May 2015 Snake Oil
Snake Oil
Rebuilding roads
Over a year ago, a Phoenix road crew started doing some road reconstruction along the two mile road that runs in front of my home. The project would supposedly end with new sidewalks, two wider lanes and a third middle turning lane to help traffic flow better. They also planned on replacing sewer pipes and a few other upgrades as part of the reconstruction. I was all for the plan to improve the neighborhood, but the construction itself has been a series of tremendous roadblocks that have made the last year difficult for me as well as for my clients and friends to navigate around. Some aspects of my life seemed to be mirroring a similar theme. Destruction and reconstruction are very real themes that we experience physically in this world as well as emotionally and psychologically in our personal lives. Sometimes positive change is initiated by experiences that feel like one is being torn apart.
While I knew that when the project was finished we would have a much better road and neighborhood, I still experienced extreme periods of irritation while this was being done. In the past year I have received a number of panicked phone calls from clients and students who were struggling to get to my home office and through the seemingly endless mess. There were a few times the construction and blockades were so difficult to get around that I had to climb curbs in my small car to get into my own complex! For a few months I had to drive a mile out of the way each time I came in from the east to get home because the road only went in one direction. I often noticed many days in a row where there were no workers doing anything at all. A number of times, I saw them only working on one tiny portion of the two mile road for weeks at a time, while the rest of the road was nearly impossible to navigate through. The only good thing I could find in this frustrating situation was the opportunity to express sarcasm and humor about it with my friends and clients. Humor is often a helpful tool that decreases my irritation. I had all kinds of wise ass comments about the road work: “Half the time it seems like they’re just a bunch of teamsters walking around with coffee and donuts and doing nothing.” “How freaking long does it take to finish two miles of road in the first place?” “They can build entire casino’s in Las Vegas in half the time.” “Is it possible to milk and stretch out a project any longer than this ridiculous one?” “Will I actually get to see this completed during my lifetime?”
In defense of the road crews, I have no idea how complicated and demanding the task of road reconstruction really is. There is a very obvious reason why I still have soft hands in my forties. Except for occasional gardening, I have rarely dirtied my hands in this life with hard physical labor. So, while I found myself often bitching and moaning about my frustration over how ridiculously long this project was taking, I knew there still had to be some valid reasons why it never seemed to be finished. One night towards the end of the summer of 2008, I went for a a walk late one evening. While I had to walk around piles of dirt and pipes on unfinished sidewalks and barricades, I finally made it to the neighborhoods behind the torn up streets. I walked past the peaceful houses where most of the inhabitants were sleeping and began to understand why this was all happening and taking so damn long. The reconstruction of the two mile strip of road in front of my
house perfectly mirrored what was going on in my personal life and in the United States.
For many years in this country we have experienced all kinds of “road blocks and problems:” excessive greed, corrupt politics, inflated housing markets, banks lending to anyone without any real collateral, spending billions of dollars on a war, and religious lunatics with false morality eroding a great country and leading us to this breaking point. We now need to collectively rebuild America and restructure some of its values and priorities. While things are tough for many Americans right now, we are definitely on the road to rebuilding a stronger country. In my own backyard, I had overused credit cards for too many years and it was time to find real solutions for getting out of debt. Eliminating my mounting debt needed to be my top priority, I could not put it off any longer. I now have to work a part time job on the weekends to pay off all of it for the next two years. While I was bothered at first and uncomfortable about my necessary sacrifice, I also knew it would inevitably result in increased prosperity. 2009 is the year of the “Ox” in Chinese Astrology. “Ox people” are strong and sturdy, and understand the value of hard work. When a wild ox is tamed and domesticated it can transport heavy loads. In Chinese Astrology, I was born in the year of the Dragon. The aspects of the dragon fit me far more accurately than the Ox, but I knew I needed to use some of the wisdom of the Ox this year. Some extra hard work and a practical approach would be the keys to making 2009 a successful year for me.
The road construction will be ending soon on my street. Traffic will move freely and the value of our homes will likely increase because of this. The seemingly endless reconstruction of the road had an important message within it that I understood when I stopped battling the experience. A part of me had created it. Individually and collectively we create our own reality. I had been a part of creating this and wasted some time feeling angry and victimized by my own creation. I lost focus on the necessity of destruction leading to recreation. I felt empowered when I returned from my walk that night. Something had shifted internally for me and it felt good. I was no longer irritated about how long this was all taking. I was excited to see what constructive beauty would come of of this process.
I now work an extra twenty five hours a week waiting tables again. There are times when it can be a little exhausting. I thought it would be incredibly difficult to juggle my home counseling business, two radio shows, writing a monthly blog column, teaching classes and working a part time job. But, in truth it is not as hard as I thought it would be. While it is tough being on my feet again, there are some real benefits. I like this part time restaurant job. It is fun, gets me out of the house and I am making excellent extra money. I made a decision in early 2008 that I would get out of debt and make the best money in my life in 2009-2010. This is exactly what is beginning to occur. Yesterday a note was placed on my door from the city’s road construction crew. The project would be completely finished in a few weeks. While I know it will realistically take the country quite a bit longer to pull itself back together, I know that its destruction process will soon be replaced by a reconstruction and inevitably more positive and prosperous time. I have re-stabilized and reconstructed my life so it is now stronger and more solid. Now I get to continue to use the wisdom of the Ox and my charismatic skills as a Dragon to lend a hand and guide the people around me to do the very same thing.
