Wednesday, October 29, 2014

November 2014 Snake Oil/Cyber Bullies

Snake Oil/ Cyber Bullies

I saw an article on the Yahoo home page that made me smile at first. Someone was interviewing the actress Gabriel Sidebe. During her interview she talked about how she once dated a guy who eventually realized he was gay and broke up with her. She expressed no anger about the experience and remarked that a lot of girls go thru something similar. She brought up a good point, many women and men have experienced something like this in their lives. She felt it was not uncommon, or shameful and it could be seen as a rite of passage or one of many difficult aspects involved in the dating process. I was impressed by her willingness to speak about something in such a healthy matter-of-fact-way. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of deciding to look at the comments section that Yahoo allows following its articles. I thought others may have also been impressed by her candid insights. A few people were, yet for the most part I was very mistaken. 

Cruel, vicious, childish, derogatory comments were the brunt of the “insights” the commentaries shared: “She probably crushed him when they were having sex anyway...” “ Anyone would go gay after being with a fat pig like that...” These and similar ugly comments were abundant. I think many of the people who commented were trying to be funny, yet not only were they not funny, they seemed more like mean-spirited cyber attacks from bullies. Gabriel is an excellent actress. Her being a plus sized woman has likely inspired many other big women to see themselves in a more positive light. The sadly noticeable level of disrespect from people commenting safely behind a computer is truly a modern form of bullying. Bullying itself is certainly not something new.
I am not a Saint and there were a few times when I was a child when I bullied other kids. For the most part, my cruelty was infrequent and fairly tame. I definitely did a few mean things, but always felt bad about it soon after my attacks. My bullying sarcasm was usually verbal as opposed to physically hurting anyone. When I grew up and moved out of my teen years my bullying stopped, and often took the position of a protector of those who were bullied by others. I always was and will continue to be a wise ass, but I do this to make people laugh more than to hurt anyone. My Natal Moon in Libra tends to keep me more on the nicer side of this ability. I really do feel uncomfortable if I do something mean spirited, so I avoid it. 
While I wasn’t often bullied when I was younger I did have a few nasty encounters with bullies. I remember being a shy 9th grade student going to a brand new school and riding a new bus. A bigger 10th grader thought it would be funny to clap his sneakers over my head covering me with dirt. It was painful and humiliating, especially because I did nothing to deserve or provoke it. Thankfully a 12th grade student came to my rescue and scolded the jerk on my behalf. I can honestly say one of the motivating factors for my decision to start working out at age 16 had to do with ending the possibility of me getting bullied in the future. It worked well. No one has attempted to physically bully me in any real way for decades now. Muscle and confidence are valuable attributes in a number of ways. 
Many people like to think the world has become a darker place. It is easy to say the “world and people are getting worse.” The truth is cruelty is no more rampant now then it was hundreds or thousands of years ago. This darker side of being a human has always been a part of our race. In Zen Buddhism they refer to this part of us as the Five Evils. The first evil is cruelty. The strong attack the weak, the weak deceive the strong. Second is the lack of clear demarcation between the right of individuals. Third is the lack of clear boundaries in the behavior of men and women. People sometimes act questionably on lascivious thoughts. The fourth is the tendency for people to exaggerate their own importance, to set bad examples of behavior, to be unjust in speech by slandering others. The fifth is the tendency for people to neglect their duties towards others. Bullying easily slides into a number of these five evil categories.
Unfortunately cyber bullying has become rampant because of the popularity of social media. People abuse this form of expression often. FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, yahoo articles, and similar sites are an easy way for angry people to express themselves. Most of us have heard brutal stories about teenagers being cyber bullied. Sadly the abuse can be so relentless that suicides have resulted. The variations of bullying have certainly increased. Every-time I see an online article about legalizing gay marriage, minority rights, and a host of other human rights violations, the cyber trolls come out in droves to comment. I think this because It is safer for negative people to spout their ugly thoughts when they are safely tucked away behind the protection of a computer identity. 
I have gotten a few bad reviews connected with my work, and writing before so it isn’t new to me. Yet, when I received my first cyber bully review a few months ago, I have to admit some dark thoughts ran through my head. I thought of some cruel things to say to the individual who trashed my work and me so publicly. Thankfully, I held my tongue and my response. I know that karma is a reality in this world. I knew if I struck back at her I would be setting myself up for energetic repercussions and I am far smarter than that. The more recognizable and famous we allow ourselves to become, along with the positive praise and compliments we may receive, the more criticism and cyber bullying we will invite into our lives. I knew this would be a reality when my columns, counseling work, books, and YouTube videos began to go out into the world. I think I may have chosen a slower rise to success, in part to develop a thicker skin from the inevitable attacks that would follow.* 
We all have said and done things at one time or another that we probably regret. Very few of us have not committed one or more of the five evils at one time or another. We’ve all been victims of these types of things as well. Pretending that darkness and evil don’t exist is silly. We won’t make it go away by pretending. Focusing on its existence compulsively, worrying about it, and brewing on it are far more damaging. We waste creative energy and our potential for increased happiness when we keep thinking about how “ugly people can be, or were to us.” If we allow wisdom, empathy, compassion to be our motivation in this world we can understand why people sometimes do cruel things to each other. We don’t have to agree with it by any means, but at least we can understand why it exists. Cyber bully attacks have very little to do with the bullies having any real insight in their expressed comments and more to do with the way they see themselves. Most bullies have been bullied themselves and retaliate by attacking others rather than deal with the pain. While it isn’t always and easy thing to do, we can choose to spiritually evolve and make choices that are far more loving and peaceful. We can recognize that the five evils exist (cyber-bullying is just a new one) and choose not to act, or react to them.
*This is a good example of how we create our own reality through our thoughts and beliefs. An unconscious worry about handling criticism can be a blocking force in our success. 
Jim Ventura 10-2014    

