Tuesday, September 27, 2016

October 2016 Snake Oil/Finishing Another Chapter

Snake Oil 
Finishing another chapter (This column originally ran in March of 2011)

It was perfect cosmic timing. I had planned to drive to Las Vegas for a much needed vacation a few Sundays ago. Right before I left for my Vegas trip I stopped at the restaurant I had worked at for the last two years for the very last time. The owner and his wife were packing up everything of value to take back with them to Arkansas. He gave me my last paycheck in cash, and said goodbye. It was bittersweet. While working there for two years (2009-2011) had been filled with its share of drama and ups and downs, overall it was mostly a positive experience for me. I liked the owner, and his wife and considered them to be my friends. They had put more than two years of their hopes and dreams and a considerable amount of hard work into the success of the Pasta Palace. The restaurant had gotten mostly excellent reviews. The majority of our customers raved about the food and were often tempted to lick their bowls clean. Homemade pasta, a talented chef, and local farm raised ingredients were a winning formula. There were problems that contributed to the restaurant’s demise. Summers were typically not very prosperous seasons in the restaurant business and 2010 saw one of its worst ever. In fact, it seemed by December of that year we were still struggling to stay afloat. The expected busy season never really came. The owner was slowly going broke. Phoenix’s downtown scene was hit hard economically. Aside from people being cautious about spending money in general, Arizona’s current governor’s hardball stance on immigration dramatically reduced the amount of visitors that normally came to visit the city. Hotel stays, conventions and the money that came with them were way down because people and some companies were boycotting the city. In addition, ridiculous city taxes and blunders by the city itself also contributed to difficulties experienced downtown by many of the bars and restaurants. Some mistakes were made internally by the management and owner, and this all contributed to one of Phoenix’s best restaurants permanently closing its doors.
I arrived at 7:30 am and the owner had already been there for two hours. He and his wife were pragmatically moving everything of value into a moving truck and planned to head back home permanently. Very few words came to mind that morning. I wanted to say something inspirational to him and was usually good at doing things like that, yet in this case, however, nothing came to mind. I was feeling very emotional and that was not helping “the right words” to come through. I was one of the few remaining original staff. I had been part of this restaurant family three to five days and nights a week for a little over two years. I was not only losing some very helpful extra income, but also saying goodbye to some good friends and a home I had been very comfortably part of for some time. I have never been good with emotional scenes, so I simply hugged the owner, said goodbye, and got in my car to drive my four and a half hour trip to Las Vegas.
The moment I got safely into my car was when the tears began to flow. It was sad to witness a friend’s dream coming to an end. I was depressed about the end of working in a really fun place and saying goodbye to a good part time job. Months before he closed, I knew the restaurant was really struggling with making a profit and I knew that it would probably close. My card readings suggested it, and I could practically see that there was no way the owner could continue to operate in such conditions. He had been “robbing Peter to pay Paul,” and I’m sure he was exhausted. Not only was I saying goodbye to some good friends, but I was also experiencing another ending. It was probable that I would no longer work in this field ever again. I have been in and out of the restaurant business for almost thirty years. I started as a busboy in the Bethpage state park golf course in New York at the age of sixteen. Since that time, I have waited tables and tended bar in more than a dozen different places. There were many endings happening that morning and it was more than a little overwhelming. I experienced intense waves of emotion more than a few times on my drive to Vegas. 

