August 2013 Snake Oil/Jim Ventura
Snake Oil
Safety Dance (This column was originally printed in January 2009)
When I put pen to paper to write this column, I was listening to a radio station that was playing eighties songs. “Safety Dance,” a song by a bizarre group called Men without Hats was playing. I temporarily stopped writing and marveled at the cosmic timing. I began thinking about where I was in my life when this song was popular. It was the mid eighties and back then the world seemed to be a much safer place than it is today. We were not in a war and our economy was not as shaky as it is today. In my mind I kept seeing images of the bizarre video made for this song. The crazy costumes, weird lyrics and dancing little people made me smile. Still, I thought about how unsafe I felt during that time in history. As bad as things are today, with America going through turmoil and needing a complete restructure, I had far more personal fear twenty-something years ago.
In the early eighties, I felt unsure of what my place was in this world. Would I find the right career? Would I find a partner? Would I be successful? Did I really have any talent? I also had an added fear that plagued me. I was fearful about coming to terms with my sexuality. This was a time long before “Will and Grace” and “Ellen.” It was scary back then to risk rejection from friends and family if I admitted that I wasn’t straight. Fortunately, I had already begun to study metaphysics and philosophy, so I was open to more positive perspectives. I had already started letting go of the false religious imprinting that made me believe I was a sinful person. Still, I had some aspects of Catholic guilt and martyrdom (fear of victimization) that were hanging around. Even more scary than accepting my sexuality, was coming out about my metaphysical studies. I was beginning to sense that my developing intuitive skills and use of Astrology, Numerology and Tarot were going to take me somewhere. I knew that I was meant to use these talents in the world, but it scared the shit out of me to think what people might say if they knew about my “weird interests.” I knew I was very different in many ways from “normal” people and this made me nervous and fearful about being rejected.
I began looking at the idea of feeling safe in an unsafe world. I also knew I would have to grasp the notion that safety was actually an inside job. The idea of feeling safe started when I began to read books by Jane Roberts. Jane spoke for a nonphysical entity who called himself Seth. The Seth material is one of the most brilliant channeled metaphysical writings on record. Jane Roberts shared my Catholic upbringing and fear that she was sinful. Yet, when she channeled Seth he said that we could live in a Safe Universe. This idea excited me. If indeed my thoughts and beliefs created my reality, (the main message of the Seth Material), then I should be able to create a world around me that was safe. Even though the current evidence seemed contrary to the idea, I decided to embrace the idea of creating a life of peace and protection. I wanted to believe that I was lovable, valuable and that the world would be safe for me. I began to focus on a new belief - that I had nothing to protect myself from.*
My work with oracles and looking at other cultural perspectives was a very beneficial part of my road to developing confidence and a sense of security. When I bought a deck of Druid animal cards in my late twenties, I encountered another perspective around the idea of protection. According to Druid teachings (Pagan culture) they believed that when you were born, you were protected and loved by the Goddess. Unlike most Christian teachings, Druids did not believe in original sin (Adam and Eve stuff). They believed that the soul and body were not tainted at birth. Druids saw the cow as a gift to us and a representation of the love and protection of the Goddess. Her milk and its nourishing power were a reminder of how the Goddess takes care of each and every one of us. If you think about what cows represent, everything about them is useful, with the potential to truly nourish us. The Druids took this idea even further - they believed that if you sat in the spot from which a cow just moved, you would be protected from all harmful spells and anyone who might want to hurt you. I began to meditate on the protection of cow in my life and began feeling safer. As I began to feel safer inside, my outer world became more harmonious and less scary.
About six years ago, I had a major car accident. It happened a few months after a very painful relationship ended. For months after the accident I would get somewhat phobic each time I got into my car to drive. It was especially difficult when I drove on the 101 freeway in Scottsdale where my accident occurred. A few months after my accident, I was in a bookstore that had an open deck of angel cards for customers to look at. I pulled one of Doreen Virtue’s angel cards and received a message from an angel named Zanna. The card said, “You are protected from all types of harm. The worst is now behind you. I ask you to relax and feel safe.” The card went into further detail and mentioned that angels were even protecting my vehicles. It took effort not to cry when I purchased my first deck of angel cards. I held back happy tears. One of the good things I was taught in Catholic school was that we all have guardian angels who watch over us and protect us. While I have no plans to go back to Catholicism, I could see that this angel stuff was really of value. I had resistance to getting into the angel concept and angel cards because of the screwed up religious teachings I had encountered in the past. I lumped all religious things into one basket and lost site of the good things that were part of my religious experiences. I began to see that a belief in angels was not about religion. It is a way to tap into another dimension of support that really does exist. The angel cards have since been a major component in my sense of safety and the experience of miracles for me and many of my clients. I believe we are supported by things we simply cannot physically see.
