Tuesday, February 26, 2013

March 2013 Snake Oil/Jim Ventura Blog

Snake Oil
Good times Bad Times (March 2008 column)

A few years ago the real estate market was booming. Luckily for me, I bought my condominium one year before the market went through the roof. Housing prices rose in record numbers. In Arizona, as well as other places in America, people listed their home at a fair price while taking advantage of an added perks there were often bidding wars to buy homes above the asking price. A lot of people in real estate were making money right and left. I had only owned my condominium for three years and it had doubled in value! This was probably the easiest money I have “theoretically” ever made. Still, while people scrambled to buy and sell, capitalizing on this trend, many went way over their budgets to purchase high-end homes. At the same time, many new realtors were hurriedly diving into the real estate field. Today, things have certainly changed. We are in a time of record-breaking foreclosures and home values have dropped. This pattern is not a new one. Human beings often forget that life is built on waves of “cycles.” Ignoring these cycles is the very thing that creates problems for people who get caught in the mania of greed. Any area of life where things rise rapidly will eventually balance itself in the other direction.

We hear simplistic phrases like; “what goes up must come down.” We smile at the simplicity of such perspectives yet in almost all cliche expressions, there are hints of truth within these sayings. In all of life, things are built and designed with cycles of “checks and balances.” In practical terms, the stock market is one such example. In the long run, the market can be a good place to invest money. Over many years, most solid companies will strategically continue to gain over the long haul. But, like anything else, in the short run it will go up and down. When we forget these cycles, problems arise. When home values rose dramatically a few years ago, I often heard comments like; “I made $60,000 in one year on my house.” In actuality, this is not an accurate perspective. Unless they actually sold their homes and had the money in their pockets, they didn’t have $60,000. This type of thinking is one of the biggest contributions to the financial difficulties many people now experience.

The Tarot illustrates this Archetypal theme of cycles in the Major Arcana symbol of the Wheel of Fortune card. In its upright position it represents a beneficial cycle consisting of, opportunities, lucking out, and profitable ventures in many, or all areas of life. The probability of abundance is indicated by this card when it shows up in a spread. Even the most cynical people can recognize that we all have times when this apples to our lives. In its reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune represents a difficult cycle, a period of blocked opportunities or bad luck. Tarot experts understand that this up and down aspect of reality is nothing to fret about. A dark period will always give way to a period of light. An extremely opportune period will inevitably come back down and potentially trigger disappointment for anyone who believed it would always stay that way.

Wise Soothsayers (Oracle readers), philosophers and people who have acquired wisdom understand that the universe is built on yin and yang, positive and negative, and dark and light cycles. There is no need to rally against unfavorable conditions. Things will inevitably turn around if one perseveres. Even when conditions are going extremely well, one should not behave recklessly. We absolutely should enjoy the opportunity to celebrate our good fortune, but also put some of the prosperity to the side to help cover the inevitable lean times. Even difficult cycles can be advantageous. We may use these cycles to repair areas that need attending. Fisherman repair nets when the weather conditions are unfavorable and they cannot fish. The universe was wired to move through all kinds of cycles. When the sun comes up and brings daylight, nightfall will follow. A cold winter will be followed by a warm lush spring. When we understand this duality we become more balanced and always remember not to collapse ourselves into the highs as well as the lows.

Maybe I understand this so well because for fun I like to gamble. I tend to play fairly low stakes blackjack and video poker. Often, no matter how lucky I am, I inevitably hit cold periods. Sometimes the cards, dice, or slot machines just don’t go my way. There are occasional times when I am so unlucky that I find it almost comical! Things don’t always go our way. Good and bad seasons come and go. Difficult times and challenges are not only a part of life, but can be valuable to us if we learn to surf these waves. In the
late sixties the rock group “the Byrds” turned a quote from the book of Ecclesiastics into a song that expressed this idea of cycles in a really cool way:

“To everything turn, turn, turn. There is a season, turn, turn, turn. And a time to every purpose under heaven...”
Jim Ventura 3-2008

Editors Note:

