Snake Oil
Western Medicine or a Holistic Approach?
While flipping the hundreds of channels available from cable television, I ran across an old episode of Little House on the Prairie. The show is based on a time period in the later part of the 1800’s. The two early teenage daughters, Mary and Laura plot a way to make extra money to buy their local Reverend a new Bible. They purchase mini vials of “remedies” for things like arthritis, headache, obesity, etc...Basically about twenty five of the most common ailments people could possibly be suffering from at that time and plan to up-sell them to people in the town. The cures turn out to be mostly alcohol based and standard snake oil formulas and the young entrepreneurs fail in their endeavor. The episode is chock full of moral and family lessons, a bit of sweetness, and a dab of both positive and negative religious themes. It was a well written episode that I never caught in my youth.
What struck me most was how small the list of medicine cures were that were even available at the time, in comparison to today's world where hundreds if not thousands of potential ailments and treatments exist. There just seems to be way more ailments to suffer from at this time. So back then did the current large list of illnesses and afflictions not exist at all or were they not yet discovered? I am fairly sure cancer and other chronic diseases were in existence, but there just really seems to be so many forms of diseases now. Watching commercial television in a modern age makes it hard to avoid the bombardment of ads for pharmaceutical treatments for a seemingly endless list of things you could be struggling with and a wide variety of available pharmaceutical remedies. Ads for nail fungus, allergies, arthritis, urinary tract infection, COPD, bone spurs, skin conditions, restless leg syndrome, baldness, depression, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, constipation, diabetes, STD’s, etc...The list is huge to put it mildly. If Laura and Mary had to carry remedies today for all the things that needed to be cured they would surely have collapsed!
I clearly acknowledge the significant advances we have gained from western medicine, surgery options, dentistry and the option of pharmaceuticals. The advances and amazing achievements from work in these fields has changed life dramatically and helped millions of people. It likely has contributed to the average longer lifespans we see now. While profit and gain are part of the mix the genuine urge to heal, cure and assist people who are ill mostly stems from science and medical professionals focused desire to help.
I grew up watching my mother and father with their pill cases and their pragmatically laid out cubbies for each day’s pills to take. My father especially with his blood thinners, pills for gout, heart issues and a long list of other problems took quite a few different kinds of pills every day. He lived almost ten years longer than his other siblings who died in their late 60s. I believe the combination of western medicines benefits, care from his doctors and most importantly, his genuine love of life kept him going until his death at 77. This was despite his long list of ailments. Both my mom and dad had little time or interest in prioritizing taking care if themselves with preventive medicine, exercise and healthy life choices, and they definitely suffered because of this. My Mother sadly was in really bad health, mentally and physically during the last year and a half of her life.
Watching all of this helped shape the path I decided to follow. It definitely contributed to my early explorations of alternative medicine and a more holistic approach to healing for myself. I refused to go down the same road (and also Venus and the Moon in my sixth house in my natal chart) so I began to look into acupuncture, herbal cures, dietary adjustments, decreasing inflammation, trigger point therapies, intermittent fasting, and most importantly the link between our beliefs about life, our bodies, our self-worth, and the underlying reasons as to why the body sometimes becomes ill. While there is potentially so much more I can still learn, I have acquired a good amount of knowledge over the last thirty five years that I happily share with my clients and readers. Understandably many people are skeptical of alternative medicines. We have all been bombarded since childhood with a stream of messages about not only the value of western medicine, but that it is the ONLY acceptable way. This leaves little room for anything outside of the mainstream to follow. We have been trained to look at anything else with suspicion, and that everything else is simply snake oil.
