Wednesday, June 27, 2012

July 2012 Snake Oil/Jim Ventura Blog

July 2012 Snake Oil/Jim Ventura newsletter
Snake Oil/  Carry on our wayward son

I have always enjoyed music. I grew up in a house where all kinds of music was played often. My Mother listened to her large collection of albums during the daytime. My older siblings were frequently playing music in their rooms and had what my mom called “concerts.” In reality more often than not, they were listening to music and smoking weed. Mom was oblivious to that part. They often used incense to cover up the smell. The sounds of America, Cat Stevens, Fleetwood Mac, Bread, The Stylistics, The Who, Led Zeppelin, and popular music on the radio was often a part of our world. If music wasn’t coming from our home it was coming from the radio in everyone’s cars. I listened to pop music when I was a kid, but began to get brave and considered buying albums of the music I liked when I reached my teen years. I already had a collection of 45’s (if you are too young to know what a 45 is, it was a record of a single song.) but I was ready to take the plunge into purchasing albums. Because of the tremendous musical knowledge in my family this was a bit daunting to me. I finally got brave at around 14 and bought my first album. I bought an album by a group called Kansas that was only a few years old. It had songs like “Carry on our wayward son,” “Dust in the wind,” and “Point of no return.” I was thrilled to buy my first album, but bringing the album home made me very nervous. What would my siblings think of my choice?
My oldest brother saw me walk in the door and asked what album I had bought. Albums were far harder to hide the CD versions that came out in the mid eighties. My oldest brother rarely ever even acknowledged my existence, but because he probably though he could borrow my album if it was one he liked he got nosey. I hesitantly showed him my purchase. He looked at it and mildly grunted with no comment. I was extremely uncomfortable and felt he was judging me and finding me lacking in my musical purchase. This wasn’t the first time I felt I had been judged by a family member. I had experienced this many times before from neighbors, classmates, and family as well. Childhood is when our Chief Negative Features first surface (Seven different primary fears that create blocks to happiness. Most human beings have two of them by the time they reach adulthood). I experienced a little bit more of judgment than most people do and it triggered a fear of inadequacy and subsequent fear of vulnerability. My first album purchase was one of many experiences that created my acquiring a chief negative feature of Arrogance.
Arrogance has it positive expression of “pride” and a negative being “vanity.” I became aware of what arrogance actually was and how it was blocking me at around twenty. I was very lucky to have found some excellent channeled material that talked about the stumbling blocks of Chief negative feature (Michael material). I began to work on putting a stop to the problems arrogance creates for everyone who acquires it, and made some real progress on minimizing its hold earlier than most people do. While only approximately 15 percent of the population has this fear, in my practice of navigational consultations, the percentages rise to about 35 percent. We are actually not born with our chief negative features. They are not part of who we are. Still, because fear is such a powerful trap in this world it is nearly impossible for us to not get pulled into one or more of these as we develop into adults. I of course, was no exception to the rule. 
In the case of arrogance, criticism and judgment in early conditioning is more than most children can handle. Love feels conditional in the home and in the world around them. Early experiences create a dread of being judged and compared. Children who develop this fear decide that there is something wrong with them. This produces an attempt to act as if they are indifferent to all the judgment. They either act as if they don’t care about what others think or they work to develop a false personality that will make everyone around them think they they are great or special. This urge to cover up the pain and to shine brighter than others has a value. Many who develop this fear become quite smart, attractive, beautiful, funny, or anything else that might make people like them. They develop a heightened ability to scrutinize the world for anything that might bring scorn upon them. This can create some extremely observant, sharp minds, and attractive people. Unfortunately, it also creates a constant fear of vulnerability and true shyness. Arrogance can be seen by others as an individual who either brags too much or wants to hide who they are. Usually there is a bit of both of these things operating at different times.
I struggled in my teens and early twenties with arrogance. I didn’t believe I was attractive physically. I worked to resolve this by working out and even tanned obsessively for a short time. I thought the suntan would also clear up my teenage acne. I did everything I could to make myself look better although I was popular and had a number of friends, at the same time I had a number of areas in my life where I was painfully shy. In my teen years, my fear of being judged and laughed at was so bad that when I was around eighteen, I remember walking into a party and hearing someone laughing in the distance. I couldn’t even see who it was, yet my distorted sense of self worth convinced me they were laughing at me and what I was wearing. I also remember walking down the street late at night when I was around 16 and some drunk idiot in a car with some other teenagers threw a beer can out the window that almost hit me. I was convinced that he threw it because I was hideous. Arrogance initially starts out with experiencing too much judgment and criticism by others. In time, it progresses into not actually needing anyone to judge you to trigger a feeling of inadequacy. This is carried out expertly inside the self. Situations that have nothing to do with anyone judging you are met with a response as if this were actually the case. The Arrogance “dragon” masters the art of making you feel bad about yourself. Often it pushes you to feel judgement when one is actually judging you!
All people who develop this fear become hyper critical of themselves and others. Like all chief negative features, this does have some benefits. Often their critical eye makes for some real experts who have tremendous skills because of their extremely sharp, observation skills. The drive to succeed or to look really good can create some extremely talented, and even beautiful people. (witness talk shows where picked on, unattractive nerds return to confront their abusers and now look stunning). The problem is that while outwardly people afflicted by arrogance often look or sound good, inwardly there is still a scared child who can become obsessive about getting rid of any flaws anyone might see in them. They fear vulnerability and often find themselves mating with people who inevitably leave them because they hide parts of themselves from the people they are close to. They create false personalities that they hope will give them the approval they always desired. This can cause them to lose touch with being authentic. Like all chief negative features, the fear voice convinces you to cling more to its bad suggestions in hopes that it will help you. 
I myself followed many of these classic arrogance patterns. In addition to fearing that I was inadequate physically, I also had other demons. I struggled with shame around my sexual orientation. My Catholic upbringing and fear of rejection heightened this fear. I was studying philosophy, metaphysics, and all kinds of advanced things at a young age. Yet, I feared that people would disprove of these things and think I was even more of a weirdo if they found out. Because I developed this chief negative feature I have a tremendous understanding and compassion for people struggling with arrogance. Part of the process of breaking from this “dragon” is to realize that people are too self absorbed to pay much attention to us in the first place! To heal the arrogance fear you have to face it head on and risk being vulnerable. This is the very thing the fear will repeatedly tell you is most dangerous to your survival. This is one of many tools that can release us from its grip. I made great progress on conquering my arrogance at a fairly young age because I was blessed to have the tools to combat it.
Many of the things I feared made me inadequate turned out to be the very things that made me valuable. When I broke the grip of this fear I began to see things differently. My sexual orientation was a gift. Being gay makes it easier to work with women. They tend to feel safe and trust someone who isn’t going to try and sleep with them. In addition, this part of me enables me to have a more balanced awareness of male and female perspectives. When I came out about my spiritual studies, it helped a lot of people, and it opened up the door to a career that I love. All of the things that the fear convinced me were bad turned out to be good! I recently listened to my Kansas album (now I have it on CD). It is a really good album. It was a pretty brilliant choice in early music for a 14 year old. For anyone with this chief feature, when you accept who you are and risk vulnerability, you will find yourself getting happier and far more peaceful. I believed I was too much of a weirdo, but that was my gift, not my curse. At some level we are all a bit odd. Yet, when we let our individual “music” out, the world inevitably sounds and looks a hell of a lot better because we did! 
Jim Ventura 6-2012