I originally ran this piece back in 2008. I think many of my readers could benefit from a reminder about the nature o cycles. Toward the end of January and early February when I usually write my March column, I found myself experiencing a bit of writers block. I have learned over the years to avoid struggling with this (although it is still a bit frustrating) because I am in a collecting phase. If I try to “push out” a creative piece before it is “ready” I find that it takes a significant amount of extra editing before it is done and the writing isn’t usually as good as the material that just naturally flows out of me when it is ready. Forced creativity can be  a bit like trying to get oneself to have a bowel movement before it is “time.” A crude analogy to be sure, but one that everyone can identify with. Pluto is in Virgo in my 5th house of creatively. The astrological translation (into words that will make sense to my readers who don’t completely understand the language of astrology) is: The part of us where we are intense and powerful like a volcano erupts on its own schedule and its own time. Often this powerful part of us lies dormant, yet when this part of us (Pluto) focuses its talents and skills it can be very powerful indeed. I am very nit-picking and a bit of a perfectionist (Pluto in Virgo) so my creative work tends to be about reforming, solving, and repairing. I have a number of different creative talents and I enjoy a bit of showmanship, playfulness, and sometimes even enjoy shocking my audience a bit (Pluto and Uranus in the 5th house). Finding out and understanding where Pluto is in your natal chart and where it is currently transiting can be a great way to understand where you have tremendous potential and power that can sometimes be annoyingly dormant for long periods of time. Scorpio’s ruling planet is Pluto, so this is something every person with their Sun, Moon, or Ascendent in Scorpio can completely understand.
I have found that I am doing more frequent posts on FaceBook. I have included some of these posts in this newsletter for those of you who do not use FaceBook or are not following my fan page or haven’t yet friend requested me on FaceBook. I usually post about twice a week. I will continue to keep my Snake Oil column to once a month (occasionally I do a mid month newsletter) because I know that many of the subscribers to my column are busy and it can even be weeks before they get to read my current columns. But, if you do want to catch more of my work you can simply connect on FaceBook. If you have only been receiving my column for the last few years you have missed some really good material in the early years of Snake Oil. Snake Oil Volume One is in print and Snake Oil Volume Two should be available sometime in 2014. You can get a copy of Snake Oil - or Dirty Little Secrets - on Amazon.com or order directly through me. I really still really enjoy sitting down and reading a good book and the smell and touch of paper. One of my favorite things is to take a bath once a week and read a book or magazine. Kindle and online reading is nice, but paper still rules! Wishing everyone a happy March. Cheers. Jim V
Snake Oil Radio

Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be three live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, March 7 Th., at 3:30 p.m. (MST). Almost every Thursday you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. Halfway through some of the shows you can even ask me for a free 5 minute mini reading with your personal question. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
All you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Jim-Ventura  You may also access it by going to blogtalkradio.com. Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
Join me for an interview show on March 14th with psychic Jean Hemp. 
Jean is a Spiritual Intuitive Counselor, guiding individuals for the past 26 plus years with insights, using a variety of methods / gifts.

Numerology, Palmistry, Graphology, ‘Face-ology’ & Mah Jongg cards are my favorites, also stone readings, tea leaf / coffee ground readings, bits of astrology and there are times when communications with those that have ‘crossed over’…   Whatever and however the message comes for the individual.

Over the past years, been on the radio, performed lectures, classes, sales training seminars, psychic fairs and fund-raisers, here in Arizona, Michigan, California & Colorado.
Some of Jean’s satisfied clients are Politicians, Singers, DJ, Movie Stars, Producers, Authors, and Doctors & Lawyers.

Currently coordinating Readers for Corporate & Private Events throughout Arizona. 
Jean’s also available for private consultations. 

Being an Ordained Minister, have performed Weddings, Baptisms, and preparing those ready for their transitions out of here.

Have done paranormal investigations, clearing & blessings home blessings.

