What Me Worry?
It probably is no surprise to anyone who is Virgo (Sun, Ascendent, or Moon) or has a few planets in Virgo in their Natal Astrology chart that they can often get caught in the worry trap. I recently found out that left-handed people are prone toward post-traumatic-stress-disorder and worry. I am a lefty and I have three planets in a Virgo conjunction in my natal chart. The information was actually a relief because it confirmed that I was “normal.” For most of my lifetime so far, when I experienced any type of stressful or traumatic event I had a tough time shaking a fear about what if something similar happens again or if it gets worse? The positive side of this obstacle is I have a sharp mind and I am often twelve steps ahead when it comes to taking care of the details of life as if I am playing a chess game. This strategy and approach has often been beneficial in avoiding potential problems. But, the negative side of this attribute is definitely problematic because It can make me prone to worrying about difficult possibilities that could come my way. I get caught up trying to resolve these things before they are actually an issue. Whether you are a lefty, Virgo, or for any other possible reason we all get caught in the worry trap from time to time. It is an uncomfortable, lousy place to be. Is there a way out though?
I have always been a believer that pretty much anything can be solved or resolved, if you are willing to study the subject and apply solutions. Even if it means finding an expert with more knowledge than you to help, most things can be resolved because solutions are the flip side of problems. They exist as a part of each other. Seeing things this way is one of the good aspects of my Virgo energy, combined with a bit of my Sun in Sagittarius optimism! My mission was to find a way to solve the habit of worry itself. I decided I would find a way to spend the second half of my life free of obsessive worry. Aside from the discomfort that we often feel emotionally, physically, and mentally from worry, it is also extremely negative in that it can act like a form of prayer. We become consumed with thinking and focusing on what we are afraid might happen, or about what is happening and whether it will become even worse. This focus of energy can feed the manifestation probability and may end up creating the very things we so desperately want to avoid. This is another reason why finding a way to eliminate the worry habit was a worthwhile undertaking.
During my studies I learned a few interesting things about this process and I was able to find real solutions to what worrying is and does to us. The new way of looking at how we typically respond to worry and the solutions I discovered will really assist in removing or at least minimizing this issue for anyone willing to make the shift. One thing to remember when we find ourselves worrying is that most of the things we worry about never actually happen. If you could list all of the concerns, fears and things you worried might happen over your entire lifetime so far, you would see that more than ninety nine percent of the potential problems never turned out the way we feared they would. The few that did materialize often had solutions that we couldn’t see at first when they first presented themselves. My air conditioning unit went out in the late summer about seven years ago. This was truly an Arizona nightmare. When I had it checked out, I was quoted with a potential bill of $7,500 to solve it. I worried a lot when that happened. When I calmed down, I decided to call another company for a second opinion. The second company told me that I could replace the unit on the roof and leave the interior that also needed work for another 5-10 years. I still had to come up with $1900 to get it running again, but it is still working really well and now with awesome, powerful and reasonably inexpensive portable room to room units, I am not sure if I will even replace the interior.
When we worry, we block information and solutions from coming to us. Another important thing to remember when the worry habit grips us is, what if the bad thing that is or could happen is actually going to turn out to be a beneficial thing? Many people fear things like having their spouse cheat on them, getting divorced, or simply being alone. Yet, more often than not, when we let go of a mate that doesn’t fit with us we can find being single can be wonderful also. Often people struggle with losing a mate and the details of its end, only to come to a different perspective about it. Often they end up finding someone who is so much more of an amazing match for them! Yet, how could they ever have come to the new place of happiness unless they had circumstances that made them leave the previous situation? We may fear losing our job, yet that may be the very catalyst that opens the door to a new career or job that we really love. We may fear losing our home or being forced to move, only to find that we like the new home far better, and maybe our future next mate or new best friend is living right next door!
We often get caught in trying to obsessively control events. There are times when this can be necessary and valuable. Our ego has a purpose and can be useful. Life is about making choices and taking appropriate action. Being too passive can bring problems. Still, if we let go and trust that the path we are on or the seeming obstacle course that has surfaced may be part of the solution, we are on the right track to being at peace. The Universe is not stupid or against us. Believe it or not our Higher Selves are extremely wise. Events that seem to be problems are often medicine in disguise.
Worry can bring up fear around being worthy of receiving assistance. We are not cast aways, left behind in this world without help and support. We have friends, family, and other people who can support, guide, and assist us if we are open to asking for help when we experience problems. We also have unseen helpers, spirit guides, angels, nature, as well as other forces that will look out for us and help us. We can open to more of this assistance if we are willing to ask and to be open to the answers that come to us.
