Monday, January 14, 2013

January Extra
Editors note:

The new year has been a good one so far, with clearly noticeable positive things for myself and many of my Regular clients. Many of my readers have taken advantage of my New Year oracle pull special and enjoyed an in-person or phone session to see what primary themes are surfacing for them in the year ahead. This has led to a prosperous year for me financially, and (more importantly) the excitement that I feel when I am able to help guide people this way. I really can say I truly love my job! The new year oracle pulls have really helped my clients with some excellent information to help guide them to a happy 2013!
I have been posting (on Face Book) the most commonly pulled oracle cards and Runes that my clients are receiving. Some of these have come up so frequently that it is definitely notable! Since many of my Snake Oil subscribers are not on Face Book and missing the extra posts, I have decided to collect them all and give them as a free gift to all of my current column subscribers. In our new year sessions we have been pulling one oracle from some of the decks I work with: Tarot, Lakota Indian cards, Runes, Angel cards, Druid animal totem, and Egyptian cartouche. While everyones readings are completely unique, these are among the most commonly pulled oracles for the year in each category so far.
If you have never had an oracle reading (with me or anyone for that matter) or currently don’t have the funds for one, you can use the insight from these pulls to give you some direction for the coming year. Think about what you would like to see for yourself and accomplish in the coming year and then take some time to read each of the oracles interpretations. See how many of these messages fit for you.  Sharing these oracle interpretations is my way of saying thanks for all of your support in my work (reading my columns and passing them on to others, purchasing books, taking classes, and having personal sessions with me over the years). Wishing everyone the best for the New Year. Cheers, Jim V
And, if you would like to take advantage of the special you still have two more weeks to book (or you can purchase a gift certificate for the session - and one extra for a friend at same rate if you want to give a gift) your personal session (phone or in-office). This mid-month extra column has not gone through my usual editors scrutiny, so my apologies for any typos and grammatical errors :)

New Year reading overview special:
You can still have a New Year overview session to look at primary themes, challenges, and opportunities for the coming year. One symbol from each of the many different oracles I read will be pulled to highlight 2013 specifically for you!
Angel card
Viking Rune stone
Druid animal totem
Lakota Indian card
Egyptian Cartouche
Tarot Archetype
Your session can be a 45 minute or full 70 minute reading. Mention the New Year special and you get $15 off of my listed prices (normally subscribers get $5 off) for booking this session in January of 2013 only. Extended 90 minute sessions get $20 off! Email or call to set up your appointment.
Here is a short version and some information about each of the most commonly pulled symbols for the year so far:
Viking Rune Stone:
Berkana Upright:
“Growth Rebirth Birch Tree

Another of the Cycle Runes, Berkana represents a form of fertility that fosters growth both symbolically and actually. The growth may occur in affairs of the world, family matters, the relationship of the self to the Self, or to the Divine.
A rune that leads to blossoming and ripening, Berkana is concerned with the flow of beings into their new forms. Its acton is gentle, penetrating and pervasive.
What is called for here is to consider your issue with care and awareness. First disperse resistance, then accomplish the work. For this to happen, your will must be clear and controlled, your motives correct. Any dark corners should be cleansed; this must be carried out diligently and sometimes with expert help. Modesty, patience, fairness and generosity are called for here. Once resistance is dispersed, and rectification carried out and seen to hold firm, then through steadfastness and right attitude, the blossoming can occur.” Ralph Blum from book of Runes

Lakota Indian cards

“I am if the four sustainers, gifts of your Mother to you that you may have life upon her body. Consider of what I am made. Consider how it is that I renew myself, how it is that I bring forth new life. I live in a continual cycle of giving and receiving. 
Earth is one of the four elemental spirits. Think about how you accept nurturing-from others and even from yourself. Nourishment and caring begin within. Attend to your body’s needs along with your emotional and spiritual hungers. Allow yourself to accept all that you require. Listen to the needs of others and provide nurturing to them. Nurturing is a two-way process that helps us develop, grow, and sustain life. use positive, encouraging language when describing how you are and the activities in your life. Appreciate yourself. You deserve it. 
Meditation: The cycles of time bring me into an awareness of the interdependence of all life.” Chief Fire Lame Deer and H Sarkis 

Tarot Archetype: Death

“Ominous looking card huh? This is the Tarot Archetype of Death (13). Often it is used in movies and television to shock, scare, and dramatically induce awe and fear of the Tarot cards and card readers. This archetypal symbol has come up a number of times in the last few weeks for many of my clients who are having their new year oracle pulls. It’s actual meaning has little or nothing to do with the prospect of physical death though.
Death archetype upright: Death is a card of transformation, movement, and change. Often it signals a positive change and move to a new stage in our lives. When one phase of our life ends and we are ready to release the past and open to new beginnings we are experiencing the Death archetype. Examples of this are: When we move from being a child to committing to the responsibilities of being an adult. When we leave an old career behind and start a new one. When we leave our parents home and get our own apartment. When our primary identity has been mother and our children have grown up and left home we may now need to channel our ability to nurture into new areas. When we go from being single to married. When we go from being married to single. When a stagnant relationship comes to an end. Sometimes the change is simply more of an internal one. These and similar processes occur at many different times in our lives. If we are emotionally and spiritually attuned we happily release the past because the excitement of the “new life” that is calling us, joyfully pulls us forward. Even in the RARE case of this representing actual death this can also be a positive time when we are finished with our experiences on the physical plane and we are ready to go “home.”
Death reversed means we may be holding onto old stagnant conditions and refusing to release. Fear of the future may be keeping us trapped and stuck. It can also mark a brief pause while we reevaluate and process the old while waiting for the new to become illuminated in its proper time. Sometimes after a period of intense changes we may need a little stagnancy for a bit.” Jim Ventura