Along the way, I used practical, tangible tools to help me develop a sense of safety. This started even earlier than my metaphysical studies. When I was sixteen, I bought a set of weights and began to work out religiously. When I turned eighteen, I joined a gym and stepped up my workouts even more. I even learned how to do some boxing a few years ago. For me, the process of creating a solid, muscular body has been tremendously influential in feeling safe in this world. A person who is looking to victimize another person in any way is far less likely to do this with someone who looks physically strong. The last time I had to defend myself from any type of physical threat was nearly thirty years ago, therefore this must be working. It’s more than my physical strength and solid body that keeps me protected. It’s the knowledge that I unconsciously broadcast that I can easily defend myself.
There is no question that the world is a bit darker these days and many people feel unsafe. This decade has really brought fear into more prominence for everyone. However, it’s this same fear that will be responsible for making it more clear about what fear really is and how we allow ourselves to be manipulated by it. Perhaps the extreme corruption that is so blatantly part of our economic and political systems, and the Christian right’s obnoxious attempts to bring us back into the “good old days of the 1950’s,” will turn out to be beneficial. Maybe all of this darkness is being exposed so we can finally reject this crap once and for all, and create a harmonious world.
Over fourteen years ago, I gave up fear around being judged about my sexuality. Today, I feel completely safe about expressing this part of myself and also couldn’t give a damn if someone disapproves of my sexuality, my spiritual interests or anything else I do. The narrow, morally bigoted opinions that still exist no longer influence me. I have grown more comfortable about talking and writing about my metaphysical studies. Feeling safe is an inside job. When we shift our focus to feeling safe as opposed to being afraid, we create safety for ourselves. It is up to us create this. No one can do it for us. The idea that, “I will be happy and safe when I am finally married,” or “I will feel safe when I have medical insurance,” or “ I will be safe when I make a hundred thousand dollars a year,” etc..., are all attempts to use an outer structure to promote internal safety. These things may work for a while but inevitably aren’t strong enough to create a permanent sense of safety. We use our beliefs to create structures and experiences. If we are willing to recognize this, we can begin to realize the true power that we have always had: to consciously create the life we choose to live. Believing in things such as angel cards is just one of many ways to tap into a part of ourselves that trusts in unseen guidance and support. The trick is to be willing to change the fearful beliefs we often cling to so tenaciously. Knowing that our beliefs always form our reality, why would any enlightened person choose to believe that the world is unsafe?
I am far stronger now and more confident than I was before I began to study metaphysics and philosophy. The wise teachings of many other cultures have contributed to this sense of safety. I have added another form of safety into my life. On the rare occasion I start to worry about the future or feel unsafe in any area, I mentally play the safety dance song in my head. I am still not sure what the hell the safety dance actually is, but it doesn’t matter. This makes me laugh and I inevitably smile and forget what was causing me to feel anxious and unsafe. The power of humor to puncture some of the ridiculous structures and fears we hold onto is a valuable power anyone can tap into. When I was younger I would have occasional panic attacks. Now in my mid-forties, these are almost non-existent. There is nothing to panic about. It doesn’t matter what is happening in the outside world, I will be more than okay. All of this internal and external safety work has paid off. Recognize that no matter what is going on around us, we are safe and protected. The only thing that can truly block this is to buy into the negative fears that exist in this world and let them become a part of your personal reality . Jim Ventura 10-2008
*Check out part of the passage from one of Seth’s book called “Safe Universe” at the end of this newsletter.
Editors note:
July was one of the busiest months for me all year. After a some shifts in the Feng Shui in my home both internally and externally (they are both interconnected) and a commitment to do more marketing and advertising, I had a busy, prosperous month. It was exciting to reach so many new clients this way, although I think I will always prefer referrals. Almost half of the people who find an online ad of mine inquire about sessions but never actually book one. I think that some of them are looking for quick 5 minute palm readings or quick psychic shock value predictions as opposed to helpful insight and an opportunity for some real transformation, increased awareness, and healing. There’s nothing wrong with anyone looking for this type of thing, but it’s not my style. I really learned a lot about how to market and advertise inexpensively and in many cases for free online. This Scholar can be extremely thorough when I decide to “go back to school.” I will be sharing some of this information over the next few months here in future Snake Oil newsletters, for anyone who wants to market their business this way.
I will be listing some online (via Skype and other similar ways of doing online classes) upcoming classes at the end of the year. In the meantime, I will be doing a few home mini classes this fall and winter. The first two are listed in this month’s newsletter. If you are a local or plan on being in the valley when these classes are happening, contact me to reserve a space in any of the classes you are interested in. I keep the maximum of students in any series at 8, so reserve a spot early in case the class fills.