It can take practice to eliminate the worry habit, yet it is something we can all do. If we are willing to trust that everything that we experience, even if seemingly very negative happens for a reason, then we can realize that we always learn from difficulty, because it will inevitably make us smarter and stronger. We can become more knowledgeable and wiser from those experiences. The best part is that through experience we can develop in ourselves an aversion to any conduct that can bring stress into our lives, inevitably having far less of it in our future. Often we will be able to help and assist other people precisely because of what we learned!. When we release the worry habit we can become more tuned into the reality that every problem does have a solution. If we are willing to drop this unproductive habit and learn to trust and relax, we can tune into the awareness that a solution is always on its way.
Jim Ventura 9-1-2013
Editors Note:
Fall has arrived and I am happy to finally be able turn off my A/C in the evenings! Can I get a hallelujah? The cool fall evenings here in Phoenix are truly amazing! So many areas in life that were personally challenging for me have given way to some smooth roads (I challenge myself to grow and discover limiting beliefs and releasing them even more stringently that I do with my Regular clients.), I am excited about a lot of great new projects that I am working on at this time as well. I planted some seeds that have really sprouted notable results indeed. I will be sharing these at the end of this year and as we dive into 2014, and I enter my “1” year in Numerology. My focus on working to release the worry habit, has been very beneficial. I have been working with similar themes with many of my regular clients and its great to see the positive inner and outer growth they are experiencing.
Lots going on as you can see in this newsletter. I have my new client promotion offer still available for the next two months. Remember, even if you have already had past sessions with me you can purchase a gift session for a friend (new client) or family member if you are having trouble motivating them to book a session. If you are interested in booking yourself, remember all Snake Oil subscribers and FaceBook fans get a discount on their sessions for being subscribers. You can also check out my Regular client program on my website (or just request information directly from me about it) for even bigger discounts on monthly and quarterly sessions.
Snake Oil radio is still broadcasting on Thursday’s at 3:30 pm MST. All previous broadcasts are available to listen to at any time on the archives. I still have openings in my fall classes, and I will be scheduling some online classes in early 2014. Wishing every a Happy October. Cheers, Jim V.
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley
Saturn: friend or foe?
Saturn has been transiting thru Scorpio since October of 2012. Saturn (keeps us stable and in tune with our sometimes uncomfortable Karmic growth) in our chart shows us limitations, restrictions, where we are cautious, and the experiences of life that teach us through the often difficult process of trial and error. Saturn in our natal chart shows us what we have to overcome. Saturn is also the “lump of coal” in our chart that with time and patience usually becomes the very part of us that “shines like a diamond.” Saturn teaches us the wisdom of using adversity. If we truly learn the lessons that Saturn teaches us we become strong and wise in that area in our chart and often even an expert! Capricorns this is your ruling planet. You know very well what I am talking about when it comes to Saturn...
The sign and house placement where Saturn is in our natal chart shows where these type of experiences have been taking place for you in your lifetime. Saturn continues to transit the signs and houses every 2-3 years. When Saturn enters a new sign, there are new lessons and sometimes difficult growth required for society and for each of us personally. Saturn’s transit through Scorpio has been teaching us both the positive and negative aspects of using personal power and influence to transform not only ourselves but those around us. A misuse of power during this transit will have noticeable consequences and create an uncomfortable karmic backlash (the Anthony Wiener scandal is one of many examples of this type of thing...). When transiting Saturn moves into a new house in our chart we are going to be pushed to “grow up” there. If Saturn forms notable angles to other planets or conjuncts natal planets in our chart we REALLY feel and notice it! When Saturn goes retrograde (appearing from Earth to move backwards) it will often re-trigger those issues again. More often than not, as it moves direct again and passes those connections we will often have learned and mastered a new area of our life by becoming smarter, more patient, and wiser.
Saturn made a conjunction to my Venus in the 6th house of work, service, health, and the day to day details of life, in November of 2012. I definitely noticed it! It went retrograde over Venus a few months later and I felt it all over again. Now it is moving forward and this transit ended for me at the end of August. I learned some amazing lessons about using feminine energy, creativity, and found a way to use the power of the feminine to resolve many things that were “broken.” It wasn’t the easiest ride, but it was an empowering one to say the least. It will move into my 7th house of marriage and partnerships in about two months...What house is your Saturn transiting through now?
An astrological chart interpretation is a great way to get insight into so many aspects of our lives. During my longer 70 and 90 minute sessions with clients I also look at current transits that show what areas of your life are highlighted in a positive way as well as the areas of tests and growth you are experiencing now and in the future. I have a special running for all new clients until the end of November for $20 off my website listed prices for any sessions I offer, including Astrology chart interpretations and current transits readings. Sessions can be done by phone or in office. if you have already had an Astrology session with me in the past, you can look into your current and future transits for an update.