Editors Note:

The holiday season is upon us once again. I especially enjoy this time of year. The weather in Phoenix is essentially flawless, and Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.
Last month the buzz on the news was even more focused than usual on “what we need to be afraid of now:” Ebola and Isis were big sellers. I notice that there always seems to be an extra dose of things to potentially scare us around election times. While there is never a lack of dramatic and scary news stories, there just seems to always be a bit extra at this time. I will be glad when this election is over (yes, I did vote). The television ads are the usual attack ads with a little extra mud-slinging and a huge helping of Obama hating focus. I remember a bit of this in reverse back in 2004 and 2008 with the Bush hating stuff, although this “Obama is cause of all problems stuff,” is selling really well. I am far more interested in intelligent, wise (we can dream anyway) candidates and the political parties solutions for problems, and a positive focus on what they want to do, as opposed to who they hate...
I have been making some changes to my website and shifting away from the focus in my readings about predicting the future. While I will still use these skills in my sessions because it can be fun and helpful, I am shifting my focus more toward giving insight and helping my clients to become more aware of their reality creating process. I find some people get too caught up in wanting to know exactly how something is going to go. While there is nothing wrong with using Tarot and other oracles in this way, rarely are things unchangeable and definitive. Too much of a focus on the prediction viewpoint can take away my client’s ability to recognize their part in how their lives unfold. I highly recommend my regular client program. More information about this in the newsletter. Everyone can develop their spiritual abilities, and reprogram their lives to a stronger focus on empowerment and living a fulfilling life. This is mainly what the program is all about!
I have finished my third book about learning how to take advantage of casino comps. There have been quite a few blockades in getting this book out in the last 2 years, but I expect to see this resolved by the new year. I am now printing copies of the book at home (I can only do about 7 each month because it is time consuming). If you are interested in an early copy of Free Ride Volume One, let me know. The cost is $11. You can purchase a copy in office if you are here, or request I mail one to you for an extra $4 for shipping. Only 7 each month for now, but you will be put first on the next month’s list If I am sold out for month. Anyone who gambles even occasionally or plans a Vegas trip will save quite a bit by reading Free Ride!
Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving. May your blessing multiply! Cheers, Jim V  
Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channel's in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years. 