One of the things I have always liked about the business is something most people actually don’t like. It was the fluctuating stream that was so appealing. Some shifts you make $8.00 and then the next one could be $280.00. The gambler in me always enjoyed the surprise. Working odd hours and not doing nine-to-five has helped me to stay away from the normal work stream. This had given me more time to pursue my creative interests. Best of all, the majority of people in the restaurant business are also creative, open-minded, eccentric, and interesting to say the least. This business seems to pull in a larger share than average of mature and old souls, my kind of people. Some of the friends I have met in the many different restaurants have become lifetime friends. The ones I have lost touch with still pop into my weird computer bank memory from time to time. 
As I made my way north to Nevada I had a flood of different memories. I remembered the close friends I worked with at two different restaurant chains when I still lived on Long Island. I met so many lovable characters and made frequent trips to the Huntington diner after our shifts. I was in my early twenties at that time, smoked a good amount of pot and did my share of drinking with some of my fellow restaurant friends. I made good money, had some real fun and occasionally pushed the limits with my “bad boy stuff.” I made a whole bunch of new friends when I moved to Arizona and began to work in a cheesy prime rib hotel restaurant. Nearly every night we hung out after our shifts and drank Bailey’s and coffee by the huge fire pit. Some of those friends became roommates and supported me during some really tough times. I remembered the French restaurant I worked at for seven years. Each night after our shift we had a family style dinner. I learned about great wine and cognacs and really got to develop a taste for gourmet food. I had been part of that family for a long time. My emotions were on overload as I got closer to Nevada. So many funny memories, interesting people, supportive friends, and positive experiences that spanned three decades. I have always been blessed with an abundance of friends and the places I worked had provided the majority of them. It was incredible when I thought about how many different friends and family work environments I had been a part of over the years. A few of the people remain close to me and I still fondly remember many of the ones I have lost contact with as well. I could see how each person I knew in all of the different places I had worked had influenced who I now am, and I am sure I have done the same for many of them.
When I first realized that the Pasta Palace was going to close I began to panic a little. I would be losing nearly a third of my current income. Even though I had options for other part-time restaurant jobs, I felt no desire to pursue them now. It was time to go in a different direction. There were books to finish and new ones to start. It was time to put myself out into the world in a bigger way and expand the amount of clients I could help with navigational consultations. I knew exactly what I needed to do and had the courage to do all the things that were necessary to replace the income I would be losing. Better still, I could do it in far less hours than the restaurant hours required to make the same amount of money. Financially I would be fine. The universe would take care of me. My fear about the future passed fairly quickly. Still, my emotional body needed to mourn the loss for a few days. My two years there were beneficial and special and I needed to celebrate my sadness. New chapters in my life would begin. I wasn’t exactly sure how it was going to go, but I knew it would be equally challenging and fun. 

In Lakota Indian teachings, Tate (pronounced Ta-te) is their word for the spirit of wind. Wind reminds us that sometimes we have to make minor or major changes in our lives. When we don’t listen to the gentle nudges of wind, it may have to get very loud and scream at us. Thankfully if we pay attention, Wind can direct us to flow to new places in gentle ways. Tornados and Hurricanes are examples of Wind at its most challenging. Nature can be very loud and even destructive at times, it can shake up larger areas and groups of people. We are a part of nature. When we listen to Tate we can trust the prompts and know that we will be carried to new and fertile ground. I opened my car window and felt the cold morning breeze. It was perfect for me to be mourning my loss as I drove to Las Vegas. This would be followed by checking in to my comped hotel room and experience some fun and luxury for a few days. I would have plenty of good distractions to keep me from thinking about my loss and worrying about tomorrow. This  is one of the many things I love about Las Vegas, I get to be mindless. The fun would help to pull me away from the sadness. Deeper still, as sad as I was to say goodbye to this part of my life, some part of me wanted it to end. I was tired of all of the extra hours I had been putting in, and I think the owner was as well. I had co-created this ending and I have evolved enough to see that there was no victimization in any of it. I had chosen to more forward and manifest abundance in ways that were more fitting for the person I now was. I would joyfully say goodbye and for now, exist between a place where sadness from an ending and excitement for the future co-existed. I would enjoy some good rest and play for a few days and come back looking forward to the excitement of starting the “next chapter.”
Jim Ventura 1-2011


This column was originally published back in early 2011. At that time the economy was still a difficult one to deal with. The recession that began in 2008 was far from over. It is hard to believe that I left my final restaurant job six years ago. I still talk to a couple of my co-workers from that place and thanks to face-book I am connected to a number of others. As much as people praise or curse FaceBook, it really has a lot of uses. 
I published Trump’s chart last month and this month we will take a look at Hillary Clintons. Both paint a very accurate picture of their personalities of course. Hillary’s is a bit more contradictory which makes sense in terms of elements of her personality that are noticeable even without being an astrologer! On the other hand my perspective as an astrologer who has studied thousands of different people’s charts so far in my life, Hillary’s moon in Pisces does make a good portion of the scandals and corruption charges a bit less believable to me. I find it hard to swallow the idea that a Pisces can be a complete “bad ass!”  In both practical terms, mathematical probabilities, and looking at her chart versus Trump in terms of upcoming transits and opportunities, it is far, far more likely that she will win this election. Nothing is definite by any means and Trump could still win, but I would put that at about maybe a 15-18 per cent probability. Good chance whether you like her or not, we are about to have our first female president. This aspect is something I think is long overdue. 
While I am not running any specific specials this month (other than Libra birthday promotions) I do still have my New Client Discount Special running until the end of November.  Returning clients who get my monthly Snake Oil newsletter always get $5 off listed rates for 45-90 minute phone or in office sessions. Local in-office clients can also take an additional $5 off session rates for cash or check payments! Current (if you are a Regular Client and it has been over 4 months since your last check-in, I cannot continue to give you Regular Client rates but you are always welcome to book sessions as needed) Regular Clients (in my Regular Client Program) get additional discounts on rates. Just ask and I will send you information about joining the program.  
Fall is here. Absolutely my favorite season for so many different reasons. Happy October! Jim V
 “Spring passes and one remembers one’s innocence.
Summer passed and one remembers one’s exuberance.
Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.
Winter passes and one remembers one’s perseverance.”
Yoko Ono