Druid Animal Totem: Salmon

In Druid tradition Salmon is seen as the Oldest animal and is connected with wisdom, inspiration, and rejuvenation. 
“Bradan (Salmon) is revered as extremely sacred in the Druid tradition - it is the Oldest animal, and it offers us wisdom and inspiration. Often with great difficulty, the salmon will return to the place of its birth to mate. To find wisdom, we need to recapitulate our lives, to journey in consciousness back to our beginnings - to our childhood and perhaps beyond to our very origins in God or Goddess. Bradan brings not only wisdom but youthfulness and inspiration, but remember that to find these things you must maintain an attitude of openness and innocence rather than strong-headed determination. From the salmon leaping we have derived the word summersault, and choosing this card reversed or upright - is urging you to connect with the leaping, dancing child within.” From the Druid animal Oracle


“The purpose of your life is to serve in a way that brings great joy to yourself and others. Don’t worry about finding your purpose. Instead, focus upon serving a purpose, and then your purpose will serve you.
This card comes as a reminder that you needn’t struggle to find your life purpose. Don’t worry about how to make good money in a meaningful career. Don’t concern yourself with quitting or starting jobs or professions. Instead, follow the path of your natural desires, talents, and passions with the full intention of bringing joy to yourself and others, Your life purpose doesn’t need to be defined or pinpointed. It’s a process, not a category...” Doreen Virtue

Egyptian Cartouche: The Twins

The history of Egyptian Symbol of the Twin Guardians:
“The Twins were considered the Egyptian guardians of the heavenly regions. They were known as Shu and Tefnut, or twin lion Gods. Legends suggest that Shu and his twin sister Tefnut were children of the God Ra. Shu was know as a warrior and ruler of the sky, or God of the air. His sister was the goddess of sun and rain. Legends tell of Tefnut giving birth to the newborn sun each and every day.
In some stories Shu was in human form and Tefnut was part lion. They were seen as the perfect representation of twin soul energy. They represented the energy in all of us that searches for our “other half.” The pull of partnership and the need to find a mate can be a powerful element in all of us. The Twins were a compliment to each other and the two coming together formed a truly whole image. The power and confidence of the Lion energy is also an aspect of sensuality and power. Lion conveys both beauty, power, and heart energy. Similar patterns can be seen astrologically with the sign of Leo. Many different cultural philosophies had different versions of the Twin energies in Astrology this is represented by Gemini, also known as the Twins.
From my research from the Michael teachings I have found that there are a few common themes in the types of relationships that draw us in. The primary relationships that we are drawn to during some of our lifetimes are:
1. Essence twins (also know as soulmate, twin flames etc...) True “other half” someone we have experienced many lifetimes with. Often the essence twin relationship can be difficult to handle. This mirror can be the most intimate imaginable with many shared lifetimes. Yet, many people feel unworthy of true intimacy or are scared off by these with one or both twins pushing the other away... A good example of an essence twin relationship that actually worked well was John Lennon and Yoko Ono.
2. Task companion relationships. T.C.’s are people we have worked with in other lifetimes to accomplish life tasks. Often these relationships are easier than other relationships and if intimacy is involved they can also be very enjoyable because of shared goals  and often similar “over-leaves.”
3. Heart links. These relationships are often all about love and heart connections. We often feel loved when we are around people who share heart link patterns. Intimate partnerships, family members, children etc... fill this space easily. (Trust me not every family member or all of your children are heart links lol)
4. Members of our soul group. These relationships are often familiar, even if we have just met the individual for first time. Often in the beginning it can feel easy and like comfortably “catching up.” They may be intimate partnerships, family bonds, or friends we meet that become like family to us. 
5. Body type attraction only. These relationships are generally not compatible for the long haul. Often there is little shared history in a karmic sense. Incompatible over-leaves (Astrology), and not much in common. Yet, there is strong body chemistry (u find each other to be hot) and while frequently short-lived they do often produce growth (even if it appears to be negative).
Body type attraction can also be part of any of the other relationships listed above. “ Jim Ventura

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602)957-3035 Email: 
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http:// 
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials.
All Current Snake Oil subscribers always get $5.00 off all listed prices below.
All sessions/readings for 2013 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each). 
I accept cash, checks, debit cards, Master Card, Visa, and PayPal for payments on sessions and for books and classes. Send me your birth month and year to get added to the yearly Birthday mailer promotion.

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