When you strip away whatever method one uses for healing the body, whether through surgery, pharmaceuticals, radiation treatments, supplements, exercise, diet, acupuncture, herbs, etc... we can come to a deeper conclusion that contributes to whether or not we heal: Our beliefs form our reality. We organize, see and experience life from the lens of how we see it via our beliefs. It is not due to whatever methods for healing are working or not working. More often than not the majority of healing aids are effective in some respects. Yet, the core, base and spiritual, emotional blockades and limiting beliefs will need to fall away or the physical illness will resurface or simply show up in another form and take its place. This is where the genuine care, wisdom, and knowledge of an effective healer whether that be a western medicine doctor, surgeon, acupuncturist, herbalist, rieki master or any other healer becomes significant when helping us to shift what the block was that created the disease in the first place. While skill definitely matters, there are other important aspects involved in healing.Think of the magic power of the loving intentions of your grandmother (or other figure that genuinely loves or cares for us) taking the same ingredients as a fast food restaurant might use, cooking and preparing the food with skill, love and a genuine desire to nurture you. There is no question that you will receive the energy of nurturing from that food in a far more healthy way when it is made with love. The same holds true for doctors and healers.
For all of Western medicine’s amazing accomplishments, and there are many, a problem exists at the core of Western medicine. The focus of science while full of wonder and the excitement of discovery often has limited and negative beliefs about the body itself. Often the never questioned belief by science is that the body is an accidental creation and survival of the fittest is at its base. The body is often viewed as a vehicle floating through its meaningless days on a planet crawling with germs, viruses, bacteria, and other horrible things with their sole intention to contribute to striking you dead, and eliminating you from the gene pool. The body is generally seen as a vehicle disconnected from spirit and subject to an endless array of things that can go wrong and potentially end its existence. You either have “good or bad genetics.” Especially notable in the last few years we are bombarded with a heavy stream of messages that we need to sanitize everything. Any random sneeze, cough or the touch from another person or infected surface can get you sick and take you out. These and similar focuses and beliefs keep us in a constant fear of disease. Put simply the prevalent belief is: you are NOT SAFE.
In spite of this unfortunate blueprint and the grossly limiting unquestioned beliefs about the body’s frailty and weakness, people in the world of western medicine thankfully still heal, inspire, and even contribute to curing so many people. This is a testament to its value. While science itself often focuses on the “weakness” of the body, fortunately many in the field have other positive more optimistic beliefs. Still, as amazing as the accomplishments are in today’s world of western medicine one has to wonder: what kind of life are we living when we have to take a host of vaccines, some now each year to ward off our demise? When we have to take daily or weekly pills to stop us from getting std’s, thin our blood, control allergies, lower our cholesterol, help with depression, anxiety, and we must take an assortment of supplements, products, pills, vitamins, and check-ups. If we don’t we will surely fall apart. Is this living? Some of the pharmaceutical medicines leave us with side effects, a few that may even be worse than the illness itself. Have we shut down our connection to the natural order and become so dependent on things outside of ourselves that we don’t trust our body’s innate ability to heal? I have never questioned the value of vaccines and benefits many have received from certain pharmaceutical remedies. I am not “anti-anything.” Still, one has to wonder would we all have died of whooping cough, small pox, polio or other horrible diseases if we were never saved by science? This “end of humanity perspective” begins to sound a bit fatalistic, weirdly has an air of almost religious arrogance, and to say the least is probably nonsense.
What is the base behind a holistic approach to healing? The body is a reflection of our spirit. it is a miraculous organism designed with the capacity to comfortably carry us forward in life, and eventually wear out when we are ready to depart. It does know how to heal itself, and when we fall out of balance we will find ourselves drawn to healers, plants, herbs, foods, and other cures that can help us get back on track. Those healing agents were designed to also trigger the deeper work of healing the limiting beliefs, blocks, and unresolved aspects of our dis-ease permanently (a few examples of this are in this month’s channeled corner). After using them for a while we should eventually no longer need those helpers. There are always reasons for any illness both physical and spiritual ones. Your body isn’t trying to hurt or deceive you, illness is a physical reflection of internal issues we have avoided facing. When we approach healing by addressing all aspects that trigger a dis-ease our bodies will naturally return to a state of grace and balance again. The universe IS SAFE.