I posted Donald Trump’s chart last month so here is a look at Hillary Clinton’s.
Hillary Clinton
10-26-1947 8:02 am Chicago Illinois

When an astrologer looks at a natal chart there are many, many aspects to consider to really get an understanding of what contributes to the chart that pinpoints our personalities, talents, strengths, weaknesses, motivations, passions, and what areas (houses) of life we are primarily drawn to for experience and growth. This is a very short report and analysis of Hillary Clinton’s natal chart, with a focus on highlighting some of the most notable aspects and characteristics.
Hillary Clinton's Sun and Ascendant are in Scorpio. The positive side of this is Scorpios tenacious ability to overcome, persevere, and maneuver people and events in their quest to achieving their goals. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and this can create power struggles, and the experience of goals taking longer than one might like, but it also carries the power to overcome obstacles. People tend to perceive people with a lot of Scorpio aspects in their chart as secretive and “up to something” and often they are. This doesn’t necessarily mean that what they are “up to” is necessarily negative. The ability to influence can be something used to inspire and even heal others if used in a positive way. Scorpios positive pole of expression is “I desire” its negative is “I’m suspicious.” A Scorpio ascendant is not an easy rising sign. There will be considerable power struggles to overcome and one can get pulled down into a darker viewpoint along the way. The positive side of this is the potential development of the detective mind, a sharp tongue, tremendous insight, and an ability to find a way to use and channel power.
Her placement of the Sun in the 12th house is not normally one for someone in the spotlight. 12th house Suns often prefer working behind the scenes. The focus is often service, philanthropy, and possibly working with large institutions. The 12th house Sun is a karmic placement usually meaning the need to work through karmic responsibilities from other lifetimes. Developing elements of selflessness and service are necessary to achieve the life task. Mercury (planet of communication and expression) is on her ascendant which makes her analytical, articulate and strengthens her ability to communicate effectively. Venus in Scorpios placement in Scorpio in the 12th house suggests karma around relationships, but also reveals a devoted loyal partner in partnerships.
Jupiter's placement in Sagittarius in her first house does contribute an ability to be optimistic, philosophical and recognizable. This aspect can act as a beneficial influence to counteract some of the more difficult aspects of a Scorpio rising sign. It can also balance the 12th house sun’s urge to be more comfortable behind the scenes and propel her to be a noticeable personality.
Her moon is placed in Pisces in the 4th house of home and family. A moon in Scorpio is often kind and sensitive to others. Pisces moons are often very empathic and tend to be a bit of a soft touch. Pisces sees God in everyone and everything. This can be both a beneficial and troublesome element at the same time. Pisces positive pole is “I believe” its negative is “I escape.” This may account for many people seeing her as hard to reach at times. Pisces often needs to reknit themselves after giving too much. Her lunar placement in the fourth house suggests strong connections to home and family.
Uranus is placed in Libra in the 8th house. This can create an iconoclastic, eccentric, even rebellious interest and style for using personal power. The 8th house is the house of sex, power, shared resources, and transformation. She will gain and use power in this life in unique and possibly eccentric ways. Radical changes in position can break the mold of the life pattern for herself and those around her. Whether one “likes” Hillary or not, the possibility of becoming America’s first female president is a big change to the status quo.
A strong conjunction of Saturn, Mars, and Pluto in Leo in her 9th house suggests a strong interest in philosophy, teaching, knowledge, publishing, and expansion. This is a powerful conjunction and will help influence her ability to be seen as creative and generous with some of the Leo charm often needed for success creatively and in the public eye. This conjunction can also suggest potential scandal and controversy. Leo is often the sign most prone to experiencing slander from others. Her husband Bill Clinton’s natal Sun is in Leo. His Leo charm was notable but at times a magnet to scandal both real and imagined by others. 
Hillary has very little cardinality in her chart. This means leadership doesn’t necessarily come easily but is a needed acquisition in order to accomplish the life purpose. She is strong in her fixed aspects suggesting someone who is extremely perseverant. It would be difficult to ever truly knock her down. A fair amount of mutability shows someone who is adaptive to change and growth as well. There are a number of squares and hard aspects in the chart. Many tests and challenges are likely to be part of her experience in this life. Squares and hard angels create difficulties when we are younger and often produce strength with age. 
A simplified formula for any chart is to look at the three strongest influences in a natal chart: The Sun, Moon, and ascendant. Her sun and ascendant are in the same sign.
Positive use of this combination “I desire.” “I believe.”
Negative use of this combination “I’m suspicious.” “I escape.”