Jim Ventura February 2009
Editors Note:
I originally wrote and printed this column back in early 2009 (six years ago)! A lot has changed. I always find it amusing when I read predictions about the “inevitable” collapse of the economy and epic struggles many people believe are ahead. We already went thru all of that! Have people forgotten the difficult recession/depression in 2009-2012? I had some difficult years, but the knowledge I gained about credit cards, loans, and other financial matters during those difficult years has definitely made me wiser. I am now extremely knowledgeable when it comes to this and many other subjects. In the last few years I have been able to help many people steer a course thru similar things. The restaurant job I had back in 2009 lasted two years before the owner went thru bankruptcy and let go of the restaurant in 2011. This was a restaurant that opened quite successfully in early 2009 and was listed as one of the top three best restaurant by Phoenix magazine! I think I still use a bit of the Ox energy now, from those years, and it certainly still helps me handle some difficult things when they occasionally surface. When we are younger the Saturn influence in our astrology charts show us where we have restrictions, limitations, fear, caution, and where things tend to take way longer than we might like them to. When we get older the house placement and sign Saturn was in when we were born becomes the area where we are wise, practical, and often successful! I can now comfortably look back at those struggles from a much more empowered and successful vantage point. I remind all of my clients and readers if you are undergoing difficulties keep in mind: This too shall pass, even if we can’t see why almost all experiences are purposeful, and are currently struggling to see that purpose.
One of the themes that I have discussed in this essay is connected with the wild Boar and energy this represents. I have included a passage about this later in the newsletter. There are simply times in life when we have to reconstruct who we are and aspects of our lives. Sometimes this process can be difficult, but it is always purposeful! I am running a special for the whole month of May for a Druid Animal Totem reading. These sessions not only give you insight into your life now, but the information gained from your totems can assist you in numerous ways through the rest of your life.
While I can easily move into a cynical mode when it comes to the general state of affairs in the world right now (Facebook posts from friends show the general discontent about a number of different things...), I can also see that progress has been made in some areas as well. At the very least the economy itself here in the USA has radically improved. Unemployment is at one of the lowest points in many decades. I watched FOX news for about a half hour a few weeks ago while I was in the Diamond lounge in Las Vegas. It was on the television in front of me so hard to avoid. When it comes to any political commentaries I wonder how does anyone take this type of news reporting seriously? Some news stations are also heavily slanted to the left, but FOX news is almost cartoonish in some of its “to the right” reporting. Look at the eyes of most of the reporters and commentators, many baby and young soul staff, and commentators... Remember back in the day when news was simply reported and not given such an obvious slant according to the political affiliations of the broadcast owners? UH-Oh I am starting to sound like an old man who says things like “in my day...”
If you have never read my first book: Dirty Little Secrets I have a special discounted rate on copies of my book. I also have an extremely discounted special rate for my CD audio version this month! More information later in the newsletter.
Wishing everyone a happy May! Cheers, Jim V
Boar: Warrior Spirit, Leadership, Direction.
“Drawn reversed, this card may mean that you have lost your sense of direction. There is a close connection in tradition between madness and pigs and boars. At a playful level this “folly” is expressed by the morris dancer who beats the audience with a pig’s bladder-also used as a football. But at a more serious level, those who were mad were often made to act as swineherds. Merlin, in his period of madness, talks to pigs, and within this image is conveyed the concept that madness and insight are closely allied. Sometimes we have to go through a period of “breakdown” so that something wider and deeper can enter into our lives. The Boar is the emissary of the Terrible Mother-who is also the Initiator. Sometimes a period of destruction must precede a period of creation, of rebirth.”
One of the most interesting readings I offer is a look at Druid Animal Totems. For the month of May 2015 all of my current Snake Oil subscribers will get $15 off (instead of the normal $5 off) listed rates for your 45, 70 or 90 minute session when specifically requesting this reading. Local clients who pay in cash or by check can also take an additional $5 off their session! Understanding the influence of your Totem Animals is an excellent way to increase empowerment.
The practice and ancient Druidic teachings of animal totems and animal power is being revived. Every aspect of the natural world is alive and capable of being our allies, guides, and teachers. In Druid culture, wearing animal skins, heads, and feathers was a way of identifying with certain Animals and becoming them for a while in order to partake in their powers and to receive divine inspiration. This session will show what power animals are now available to you, and how they may already be influencing you. When we increase our ability to use the gifts and wisdom of animal totems, we become far more empowered in all areas of life. This spread is a perfect vehicle to open you up to the wisdom in the natural world all around you.