Editors note:
It’s hard to believe that we are already in the heart (heat) of the summer. It’s hot outside here in Phoenix! Even when I take my every other month trips to Las Vegas, it’s really hot there as well. Still, my free hotel rooms A/C is usually set to around 68 degrees. I actually find myself freezing some nights when I sleep.  And people wonder why I like to go to Vegas so often... strangely, the part of me that is drawn to an enjoyment of extremes in temperatures likes all of this craziness. I am a true Sagittarius and love my road trips!
Any of my sharp, observant readers who have followed my columns over the years will probably see that I have just covered the fourth installment of information about the influences of the seven chief negative features. I have now covered impatience, martyrdom, greed, and arrogance. I will tackle stubbornness, self deprecation, and self destruction in future columns. If you missed the previous columns you can purchase a copy of Snake Oil Volume One to catch up. If you want help with breaking free of yours you can book a Transformation session with me. Joining my regular client program is one of the best ways to help loosen the grip of chief negative features. In addition to experiencing many different types of sessions, we always get to the process of breaking chief negative feature. More information about signing up for this program is in the newsletter. Take advantage of the regular sessions, discounts, and benefits of the program. Congratulations to my current and to many of my previous Regular clients for tackling their “dragons”  - the results have been monumental.
If you are on Facebook, feel free to friend request me. Facebook friends get discounts on sessions, extra session offers, as well as lots of extra posts about current Astrology and other influences. You can also ask to be added to my promotional birthday special list by “asking to be added” and giving me your Birthday information by email. I already have some of my mailing list clients birthdays. Clients who I have a list of birth-dates get a discounted session each year on their birthday!
“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing...” George Bernard Shaw
Regular Client Program 
One of the best programs I have been doing for nearly ten years now is my Regular client program. The program is designed to benefit my clients at multiple levels. Clients who enroll in the program come in every three months for personal sessions (monthly, or every other month is also an option). This can also be done for out-of-area clients by phone. Session prices are discounted for Regular clients.  Regulars also receive discounts on classes, books and CD’s. The focus of the program is on consistent work in developing your intuitive abilities, learning how to use the signs and signals that are all around us, and permanently conquering fear-based programming. My Regular client program has resulted in some tremendous spiritual evolution for hundreds of people over the years. Many of my Regulars have gone on to do spiritual counseling, or similar types of work and some are healing and guiding others personally and professionally. The progress I have seen over the years among the majority of my Regular clients has been phenomenal. I feel like a proud Dad when I see the spiritual, physical, and emotional progress I have helped to motivate. So many of my Regular clients have dramatically changed the way they now view life and are enjoying a more enlightened point of view. You too can join this program as well, just ask.
More about the Regular Client Program...
This program was designed to create an easy, cost effective way for my clients to progress in their spiritual development. 
When we are consistent at attending to our body/mind/spirit, we naturally move through life with more harmony and greater joy. When our spiritual awareness is heightened and fine tuned we are often happier which helps us to enjoy all aspects of our lives, including occasional personal challenges because we see them as inevitably beneficial. We can truly assist the people around us. Human beings learn by example. Your intimate partnerships, friendships, family, and children benefit when you are in a good space.
Regular client rates for 2012-2014: (My session rates may go up, but Regulars will stay at these discounted  rates)
Quarterly (every three months) Regulars:
70 minute sessions $90.00, 40 minute sessions $60.00, Extended 90 minute sessions $105.00.
Every two months Regulars:
70 minute sessions $85.00, 40 minute sessions $55.00, Extended 90 minute sessions $100.00.
Monthly Regulars: 
70 minute sessions $80.00, 40 minute sessions $50.00, Extended 90 minute sessions $95.00.
(Prepaid sessions of 4 or more also receive another 5 percent discount)
Contact me by phone or email for more information and to sign up to be part of the Regular Client program.