While my workload of personal sessions has increased recently I will keep my commitment to offering the new client special of $25 off an introductory session (any of my listed sessions from 45-90 minutes). If you have never had a session before with me, or want to buy one for a new client as a gift, take advantage of the offer while it is still from now until August 31st, of 2013. Cheers. Jim V
“Buddha was asked. ‘What have you gained from meditation?’ He replied, “Nothing!’
‘However. Buddha said, let me tell you what I lost:
Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Insecurity, Fear of Old Age and Death.”
Phoenix Fall Classes w Jim Ventura:
Does reincarnation exist, and if so, how does it work? How can I become aware of my other lifetimes? What value is there in exploring my past lifetimes? What is karma?
Many aspects of past life exploration, from hypnosis to dreaming techniques will be discussed. By understanding the influence of karma and the past lives we have already lived, we will show how our past experiences affect us in our present life. The class focuses on setting up a past life journal, and explores the progression of our soul’s journeys. Astrology, Numerology, and many other tools will be utilized to aid you in becoming aware of your past lifetimes. “Desire to live again, because that will be your lot in any case.” Nietzsche
Saturday October 19th, 10 am until 12:30 pm. Pre-paid $20. $25 on day of the class (current Regular clients $15 pre-paid $20 day of the class). Maximum of 8 students, minimum of four to hold class.
What are dreams? Does everyone dream? Is there a way for me to remember my dreams? What value is there in increasing dream recall? Is it possible for me to Astral project (travel out of body)?
This workshop will focus on increasing awareness of the many different elements of the dream state. We will explore astral projection, remote viewing, lucid dreaming and analyzing your dream symbols. Dreams can be recalled and enhanced with simple techniques that are easy to learn. By becoming more conscious of your dreaming self you can awaken tremendous untapped potential. In addition, by expanding your memory and the activities of your dreaming self, you will tap into valuable, practical tools for expanding your waking life.
Sunday November 3rd, 10 am until 12:30 pm. Pre-paid $20. $25 on day of the class (current Regular clients $15 pre-paid $20 day of the class). Maximum of 8 students, minimum of four to hold class.
“The tragedy is that what you disapprove of in others is the very thing you disapprove of in yourself.” Stephen Richards
New client promotion
New clients who have never had a session with me before can take advantage of the last month of my summer special. Any of the sessions I offer (check out the different options on my website) are discounted $25 off my listed rates! 45 minute - 90 minute sessions all receive the discount. No other offers or discounts apply with this special. The new clients $25 discount is good for in office or phone sessions and will run until August 31st of 2013. You can buy one for a friend at this rate if you have already had a session with me in the past if you want to give someone a gift!
Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be three live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, August 8th, at 3:30 p.m. (MST -AZ doesn’t use daylight savings time). Almost every Thursday you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. Halfway through some of the shows you can even ask me for a free 5 minute mini reading with your personal question. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
All you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: You may also access it by going to Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602) 957-3035 text: 602-349-0746 Email:
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices for any 45-90 minute sessions. Local in office visits receive another $5 off listed prices for cash payments.
All sessions/readings for 2013 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each).
I accept cash, checks, debit cards, Master Card, Visa, and PayPal for payments on sessions and for books and classes. Send me your birth month, day and year to get added to the yearly Birthday mailer promotion.
Spotlight on one of the unique readings I offer:
Past Lifetimes reading
“Many of us feel strong affinities for places, times, and cultures that supersede our early experience in this life. Perhaps we even feel alien to our current era, or have a deep emotional response, much like homesickness, for certain ethnic groups, peoples, countries, and societies beyond our present environment. We may consider the possibility of reincarnation-that dark, mystical subject that seems so complex, so unreachable. The knowledge we seek is often unclear, much like a reflection on muddy waters.