“Your task is not to seek love, but to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi
Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.
From Reflections Of an Elder Brother by Bartholomew
“Looking In The Wrong Place
One of the things that kills your spontaneous joy in life is the constant judgmental critique you have running against yourself. You have no idea the number of moments you spend criticizing your looks, your diet, your friendships, your speech, your house, your car, your job, etc,. etc. In order to really understand what I mean, I would like you to take a few moments to write down all of the judgments that, one, your have against yourself, and two, you think the world holds about you. Please be very specific and thorough in recording these.
Alright, my friends, let me tell you what your list represents. It represents a great deal of energy drain and it represents a tremendous amount of defensive awareness. When you are still trying to please the world or to have the world find you pleasing, you are trapped in this downward spiraling energy vortex. You will constantly be trying to assess how well you are doing, constantly ruminating about how to appear in order to get what you want or to please others. In the end, my friends, the only things that brings the love you are looking for in this world, is the love in you. And that love is already there, in perfect safety and wholeness. You do not have to create the love-just allow yourself to experience it.
You are trying to get love using the wrong technique. The point here is very simple. Everyone wants to feel loved, and every one of you wants to feel love. You believe it takes someone outside yourself who miraculously happens to ‘love’ you, to feel loved. So you spend your lives looking for this someone. But in the deepest part of you, you are not trying to find someone to love you, you are trying to feel love within yourself. And your list of judgements, however subtle, comes in to undercut all of your awareness of the love that is within you...”
“The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt.” Unknown author
New Client Special May and June 2015:
May 1st 2015 thru June 30th 2015 Special: New Client introductory offer
$1o-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Ask for the special when you email to book. Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions.
$1o-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Ask for the special when you email to book. Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions.
My current rates (new clients can subtract the above discounts from these rates): 45 minute sessions $80. 70 minute sessions $110. 90 minute sessions $130.
Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, May 7th at 3:30 p.m. (AZ doesn’t use daylight savings time, so same as pacific). Most Thursdays you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: You may also access it by going to Type “Snake Oil” into the search option.
You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
Rune of Wholeness, Sowelu #24: “...Seeking after Wholeness is the Spiritual warrior’s quest. And yet what you are striving to become in actuality is what you, by nature, already are...” Ralph Blum from the book of Runes
Dirty Little Secrets
(available in print, audio CD, or kindle) Storyteller and professional oracle reader Jim Ventura takes his readers on a wild literary ride. Dirty Little Secrets is a collection of short essays. The book explores some of society’s perceptions about what people often consider to be dirty little secrets best kept to oneself. The book tackles subjects with unflinching honesty: drug use, sexual addiction, unrequited love, revenge, childhood weirdness, homosexuality, and the old souls quest to experience magic and miracles in everyday life. The author holds little back in expressing his quest for enlightenment. Dirty Little Secrets illustrates how meaning, spirituality and humor can be found to be embedded in every experience.
Excerpts from Dirty Little Secrets:
Light as a feather, stiff as a board “...Childhood for me was a time of experimentation. I was attracted to the occult, there was something about its danger and mystery that was compelling...”
What’s wrong in this world? “...My belief has always been this: life is meaningful and safe, and people are basically good by nature...”
Criminal “...My nightmare with the bad-boy showed me parts of myself that were not honorable. While I never even came close to the type of thievery Jim was involved in, I had still been a thief when we met. I tried to manipulate this young man, by making him need me, and he manipulated me right back, tenfold...”
The Raven “...I began to remember every violation done to me in past relationships, every client who was loving and kind in relationships and was treated like garbage ran through my head. Every piece of slime who walked all over my brothers and sisters, and close friends passed through my head. I felt rage, someone needed to take a stand, someone needed to fight back. I appointed myself, through an imaginary election, to the position of righter of all wrongs...”
Another queen singing I’m coming out! “...Everyone who knew me was comfortably aware that I was gay, except my parents, After they went back home it nagged at me for days. I could not carry this anymore, it no longer mattered that they might be upset. It was the truth; it was who I was and the last part of me still in hiding...”
To order a CD audio recording of the book (this is a dvd audio and will play on most computers and dvd players) read by the author, or a soft cover print version of Dirty Little Secrets, contact the author directly at
Print version $11.00 including sales tax. Please include $4.00 for shipping ($15.00 total).
Special for month of May 2015 $6 for CD (audio) version. Also $4 for shipping $10 total.
Or send check or money order to Jim Ventura 2515 N 52nd St. #206 Phoenix AZ 85008. I can also be contacted my e mail if you want to use a debit card via pay pal to order.
Dirty Little Secrets is also available at
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602)957-3035 text: (602)349-0746 Email: (best method for contact)
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.
You also may want to check out my posts on
All sessions/readings for 2015 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each). Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins.
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices for any 45-90 minute sessions (except when using a special discount promotion). Local in office visits receive another $5 off listed prices for cash or check payments.
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