Snake Oil Radio
Every Thursday at 3:30 pm (there will be three live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, July 5th, at 3:30 p.m. (MST). Every Thursday you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. Halfway though the show you can even ask me for a free 5 minute reading with your personal question. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on i-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
All you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into:  You may also access it by going to Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
My monthly interview show will be on July 12th with Maren Nelson:
Maren Nelson is a healer and a certified Master Teacher of Connected Breathing and Founder of the renowned Life Breath Integrations, a center for holistic healing and personal growth in Scottsdale, AZ and Los Angeles, CA. She works with private clients, trains and certifies practitioners in Life Breathing (Holotropic Breathing/Connected Breathing), and has been facilitating workshops internationally since 1987.
Maren is a Minister of Mind/Body Healing for the Association of the Integration of the Whole Person (AIWP). She is a sought after speaker and continues to develop innovative workshops and seminars across the country.
“Good things can have bad outcomes. Bad things can have good outcomes. Rather than jumping to conclusions, wait and see.” Dick Sutphen
Summer classes (All at my home in Phoenix) 
MICHAEL MATERIAL (5 class series)
* What is your soul age? The soul age of friends and family ?
* How do past lifetimes influence us in the present ?
* What does karma feel like, and how does it work ?
* How does your chief negative feature impact your life, and can it be changed?
* What happens when your partner is an idealist and you are a realist ?
* What is your life goal? Is it dominance, acceptance, flow or submission ?
*What is your essence, your soul mate’s essence ? Artisan, priest, king, server, sage,   warrior or scholar ?
* What is a soul mate, task companion, heart link ?
* What do the higher centers feel like?
After this workshop you will understand all of these questions and many more, and more importantly have the answers.
There are no tests to pass, just some great information. 5 classes, 2 hours each.
What is the Michael teaching?
The main goal of the Michael teaching is agape or unconditional love. The teaching views life as a learning game in which fragments of the Tao - that essential part of each human being - set up lessons which continue over lifetimes. These lessons are learned via the personality which Essence chooses each lifetime. Michael teaches us what the components of the personality are so that we can learn to use and see these components in ourselves and in others. In that way we can learn to understand why human beings behave as they do. Michael is composed of 1,050 individual Essences who have lived on the physical plane and now teach from another plane. One of the most basic and important principles of the teaching is that it is not a religion or a belief system. Michael encourages their students to self validate all of the information they receive. The system was originally in print in over 12 volumes of information. “My studies of this material have been extensive and now I offer what I have learned to my students” Jim Ventura (Old Scholar). The classes will help you to use and understand the material without the need to read all the out of print books.
Sunday afternoons 12:30- 2:45 pm. July 22, 29, August 5, 12, 19th.  $90.00 for all five classes ($80.00 pre-paid and for Regular clients). Maximum of eight students and minimum of four. $20.00 non-refundable deposit  to hold a space in the classes.
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602)957-3035 Email: 
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website:
Blog column for 1 year of published columns:
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras!
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices below.
All sessions/readings for 2011-2012 are: (70 minutes) $110.00; (40 minutes) $75.00;  Extended (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each). 

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