How can we know when we lived and where? How much of what we were then are we now? What are the lessons that still must be learned?” Susan Sheppard creator of the Phoenix cards
The idea of living past lives was never something I struggled with. When I was a child I remembered living other lifetimes, so it was never something that I questioned. When I was in my late teens and early twenties I began to do past life regressions, meditations, and practiced lucid dreaming techniques to begin to get a clearer picture of some of my past lifetimes. I logged quite a few in my explorations, reinforcing the awareness that I was a bit of an old soul. In my mid twenties I picked up a really cool deck of cards that help to unravel information about other lifetimes. I have been working with the Phoenix cards for over 20 years now.They are an excellent tool for tapping into other cultures, times, and places where we may have lived before. I have been doing sessions with these cards for clients successfully for many years. The cards tap into different places and my intuitive abilities are often able to pull out specific details connected with these lives for my clients. (Old Soul Scholar skill in accessing the Akashic records.) Jim V
“If you have a past life reading, you probably won’t be surprised at the outcome of your past-life reading. Most of us have dim ghostly ideas of who we really are. The realization of our fate casts an aura of affirmation over our lives. Whatever affects our world happens first internally as an idea, a feeling, or a dream. It is through our dreams, waking and unconscious, that past-life memories are felt and then brought again to the surface. The Phoenix cards are a powerful tool to help you reconnect with a larger awareness of who you really are.” S. Sheppard
I will be doing a class on how you can become more aware of your past lifetimes on October 19th. If you are interested in a Past Life reading you can contact me to book one at any time. Snake Oil subscribers get $5 off my listed prices (check website for session prices and more information). I also still have my new client discount offer until the end of August for $25 off 45-90 minutes session. You can use this offer if you have never had a session with me before or buy one for a friend!
“Good friends are like don’t always see them but you know they are always there.” Unknown
Safe Universe
“Each of you, to some extent or another, believe that the universe is not safe, and therefore you must set up defenses against it. The official one-line consciousness with which you are familiar says, the world is not safe. I cannot trust it. Nor can I trust the conditions of experience or the conditions of my own existence. Nor can I trust myself. I can look at a squirrel and rejoice, but I cannot look at myself and rejoice, for I am filled with inequity and I am, to some extent evil.
Seth spoke with rich irony here, looking from one person to another. I am not only evil as myself, but I come from a tainted and flawed race. My mother and my father were flawed before me and I send these tragic flaws into the future. Therefore, I must set up my defenses in whatever way I can, to protect myself in a universe that I cannot trust, and from a self that is evil and flawed.
Now, as long as you hold on to these beliefs, then you must indeed set up defenses. As long as you believe that you dwell in a universe that is a threat, you must defend yourself against it. As long as you believe that the self is flawed and that the race is doomed and evil, you must defend yourself against yourself. And how can you trust the voice of the psyche? When I say to you, be spontaneous, how dare you take that step? To be spontaneous would obviously give rise to all the lust, passion, murder, and hatred that to you in inherent in the human heart.
So you say, I try to be spontaneous, but how can I? I try to believe that I am good, but how can I be good when I come from a race that is evil? You try to say, the universe is safe, and then you watch the television news or read the newspaper and you say, what lie is this? How can the universe be safe when I read about wholesale murder war, trickery, and greed? How can I be myself, for if I am myself will I not unleash into the world only more of the horror I see about me? For surely human nature cannot change, and human nature is evil. Look already what evil it has worked upon the planet, then tell me Seth, be spontaneous! What do you ask of me, and how can I stand upon the authority of the psyche or tell myself I am good?
My last book, The Nature of Personal Reality, is a good book. It is a helpful book, and it is far trickier than you realize. It will lead you automatically, if you use it, out of the official line-of consciousness. You will begin to question not only your own private beliefs for your own purposes, but the nature of beliefs. And you will be led to discover other strands of consciousness.
The one-line stage of consciousness was necessary, but it contained within it tis own impetus for development. It set up challenges that could not be solved at that stage, and that would automatically lead you to other kinds of awareness. Only when you sense these, can old contradictions make sense.
You need no say, the universe is safe, for at your present level, that will only enrage you. Say instead, I live in a safe universe, and so you shall. Those defenses you have set up will crumble for they will not be needed.”
One of Seth’s students asked Seth about his discomfort with the woman he is dating because she does not know of Seth’s ideas. Seth responds:
“Now there are people who are quite involved with my ideas who do not know my name. There are people quite content with their lot and they do not know my name. They know themselves. They are aware of the vitality of their beings and they do not need me to tell them that they are important. The flowers and cats and trees don’t need me to tell them they are important either, and there are many people who do not need me for the same reason.
These people recognize the vitality of their existence. They ignore the belief systems of their times. They are ancient children. They may not read philosophy, but they listen to the wind. They watch the behavior of the season... If you were satisfied with the nature of your existence, you would not be here. Those who are satisfied, do not need my voice. They find sufficient reinforcement from the dawn and the twilight.
They may build ditches or work in fields or factories. They do not need to listen to my voice because they listen to the voice of the oak trees and the birds, and the voices of their own beings. I am a poor imitation of the voices of your own psyches to which you do not listen. I will be unneeded, and gladly so, when you realize that the vitality and reinforcement and joy are your own, and rise from the fountain of your own beings; when you realize that you do not need me for protection, for there is nothing you need protect yourself against.”
Psychic Politics by Jane Roberts