More about Astrology:
Making Decisions
One of the things I see many of my clients struggling with is the process of decision making. While all astrological signs may struggle with this at different times in life, Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) or people who have a strong air influence in their Natal charts, often have a little extra trouble with this process. We can all get caught in over-thinking and over-analysis. We can get anxious about what we are contemplating doing, or not doing and whether it will be the “right” decision. Issue related to self-worth, fear of change, and a fear of making a mistake often cloud the process even further.
One of the keys to forward movement and potential success in life is to move from over-analysis and worry and to simply decide. From the Book of Runes by Ralph Blum: “Even more than we are doers, we are deciders. Once the decision is clear, the doing becomes effortless, for then the Universe supports and empowers our actions...”
The actual struggle of indecision, fence-sitting, and fear of making a “wrong decision” is far worse than living with regret, “what if’’s,” or the possibility of failure. Except in rare cases, a mistake will teach us to make better decisions in the future and can actually be valuable to us. If we make a decision and then the road connected with it is far too much of a bumpy ride, or too many road blocks appear, than our Higher Self may be telling us to change course. Yet, we won’t know this unless we decide in the first place. More often than not, when we do decide on what we want we are then given internal and external guidance and assistance with the process. When we know that “mistakes” in our process can be a necessary part of how we learn and grow, with perseverance we can really achieve our goals!
This brief explanation about decision making is an example of the types of insight I often give clients during personal sessions. Of course, the information is typically more detailed and personalized to my client’s unique issues. This is why I refer to myself as a Navigational Consultant. Session/readings are not just about looking at what the Oracles (cards, Runes, Astrology, etc...) have to show us. They are about using the insight of a series of unique , amazing tools and my many years of acquired wisdom from working with 1000’s of people to assist you in creating a more empowered perspective and adding more joy into your life!
“The spiritual path - is simply the journey of living our lives. Everyone is on a spiritual path; most people just don’t know it.” Marianne Williamson
New Client Promotion
New clients who have never had a session with me before can take advantage of my current Fall special. Any of the sessions I offer (check out the different options on my website) are discounted $20 off my listed rates! 45, 70 and 90 minute sessions all receive the discount. No other offers or discounts apply with this special. The new client’s $20 discount is good for in office or phone sessions and will run from September 1st, 2013 through November 30th, 2013. You can buy one for a friend (new client) at this rate even if you have already had a session with me in the past if you want to give someone a gift!
Past Life Journeys
Does reincarnation exist, and if so, how does it work? How can I become aware of my other lifetimes? What value is there in exploring my past lifetimes? What is karma?
Many aspects of past life exploration, from hypnosis to dreaming techniques will be discussed. By understanding the influence of karma and the past lives we have already lived, we will show how our past experiences affect us in our present life. The class focuses on setting up a past life journal, and explores the progression of our soul’s journeys. Astrology, Numerology, and many other tools will be utilized to aid you in becoming aware of your past lifetimes. “Desire to live again, because that will be your lot in any case.” Nietzsche
Saturday October 26th, 10 am until 12:30 pm. Pre-paid $20. $25 on day of the class (current Regular clients $15 pre-paid $20 day of the class). Maximum of 8 students, minimum of four to hold class.
Exploring The Dream State
What are dreams? Does everyone dream? Is there a way for me to remember my dreams? What value is there in increasing dream recall? Is it possible for me to Astral project (travel out of body)?
This workshop will focus on increasing awareness of the many different elements of the dream state. We will explore astral projection, remote viewing, lucid dreaming and analyzing your dream symbols. Dreams can be recalled and enhanced with simple techniques that are easy to learn. By becoming more conscious of your dreaming self you can awaken tremendous untapped potential. In addition, by expanding your memory and the activities of your dreaming self, you will tap into valuable, practical tools for expanding your waking life.
Sunday November 3rd, 10 am until 12:30 pm. Pre-paid $20. $25 on day of the class (current Regular clients $15 pre-paid $20 day of the class). Maximum of 8 students, minimum of four to hold class.
Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be three live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday,October 3rd, at 3:30 p.m. (MST -AZ doesn’t use daylight savings time). Almost every Thursday you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. Halfway through some of the shows you can even ask me for a free 5 minute mini reading with your personal question. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there)
All you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: You may also access it by going to Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602) 957-3035 text: 602-349-0746 Email:
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices for any 45-90 minute sessions. Local in office visits receive another $5 off listed prices for cash payments.
All sessions/readings for 2013 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each). Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins.
I accept cash, checks, debit cards, Master Card, Visa, and PayPal for payments on sessions and for books and classes. Send me your birth month, day and year to get added to the yearly Birthday mailer promotion.