From Lazaris interviews Book One
Question: Some in the metaphysical community have stated that 15 percent of illness is karmic and that the rest of the 85 percent of illnesses manifested are due to mental and emotional causes. Would you comment on that?
“We suggest that 100 percent of illness is emotionally induced. It’s no less devastating. We’re not saying everybody’s a hypochondriac. We didn’t say that at all. Every disease has its emotional origin, even if it’s a past lifetime emotional origin that you are choosing in this lifetime to deal with (not that you have to, not that anybody’ twisting your arm or making you’). There is an emotional causation in this lifetime that is causing you to reach into that past and drag that ‘other-life’ influence here. One hundred percent of all illness is emotionally induced.
Added to that are the beliefs, the attitudes, the thoughts and feeling, the choices and decisions about illness. If you believe that a contagious disease is contagious, then it will be. If the consensus reality says it’s contagious, then it’s going to be more difficult to break the belief. If a disease is contagious and you come in contact with that person, will you get the disease? It depends on whether you choose to create it. Even contact contagiousness is emotionally induced.
Now we’re not going to talk about all the emotional inducements, but we will say this. Anger is the biggest one. Anger and hurt are the biggest emotional inducements of illness. Simply said, cancer is anger, as we’ve suggested many times-anger that you feel is hopeless and beyond repair. In the general sense, all back difficulty, no matter how physiologically induced, has its seed in pain - emotional pain - hurt. 
You see, responsibility scares you. You live under this myth that somehow if you don’t want to be responsible for your reality you don’t have to be. Therefore, you stuff your feelings-except there’s nowhere to stuff them, right? So you stuff your anger in various organs of the body, in various parts of the body, right on down to the bone. It often depends on what kind of anger it is as to where you stuff it. The various organs of the body speak to different components.
Hurt you tend to stuff in your spinal column. ‘here’s this lovely little column. It’s pretty much hollow. Stuff it like a Christmas stocking.’ You tend to lodge your hurts in your spine. Any kind of back difficulty has an origin in hurt. Cancers have an origin in anger. Bulimia and various forms of other food disorders such as anorexia have a tremendous amount to do with self-hatred. ‘I hate myself. I don’t deserve to be nurtured. I don’t deserve to receive love,’ and therefore I won’t eat....
...Though we state these things simply, they do not work simply. Seldom do emotional inducements work singularly. They work in complexes and in intricate matrices with each other. Therefore because you are angry does not mean you are destined to get cancer. Nor does it mean that if you are hurt it is only a matter of time before your back gives out...” 

Snake Oil Radio

Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, November 13th, at 3:30 p.m. (MST -AZ doesn’t use daylight savings time). This months second show will actually be on Wednesday the 26th at 3:30 pm. Most Thursdays you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. Halfway through some of the shows you can even ask me for a free 5 minute mini reading with your personal question. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into:  You may also access it by going to Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
“Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding, find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly. Richard Bach