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.
Seth on Gifted children:

“...Gifted children do not fit psychology’s picture. Gifted children do not fit the portrait of children that is sold to parents. The fact is that for many reasons gifted children merely show the latent quickness, metal agility, and curiosity and learning capacity that is inherent in the species. they are not eccentric versions of humanity at all, but instead provide a hint of mankind’s true capacities.
Your brains are not empty, but well-oiled machines ready to whirl into activity at your births. They are provided  with a propensity to learn-and the rudiments of knowledge as you understand it exists within the brain. In those terms, now, the brain thinks before birth. It does not simply react. Each individual has its own unique abilities. Some that involve relationships with others, you do not even have words for. Parents, however often half-disapprove of their children if they show unusual gifts. They are afraid their children will not get along with others. They are upset because the children do not fit the norm-but no child EVER fits ‘the norm.’
Many adults, sensing their own abilities in one field or another, deliberately play down those abilities because they are afraid of standing out from “the masses”-or they are afraid they will be attacked by their peers. They have been taught by religion and science alike that any kind of greatness is suspect. Yet each person alive contains an element of greatness; and more, a desire to fulfill those abilities.
I am not speaking of greatness in terms of fame, or in terms of usually understood artistic or intellectual abilities alone, but also of people whose lives have the capacity for great emotional content. I am speaking also of other natural abilities-that of dream communication, the conscious utilization of dreams and creatively in daily life. There are dimensions of human sentiment and psychological experience that remain latent simply because you focus your attention so closely within the idea of ‘the norm.’ Any unofficial experience must then remain bizarre, eccentric, outside of your main concerns, and ignored by your sciences.
Many children, for that matter, who are regarded by their teachers, are highly gifted. The same also applies to disruptive children, who are overactive, and put on drugs. Their rebellion is quite natural. Autistic children, in many cases, now, are those who have picked up the idea that the world is so unsafe that it is better not to communicate with it at all, as long as their demands or needs are being met. When the child is fed and clothed and cared for, then it continues its behavior, and the behavior itself does serve its needs.
The child feels that it is not safe to interact with the world, however. No one is going to deprive a child of food, and yet can be used in such cases, in terms perhaps of treats, if the child must ask for them, or in some way indicate a choice. Autistic children are afraid of making choices. Some of this is often picked up from the parents, so that the child can be highly intelligent, however.
To some extent, such a child symbolizes what happens when an individual believes that he or she is unworthy, that he or she cannot trust impulses, that choices present more problems than advantages. That is is safer to hide abilities than it is to use them. Life is expression....”
Jane Roberts (channeling Seth) The Individual and the nature of mass events.

“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up? Chuck Palahniuk

New Client Special:

January 1st 2016 thru November 30th 2016 Special: New Client introductory offer
$10-15 off listed rates  for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Ask for the special when you email
Venturasag@yahoo.com to book. Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session you can also take advantage of these rates!
My current rates (new clients can subtract the above discounts from these rates): 45 minute sessions $80. 70 minute sessions $110. 90 minute sessions $130.
“I love the arrival of a new season-each one bringing with it its own emotion: spring is full of hope; summer is freedom; autumn is a colorful release, and winter brings an enchanting peace. It’s hard to pick which one I enjoy the most-each time the new one arrives, I remember its beauty and forget the previous one whose qualities have started to dim.” Giovanna Fletcher

Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcasts this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, October 6th. at 3:30 p.m. (AZ doesn’t use daylight savings time, so it’s the same as pacific time). Most Thursdays you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Jim-Ventura  You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option.You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Phone: (602)957-3035 text: (602)349-0746 Email: Venturasag@yahoo.com (best method for contact).
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://JimVentura.com 
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates. 
You also may want to check out my posts on Tumblr.com: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/snake-oil-blog
All sessions/readings for 2016 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $80.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each).  Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. 
All Current Snake Oil subscribers get $5.00 off all listed prices for any 45-90 minute sessions (except when using a special discount promotion). Local in office visits receive  another $5 off listed prices for cash or check payments. 

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