Television and movies, have also contributed to making a joke of anything outside of the mainstream in healing. Many of us sadly don’t even consider any alternative approach and automatically place it in the category of “it’s all a scam” without ever trying any of it. I have used alternative methods for healing for over thirty years now. Cat allergies, sinus allergies, kidney stones, diverticulitus, bladder issues, stomach problems, all successfully resolved without sacrificing organs in the process. I have also used western medicine a few times along the way but far less frequently. Especially when it comes to trauma, emergencies or accidents, ambulances and hospitals are awesome and generally the best choice. Unfortunately we are trapped into our need for medical insurance and anything out of pocket is also often never considered an option financially for people. The system itself has contributed to blocking out other paths for healing.
As difficult as the last few years have been for many of us, I think the negatives are leading us somewhere because they always do! I think a movement toward holistic medicine for many is beginning to usher in. More people will begin to let go of the idea that “western medicine is the only way.” This includes some practitioners in western medical fields expanding their knowledge and incorporating some of the old ways into their current healing arts. We will see an expansion and move in the next few decades of more choices to consider for addressing illness. In some cases a surgeon or doctor will be the best choice, and in others a dietician, personal trainer, acupuncturist, herbalist, sound healer, or another type of specialist will be a better choice. I would suggest for most people to absolutely continue to use western medicine. It is valuable and we have been immersed into believing its value since birth. An abrupt change would be overwhelming, even possibly damaging. Instead focus on the excitement of discovery and possibility of alternative ways to heal. Most people would be amazed by how many natural cures there are with food and dietary changes, herbs, trigger points, and a host of other modalities that are available for just about everything. Just google “natural cures for...” and “spiritual reasons behind your specific illness,” and open some new doors and perspectives in your life. At the very least begin to look at what the spiritual aspect of the illness is about. Or check out a holistic doctor, herbalist, acupuncturist, or other alternative healing specialists and get their advice as well before choosing whatever method is the right choice for you. Start with a few small or minor problems at first to see if a holistic approach works for you and enjoy expanding your options and ultimately your world.
Jim Ventura 4-2021
After about a year of on and off issues with first getting through kidney stones (I used holistic methods to heal this) and still some off and on discomfort with inflammation it seems my kidneys have finally healed and have been cleared. I used acupuncture, trigger points. herbal remedies, and made changes to my diet. Healing was slow but I was also looking at the roots of the discomfort. Kidney issues usually have to do with issues of discomfort around being judged, and over reacting. A lot of awareness and release was being slowly resolved internally by looking at things from a different viewpoint. Then I came across Black Seed Oil. It is supposed to be healing in all kinds of different ways and is mentioned in ancient books, as a gift from god for healing. Many Pharaohs in Egypt were buried with it in their tombs and this was seen as a blessing and protection.
I took the big leap and rather than pills for it that are available I took a teaspoon each day for about two weeks. It tastes really bad and you will burp it up with a little bit of an after tastes for a few hours, ugh. Yet, this combined with a few weeks of eating a lot of watermelon (also supposed to be good for clearing the kidneys) and a few rounds of intermittent fasting the last remnents of discomfort moved through. It seems the kidney issues are actually behind me now. The message of my inflammation and physical discomfort was to learn how not to be reacting, take things personally, or get inflamed about those who judged or I perceived as judging me. At every level I am really proud of how this worked out and my faith in sticking to solving it. I pretty much felt like a “bad ass” in pulling this off!
As we thankfully for the most part move out of the difficult past fourteen months of so much closed and limited during the pandemic, opportunities are springing up for those willing to follow the path of societal trends and benefits that can emerge during a recovery period. Better times are ahead. I lost a bunch of party events in 2020 because of social activity and parties just disappearing. I did take a notable loss, but also had the blessing of a strong housing market that increased my home’s equity. The parties and events are beginning to happily come back again.
Check out the last few new YouTube videos I have posted on my channel (J Ventura) and follow me on Instagram for added occasional posts. In addition to one on one sessions explore my website for info about classes that are available. You may see a message on website that site is “not secured” largely nonsense, just another method for web hosts to charge extra each year lol. The summer is around the corner. Wishing everyone a great start to the summer season. Cheers, Jim V
“Some of my best memories are made in flip-flops,” Kellie Elmore
Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.