Regular Client Program 

One of the best programs I have been doing for nearly 14 years now is my Regular client program. The program is designed to benefit my clients at multiple levels. Clients who enroll in the program come in every three months for personal sessions (monthly sessions are also an option). This can also be done for out-of-area clients by phone. Session prices are discounted for Regular clients. Regulars also receive discounts on classes, books and CD’s. The focus of the program is on consistent work in developing your intuitive abilities, learning how to use the signs and signals that are all around us, and conquering fear-based programming permanently. We also get to do work with all the many different oracles I currently work with! My Regular client program has resulted in some tremendous spiritual evolution for hundreds of people over the years. Many of my Regulars have gone on to do spiritual counseling, or similar types of work and some are healing and guiding others personally and professionally. The progress I have seen over the years among the majority of my Regular clients has been phenomenal. It is wonderful to see the spiritual, physical, and emotional progress I have assisted in motivating. So many of my Regular clients have dramatically changed the way they now view life and are enjoying a more enlightened point of view. You too can join this program as well, just ask.
More about the Regular Client Program... This program was designed to create an easy, cost effective way for my clients to progress in their spiritual development. 
When we are consistent at attending to our body/mind/spirit, we naturally move through life with more harmony and greater joy. When our spiritual awareness is heightened and fine tuned we are often happier which helps us to enjoy all aspects of our lives, including occasional personal challenges because we see them as inevitably beneficial. We can truly assist the people around us. Human beings learn by example. Your intimate partnerships, friendships, family, and children benefit when you are in a good space.
The Regular Client Program makes it easier to prioritize keeping your spiritual, emotional and even physical “garden” free of weeds. In China, the professional soothsayer is a reverent and dignified calling.  It does not attract the sort of suspicion it does in the western world. In fact, in most eastern cultures, seeing an oracle reader is a sign of wisdom, success, and prestige. If you have an interest in increasing these attributes and working with a highly skilled navigational consultant then the Regular Client Program may be right for you.
My non-regular rates for 2007-2014:
Full session (70 minutes) $110.00. shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00. Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00.
Regular client discounted rates for 2014-2015:
Quarterly (every three months) Regulars:
Full 70 minute sessions $90.00 shorter sessions $65.00 Extended sessions $105.00
Monthly Regulars: 
Full 70 sessions $80.00 shorter sessions $55.00 Extended sessions $95.00
(prepaid three quarterly sessions: (3) - 45 minute sessions $175. (3) -  70 minute sessions $240. (3) - 90 minute sessions $285.
(prepaid three monthly sessions: (3) - 45 minute sessions $150. (3) - 70 minute sessions $210. (3) - 90 minute sessions $250.

Snake Oil Volume One

To order a copy contact me by phone or email. Cost: $11.00 including sales tax. Please include $4.00 for shipping ($15.00 total).
Or send check or money order to Jim Ventura 2515 N 52nd St. #206 Phoenix Az 85008. You can also pay by charge or Debit thru Paypal. You can request to have your copy signed!
Snake Oil Volume One is also available at

Free Ride Volume One (first limited edition prints)

Is it possible to gamble for free? Can you gamble and actually win money every time? Are there tricks and systems that can help you beat the games? The answer to these questions for most of you is going to be no. It is nearly impossible to be able to gamble without spending money or to consistently win. The majority of people who gamble will lose and rarely have any big wins. Casino slot machines and table games have built-in formulas to make the casinos a consistent long term profit. Most “systems” to beat the house don’t work. 

Now with that painful bit of reality out of the way we can get to the good stuff, You can still come out even or ahead fairly often if you learn how to play smarter.  You can learn to be a savvy gambler who takes advantage of comps, gets free invitations to slot tournaments with huge prizes, spends very little money out-of-pocket, gets free rooms in Vegas and casinos all over the country, and receives brand new appliances, free money to gamble with, and a ton of other freebies. This is what Free Ride is all about. A wise and knowledgeable gambler can frequently take free rides!

$11 including tax. $15 total for shipping. Only seven will be printed each month. So their may be a month or two wait (but it is soo worth it...) 
Send check or money order to Jim Ventura 2515 N 52nd St. #206 Phoenix Az 85008. You can also pay by charge or Debit thru Paypal. You can request to have your copy signed!

“Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you’re going to miss in the years ahead.” Unknown

New client offer for October and November 2014! 

If you have never had a session before or want to buy a gift certificate for a new client you can take advantage of a $10-$20 discount on sessions. Email me at for more information.

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602)957-3035 text: (602)349-0746 Email: (best method for contact)

Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http:// 
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates. 
All sessions/readings for 2014 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each).  Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. 
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices for any 45-90 minute sessions (except when using a special discount promotion). Local in office visits receive  another $5 off listed prices for cash or check payments. 
I accept cash, checks, debit cards, Master Card, Visa, and PayPal for payments on sessions and for books and classes in office. Phone session will need to be by check or thru Paypal.
Send me your birth month, day and year to get added to the yearly Birthday mailer promotion.

“Change is never a loss, it is only change.” Vernon Howard

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