Jean can be reached at 489-525-3047

Spring Classes:

“The Runes will speak to you of change and growth. The only negativity you will find here relates to the blockage of appropriate growth, while all the positive aspects are transcendent, transforming and lead to breakthroughs...” Martin Rayner
 This class will focus on understanding the meaning and rich symbolism behind the Viking Rune stones. The Runes are an easy-to-learn Oracle. Study of the Runes can rapidly increase your spiritual growth. Runes can be used as a navigational aid for correct conduct. We will also explore how to inexpensively create your own personal set of Runes.  Saturday May 11th, 10 am - 12:30 pm. 8 students maximum (minimum of 4 to hold class). $20 pre-paid or $25 if space is available on day of class. Class will be held at my home in Phoenix. Contact me to reserve one of the spots in this class.

I posted these last month on FaceBook and received a tremendously positive response. They are the 11 Human Rights. I will add a few more to each of my monthly newsletter over the next few months.

11 Human rights by Dick Sutphen (with added comments from me):
1. You have the right to do anything as long as you do not purposely hurt someone else and you are willing to accept the consequences.

“An example: let’s say that you are a fairly good painter and you decide to show your work with a local art association one Sunday a month. You win a best-of-show award, but your husband is not enthusiastic and he soon begins to work against your participation. He may feel insecure because you are doing something on your own or because you might meet interesting men, but the fact is you are doing something that is creatively fulfilling and you are certainly not hurting anyone else. In a situation such as this, unless there are extenuating circumstances, you should assert for your rights.” D.Sutphen.

“In relationships, we are often manipulated by others because of their insecurities. If we inhibit or shut down our creative potential and what is truly fulfilling for us, we will inevitably resent our partners and this will contribute to a relationship’s potential failure. Pay attention to the reality that we may do the same type of things to our mates and close friends and family as well... 
In other circumstances people may try to tell us that we ‘can’t’ or ‘should not’ do something because it is ‘morally wrong.’ This is often another manipulative attempt to block people from expressing who they are. As long as BOTH aspects of this human right listed above are in harmony than it is okay to do the things that bring you joy.” Jim V

Number 2 of 11 Human Rights:
It is your right to maintain your self-respect by answering honestly even if it does hurt someone else (as long as you are being assertive rather than aggressive).

“For a moment imagine yourself in the following situation. Your mother: “I have a big dinner planned for the entire family this Sunday, so you, John, and the children come over about one.”
You: “We can’t do that, Mother. We are going to rent a cabin in the woods this weekend.”
Mother: “Well, I have this all planned. You can rent a cabin another weekend.”
You: “We could rent the cabin another weekend, but I want to go this weekend.”
Mother: “You mean you’d rather go to an old cabin in the woods than make your mother happy by coming over to her house for dinner?”
You: “This weekend I would rather go to the woods. Another weekend I might prefer to have dinner with you, Mother.”

All right, your mother is now hurt because she put herself in a ‘choose between me and something else’ contest, and you chose something else. It was a manipulative attempt to use guilt by oversimplifying the decision down to your mother’s happiness vs. an inanimate bunch of boards in the woods. Obviously this wasn’t at all the basis of the decision. You handled it in a kind way, even offering the compromise for dinner on another weekend, so you have no reason to feel bad. If your mother feels bad it is her own doing, and she will simply have to learn that you aren’t going to fall for her old tricks anymore.

Now, let’s look at the same situation, but this time you respond with aggression.
You: “We can’t do that, Mother. We’re going to rent a cabin in the woods this weekend, and anyway, I’m not up to listening to John grumble about indigestion for a week like he did after the last dinner we had with you.”
That statement was designed to hurt and would be considered aggressive behavior and thus is unacceptable.
The key words on this particular right are “self-respect.” A phony excuse or an unfelt apology will cause you to lose your self-respect and that is never acceptable. D.S.