From Spirit Speaks magazine 1992 perfect Health, Perfect Self: Becoming Healthy
Respiratory illnesses
“Problems with breath and respiration indicate a certain fear or resistance to taking in life fully, and oftentimes a fear that life will hurt you, and so out of that fear there is this shutting down of the respiration.” Seth
“Arthritis is another disease of great anger. Although the anger is usually an anger at obligation or a feeling of involuntary servitude. It is often the best children in the family, the caretakers, who have arthritis. And, for that reason, arthritis most often occurs in hands and arms, and legs and knees. In hands and arms it is saying, ‘I just can’t nurture anymore,’ and in legs and knees it is saying, ‘I just can’t bend to your will anymore.” Robbyn and His Merry Bande
“People with diabetes are in denial of the sweetness of life. (What’s the thing they can’t have?) They are often critical of the efforts of others and certainly of themselves. Nothing is ever quite good enough, or so they think, which is a real pity, because we (on our side) think they are just fine.” Robbyn and His Merry Bande
Heart disease
“Heart and lung disease are good examples of people saying, ‘There is not enough energy, and I don’t want what is there.’ ‘I can’t get it.’ ‘I won’t get it,’ because, you know, the life-energy is out there, and it only takes deep breaths to get it. But when you impair either your lungs or your cardiovascular system, it doesn’t get to you. You say, ‘I don’t deserve’ Incredible numbers of diseases are either denied anger, denied rage, or unworthiness. Sad but true.” Aranya
“Allergies are an inability to cope with the vibrational patterns around you. They make you itch. They suffocate you. They make you disoriented. They make you tired. They make you fat. They give you chills and fever and so on. Those of you with allergies are pretty determined folks. Somehow, you knew that something about this planet was bound to drive you nuts, but you came back anyway. The solution to this is to try to relax and get to the root of what it is that distressed you so in the first place. Many of you are unable to relax and be comfortable in the world, and your allergies are simply telling you where you’re uncomfortable.
Allergy, believe it or not, is one of the few diseases that has courage attached to it. You had the courage to come, but you’re still uncomfortable. You were the ones who were probably burned at the stake a few times; you probably had your eyes and heart gouged out; you may have been flayed alive once or twice. For you, we want to offer a reminder that if you are here, it is safe to be here, and you’re not going to be persecuted again in this lifetime-you’re more than accomplished at that from the past. The universe does support you. We suggest you make that your mantra.” Robbyn and His Merry Bande
“If summer had one defining scent, it’d definitely be the smell of barbecue.” Katie Lee
New Client Special 2021:
January 1st through June 30th, 2021 Special:
$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session for a friend or family member you can also take advantage of these rates!
My current rates (new clients can subtract the above discounts from these rates): 45 minute sessions $90. 70 minute sessions $115. 90 minute sessions $135.
I also have 20 minute mini phone sessions $40. New client discount and special does not apply
Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcast this period)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, June 3rd at 3:30 p.m. mountain (Phoenix) time. Usually one or two Thursdays each month you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to chat with other listeners in the chat room with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
One of four agreements:
Don’t take Anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.” Don Miguel Ruitz
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (best method for contact).
Phone calls: (602) 957-3035 text only: (602) 349-0746
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.
You also may want to check out my posts on
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (approximately once a month 6-10 minute videos) at
J Ventura.. You can also find me on Instagram.
All sessions/readings for 2020-21 are: Full (70 minutes) $115.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $135.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back with an added fee of $5 for $70.00 each, although no other discounts will apply). Mini phone session 20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 pre-paid sessions also brings sizable discounts (example 3 pre-paid 45 minute sessions is $150 total or $50 a session...)
Hummingbirds totem (original expanded post on FaceBook) Remind us to enjoy life and take a lighter approach.
Lift us out of negativity.