they believed that what they were saying was true. My talents were incomprehensible to some of them so they couldn’t see my gifts as something useful. I hold no anger or resentment anymore about this issue. In their own way most of the antagonists thought that they were helping me. So I have playfully chosen to let my sense of injury go. We are born without fear and our natural inclinations and talents are part of who we are. Yet, we can lose our way in following and developing our inherent abilities when we are pushed by society to conform to its priorities and perceptions about what is “the right way to be.” My playfulness has led me into all kinds of incredible adventures in my life, great trips, fun sexual escapades, an endless stream of crazy experiences, fun stories about these adventures, and the ability to have created some pretty cool stuff in this life, with plans to do a lot more! My playfulness allows me to get paid to talk on radio shows, write columns, publish books, teach classes, interpret Astrology charts, Numerology charts, and read oracles for people. These are all things that I am really good at and I think are really fun. They are parts of my true work and my true play. I still get as excited by looking at a Tarot spread today as I did 27 years ago, when I read my first spread. I am going to play more now and in the future. I will make no more apologies internally or externally for who I am and what I am good at. Everyone can benefit from allowing themselves to play a little more. It may not be one of your primary talents, but we can all gain by allowing a bit more of it into our lives. We all have talents and abilities that we have buried or simply not pursued. I challenge each of my readers to find their unique true work and true play. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that they are actually one and the same.
*True Work, and True Play are discussed further in the Michael Teachings. Classes and instruction CD’s on these teachings are on the way...
Jim Ventura 4-2013
Editors note:
Astrology chart interpretations are an excellent way to see what your natural talents, abilities and Dharmic pattern (direction karma) is all about. I filmed a new YouTube video last month that’s all about Astrology. Click on the link below to view. To launch my new video I am offering a BIG discount on all Astrology sessions booked this month. More information about the special later at the end of this newsletter.
The same artist who filmed my Tarot video a few months ago did this one also. We filmed it last month and he edited and sent the final to me about 14 hours later (I am not sure if he actually sleeps lol). He is an incredibly talented artist in his own right (check out his videos on YouTube) and a skilled filmmaker. Right now I believe (check with him on this) he still only charges $35 an hour for shooting your video and editing. This gives his clients a chance to have professional videos made for usually a little over $100. Video for your business can be added to your websites and used to boost your marketing potential. Contact Apollo Poetry at Take advantage of getting him before he becomes understandably a lot more expensive and in demand!
Click on this link to see some of Apollo's work:
Snake Oil is growing! I am beginning to expand my newsletter each month with added columns by other authors (one a month for the next year) who are willing to share one of their blog posts. If you are a blog columnist and you would like to submit your article to me for consideration in a future Snake Oil contact me at for more information about how to do so. Submissions must be related to my newsletters general subject matter and focus. If I choose to run your piece, you will still retain all rights to it. You will also get to run a small ad in that newsletter for anything you would like to promote! Snake Oil currently reaches over 1000 subscribers each month and continues to grow.
This is the animal totem that most frequently was drawn last month for me (and was part of my prompt to write this months column) and many of my clients. See if the message may be for you in some respects...
“Otter invites us to play, to “go with the flow” of life and experience-to become a child again. Allow yourself the freedom and pleasure of relaxing and letting go of all your daily concerns. Otter could be prompting you to take a day or weekend out of your usual routine-to do something purely for fun. Your practical self may tell you you cannot afford the time, but deep down you know that you need to take care of yourself to be of real value to others. Someone may even be coming into your life who will show you how to play again-something you may have forgotten as you accepted the responsibilities of growing up. Otter shows us that being playful can even lead us to catch the salmon-the fish prized by the Druids as the totem of wisdom. Drawing this card also confirms in us the sense that we are truly protected.” Druid Animal Oracle - Carr-Gomm
You can get an even more personal, in depth look at your current animal totems in a session with me this month if you are feeling drawn to it. More information is available on my website
Jim V
“Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.” Marianne Williamson
Spring classes
VIKING RUNE STONES (only 2 spots remaining as of May 1st))
“The Runes will speak to you of change and growth. The only negativity you will find here relates to the blockage of appropriate growth, while all the positive aspects are transcendent, transforming and lead to breakthroughs...” Martin Rayner
This class will focus on understanding the meaning and rich symbolism behind the Viking Rune stones. The Runes are an easy-to-learn Oracle. Study of the Runes can rapidly increase your spiritual growth. Runes can be used as a navigational aid for correct conduct. The Runes are an easier to learn to read oracle than the Tarot, and they are very powerful tools to have available. We will also explore how to inexpensively create your own personal set of Runes. Saturday May 11th, 10 am - 12:30 pm. 8 students maximum (minimum of 4 to hold class). $20 pre-paid or $25 if space is available on day of class. Class will be held at my home in Phoenix. Contact me to reserve one of the spots in this class.
Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be three live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, May 2nd, at 3:30 p.m. (MST). Almost every Thursday you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. Halfway through some of the shows you can even ask me for a free 5 minute mini reading with your personal question. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
All you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: You may also access it by going to Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
Join me on May 9th for my interview show with Shelly Overton:
Shelley has studied and practiced astrology for 35+ years. Shelley uses her intuition in the astrological process to put together a comprehensive study of your chart and what planetary influences you have. Shelley does readings on her internet radio show every Wednesday from 5-6 pm Eastern. She also has a Sunday radio show with co-host Rochelle Howard. Together they discuss spiritual and metaphysical topics like developing your intuition, holistic diets and belief systems, to name a few. Shelley Overton lives in Orlando, Florida with her children. She is also an accomplished artist. You can reach Shelley through or for a reading.
Continuing with the 11 human rights (by Dick Sutphen) and of course with added comments by Jim Ventura
5. It is your right to use your own judgment as to the need priorities of yourself and others, if you decide to accept any responsibility for another’s problem.
“Ask your mate, children, parents, in-laws and friends what they feel your priorities should be and I am sure you will get many different answers. No one else can relate to your position and know what is best for you or what you should do. It is your value judgment as to what you will do with your time and in what order you choose to accomplish your tasks. It is also your right to choose whether or not to accept any responsibility for another’s problems.” D.Sutphen
Number 6 It is your right not to be subjected to negativity.
Negativity programs the computer portion of your brain, the subconscious. If your resistance or level of awareness is down, negativity can be contagious, and no one should be judged harshly for their unwillingness to remain in a negative environment.
For example, let’s assume your girlfriend has been crying on your shoulder about her marriage problems for the last year. Now she is separated, contemplating a divorce, and it looks like the situation could go on indefinitely.
You: “I understand that you are having a hard time, Donna, and hearing about it seems to affect me in a negative way. I am no longer willing to discuss your problems.”
Friend: “I don’t understand. You know the whole awful background and I’ve always leaned on you in crisis.”
You: “I realize that you have leaned on me in crisis and it affects me, too. I am no longer willing to be affected.”
Some of these 11 human rights may actually seem a bit harsh. This is because for many of us, we have subtle and not so subtle forms of manipulation that come from friends and family (guilt being the most common) that we often do to them as well. In striving to be more self-actualized, honesty can appear at times to be “mean.” Yet, in the case listed above, an honest decision on your part to not be subjected to negativity may actually be kind. Often other friends or family may be tired of this tirade of endless relationship complaints on Donna’s part and she may find people backing away and avoiding her. Telling her that you choose not to discuss this part of her life may even help her to realize that she may need to make some healthy changes in this area of her life. You can make a point that you are still her friend if you care about her.
Back in 2001 I was torturing friends with endless complaints (and scholarly compulsive analysis) about a dysfunctional relationship I was in. A good friend told me she chose not to discuss this relationship with me anymore because it was too negative. At first I was hurt, but then realized that she was a good friend and I was really becoming annoying! Looking back on it, I don’t know how my friends put up with me during those months!
“Courage is not the absence if fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602)957-3035 Email:
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials.
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices below.
All sessions/readings for 2013 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each).
I accept cash, checks, debit cards, Master Card, Visa, and PayPal for payments on sessions and for books and classes. Send me your birth month and year to get added to the yearly Birthday mailer promotion.
Enjoy my new video and a special offer for Snake Oil subscribers to celebrate its launch!
My second most requested session is the Astrological reading, which interprets your personal astrology and aids in self awareness. By looking beyond your Sun sign (the stuff the newspapers focus on) and exploring your Moon sign, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Ascendant, etc... you can begin to gain clarity about the focus; and primary themes, of your life. House placements, aspects, and elements will help you see your patterns in greater detail. Transits will show what areas of your life are currently highlighted, and pinpoint upcoming astrological triggers for the future. Relationships, career, money, friendships, spiritual growth, family, health... all interpreted for you so you don't have to do the work. You will need to know your birth time for this reading.
If you have already had your chart interpreted by me you can also:
Look at your current and upcoming transits to get a feel for opportunities and challenges that you are presently experiencing and the ones will surface in the next few months and years.
Relationship composite charts are a way to understand your unique relationships and the way couples relate to each other when we form that partnership. Relationship composites also show us how we connect as a couple and what benefits and challenges come from the relationship itself. Understanding relationship charts are an excellent way to improve your partnerships.
Solar return charts are a fun way to see what the primary themes of the coming year are.
Relocation charts will show what influences will come from moving to a new location and how the move shifts our Astrology chart in some ways.
To celebrate my newest video I am offering a May 2013 special (this offer is only for current Snake Oil subscribers)! A full Astrology chart session (in person-home office or by phone for out-of-area) of 70 minutes discounted $25 off my normal pricing of $110 (cost will be $85 for sessions booked now until the end of this month only).* You may also purchase one extra session to give as a gift to a friend! Once purchased the gift certificate is good for one full year. Contact me at for more information and to book or purchase the gift session.
*You can also purchase a 45 minute chart interpretation for any important children in your life (yes even a new born - makes a great gift for parents)! $20 off my normal price of $80 for these sessions. This promotional discount ends on June 1, 2013.