“We often get so immersed into relationships with others that we unconsciously (or consciously) choose to battle unnecessarily or strike back rather than be simply honest. We also may end up doing things we would prefer not to do by getting guilted into it. We also may find ourselves doing the very same thing to others. Many of these human rights I have listed bring up the idea of the difference between assertiveness (healthy) and aggressiveness (combative). Healthy assertiveness can take time to master (still working on it myself) but it is amazing when we achieve it. Imagine doing only what you choose to do in life and letting go of the need to manipulate others. When I started practicing these things myself almost twenty years ago, I thought people would start to dislike me if I was totally honest. It was the exact opposite, people liked me more. And the ones who didn’t dropped away, another gift :) Jim V”

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602)957-3035 Email: Venturasag@yahoo.com 
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://JimVentura.com 
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials.
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices below.
All sessions/readings for 2013 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each). 
I accept cash, checks, debit cards, Master Card, Visa, and PayPal for payments on sessions and for books and classes. Send me your birth month and year to get added to the yearly Birthday mailer promotion.

I often like to pull a Rune for a navigational message at the beginning of each month. This was the Rune I pulled for myself and 5 of the 11 clients I worked with at that time also pulled the same Rune!
Ansuz (upright)
Signals, Messenger Rune, The God Loki

“The keynote here is receiving: messages, signals, gifts. Even a timely warning may be seen as a gift. The message may be that of a new life unfolding. New lives begin with new connections, surprising linkages that direct you onto new pathways. Take care now to be especially aware during meetings, visits, chance encounters, particularly with persons wiser than yourself. When the Messenger Rune brings sacred knowledge, you are truly blessed.
Loki is the ancient trickster from the pantheon of Norse gods. He is the Heyeohokah of the Native Americans, a mocking shadow of the creator god, as well as the bringer of benefits to humankind. He is a reminder that even scoundrels and arch-thieves can be the bearers of wisdom. When you draw this Rune, expect the unexpected: The message is always a call, a call to new life.
Ansuz is the first of the thirteen Runes that make up the cycle of Initiation-Runes that focus directly on the mechanism of self-change-and as such, addresses our need to integrate unconscious motive with conscious intent.
Drawing Ansuz tells you that connection with the Divine is at hand. It is a signal to explore the depths. the foundation of life, and to experience the inexhaustible wellspring of the Divine in your nature.
At the same time, you are reminded that you must first draw from the well to nourish and give to yourself. Then there will be more than enough to nourish others. A new sense of family solidarity, invests this Rune.” R.B.

Something notably shifted when January ended for me this year (Jupiter went direct again). All kinds of signals have been coming my way, and most have been extremely positive. Even a negative encounter I had turned out to be of real value. I saw a negative behavioral pattern that I was also doing exaggerated in a far more dramatic way in someone else, and it helped me to let go of something I was holding onto. I had a misperception and victimization response toward some people (Negative side of Neptune) and events and this was one of the primary things blocking me. All of these recent signals have contributed to recognizing that I had been feeding too much fear (unconscious intent) and could not understand why what I consciously wanted was not happening. This above quote from Ralph Blum about the Signals Rune - Ansuz - beautifully explains how the signals (if we pay attention to them) can tap us back into that “inexhaustible wellspring” that we are all connected to. Even the last part fits perfectly for me. I have decided that it is time to prioritize doing the things that I have put off doing for myself (nourishing and giving to oneself) even though some family members have been telling me what “I should be doing now.” As I take care of these things in the right order for me (and it has been so fun doing each and every one!), I will inevitably be in a better spot to truly nourish others.
The Runes are a tremendously valuable form of navigational aid if you are willing to learn to use them and consider their guidance. This mini-explanation (using me as example) is a small example of how I use the Runes to also guide my clients in personal session. Sessions are always far more than just “seeing what cards or Runes come up.” The battle of the Spiritual Warrior is always with the Self. When we know what our issues are, and how to end “the war,” and are willing to take Right action necessary, life can get pretty damn good. Cheers, Jim V
I like to share posts like these from time to time to illustrate how readings/sessions are not primarily about “seeing the future.” Sessions with me are about understanding the process of how we create our reality and how cards and Runes can show where we may be blocked or how to change our perceptions to navigate our life path more successfully. They also show us where we are doing really well already and what may be supporting us!
 Anyone requesting a session/reading who mentions that they want Runes to be part of their reading will get $10 (instead of usual $5) off of my listed prices for any sessions booked in March of 2013.

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