Thursday, November 1, 2018

November 2018 Snake Oil/Taking the High Road

November 2018 Snake Oil
Taking the High Road

I had a lousy morning. A host of frustrating things started my day and made me regret getting out of bed in the first place. I got into my car to run errands and then headed to the gym like I did most weekdays however I felt quite irritated. As I dodged the usual stupidity on the road with people texting while driving, not using turn signals, and an assortment of other bad driver theatrics I made it to my first destination the bank drive through. I could see a man in a truck in the lane next to mine fighting with the teller about God knows what through his call box. Of course he pulled out just ahead of me and I was stuck behind his truck. I was trying to make a right turn but he lingered in front of me moving slowly between two lanes at the light that was about to change. There were three lanes of traffic getting ready to push through from the other direction when the light would change. I gave him a short, singular horn honk to suggest he make some type of move or at least allow me to get by. He finally made the right turn but I ended up still stuck behind him in the middle lane. My fury was building to epic proportions.
Apparently my horn honk made him angry. He stopped his car in the middle of traffic barreling toward us and I was caught tucked behind him as other cars began to pile behind me and all around us. He, with a feat of massive audacity, actually got out of his car and began to walk toward my Prius for a confrontation! It is quite the rarity for me to encounter a man who will verbally or physically try to battle me at this point in my life so I was not only surprised but pissed! I seriously contemplated getting out of my car to meet him and break every bone in his small framed body in what would likely take me all of two minutes. In the few seconds of my contemplating whether he lives or dies (mostly kidding about this) I noticed his license plate said “Veteran.” Instead something better in me took over and I rolled down my window as he approached and I shouted to him “Are you okay, are you in distress? Do you need me to call someone to help you man?” He paused with his cigarette still hanging out of his mouth a few feet before he got to me, turned around and got into his car and drove away.
I was even surprised by my kindness and quick thinking. There was no question I could either verbally or physically break him into pieces, yet as angry as I was I took the high road. I thought it was likely that he had not only come through some difficult experiences serving his country, but probably personally as well. His anger was probably not really about me directly. It might also simply be that he got closer to the guy in the Gold Prius and saw my 205 pound muscular frame and simply reconsidered what he was attempting to do. Whatever the specific reason I took a more Christlike response to a dark situation. While I was still somewhat angry as I drove away from this event, I felt empowered by my decision to respond with kindness, empathy, and to diffuse a potential confrontation.

While I don’t often talk about Christianity specifically, the energy of Christ Consciousness transcends different religious perspectives and influences us in notable ways. In the Michael teachings Jesus was a representation of the infinite soul. “The infinite soul is a representation of the Tao itself. The Infinite soul comes to earth, say, every two thousand years, although historically, for example Christ and Buddha came within six hundred years of each other this was because each impacted separate and distinct regions and civilizations. These avatars have world impact for literally thousands of years. There are often magical and mystical events surrounding the birth of these exalted beings and their presence is felt and prophesied long before their arrival...” Quote from the Michael Handbook by Jose Stevens.
A few days before my near confrontation with the angry veteran I saw a video on Face Book that moved me. It was about how a fight was stopped by a man with a pizza. Two men are fist fighting and wrestling in front of a restaurant. A guy runs out with his box of a whole pizza and steps in and offers them each a slice. They stop fighting and begin to eat the pizza. They end up walking away and just chatting and chowing down pizza. Of course the usual know-it-all-troll comments follow the inspiring video on YouTube; “This is all fake.” “This video is staged and isn’t real.” Whether the video is real or not is of course irrelevant. The idea of a peaceful interruption to conflict is very much what the message of turning the other cheek is all about. I can’t say that I will always respond with the kind gesture I did the other day, although it definitely seems like I do more often than not as I get older and wiser. Some part of me drew that potential confrontation my way. My angry, frustrated self that morning angrily getting in a car acted like a magnet to the negative events. We always have choices about how we respond to situations that test us, but taking the high road is truly a far more positive use of our power.
10-2018 Jim Ventura

Pizza ends fight video:


While I have cut my monthly Snake Oil column to about 9-10 times each year (still generally at the beginning of the month) I also do 3-4 extra mini posts each month specifically for Face Book. You can fan-page follow me or friend request to see these posts (the link is at the end of the column page). I have included one here later in this newsletter that is very much in alignment with this columns theme as well.
I have extended my usual December gift certificate special to November as well this year. All sessions for new and returning clients are at a $10 discount for 45, 70, and 90 minute sessions. Purchase a second gift certificate and get $20 off that one, a third purchased session is $40 off! No other discounts will apply at this time. More information about this special later in the newsletter.
This has been a wild year of a lot of changes, pushes and pulls in a good way and a challenging way. My Birthday at the end of this month puts me out of a “5” cycle and into the number “6.” This is my Birth-path number in Numerology and I have no doubt will be a bit of a smoother year. I like some change and excitement, but I am eager to get off what feels like a roller coaster ride for almost a full year now. 
It’s Thanksgiving time and I wish everyone a year with lots to be Thankful for! Cheers, Happy November Jimmy V

“When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions of themselves.” Steve Maraboli

November and December Gift certificates Special: $10-$40 off all sessions!

This offer is for new New Clients and returning clients

The holidays are approaching. Give a gift to someone you love that they will really appreciate: a reading/personal session with Jim Ventura. All sessions booked at this time and all gift certificates purchased from November 3rd, 2018 until December 31 st., 2018 will be at a discounted rate for all of the clients who are currently on my mailing list (receiving Snake Oil or following me on Face Book or LinkedIn) and new first time clients as well!

Special rate:
$10.00 off my current listed prices for any 45, 70, or 90 minute sessions. If you purchase 2 gift certificates (or decide to purchase a follow up session for yourself to use in the coming year after a session at this time) the second gift certificate is $20 off my listed prices. If you purchase a third it will be $40 off that one! A maximum of three session gift certificates may be purchased at this time.

Price list for services are at the end of this newsletter and on my website. The gift certificates are good for one full year and can be used any time during the remainder of 2018 and all of 2019. I will either mail them to you or, if you prefer, mail them directly to the people who you want to receive them (snail mail or email). You may want to buy a gift certificate(s) for friends, family or for yourself to be used anytime in 2019.  Sessions can be in-office or by phone or Face Time (for i-phone users) for out-of-area clients.

You can also add a copy of my first book or audio DVD version of Dirty Little Secrets, or Snake Oil Volume One for an extra $12.00, including tax ($3.00 shipping charge is waived during this special) if you want to sweeten the package. Order both books and shipping is also free! ($24.00 total for a copy of each) Email or call to purchase your Gift Certificates. This discount offer is good until December 31st of 2018. 

“Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.” Anonymous
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F Kennedy

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years. 
You must make choices 

“Like it or nor, agreement shapes your reality. For all things happen by choice. You are not here by accident, nor are you a victim of fate. You are here, quite simply and empathetically, because you WANT to be here. Because you are an integral extension of the cosmic soul, know that on some level you consciously chose to evolve spiritually within the physical environment as a part of your divine constitution. And before you reentered the physical realm, you made certain agreements which supported not only the continuance of your spiritual lessons here, but the advancement of other entities who are also evolving in clusters with you.
You helped create the working blueprint which outlines your entire life program and also parallels your chosen destiny.
Now, every life, every personality, every situation and every experience is carefully chosen-right down to the details of your so-called death experience. This is true for all on the physical plane. With the exception of karmic intervention (the Divine hand which evens the scale of cosmic justice and also ensures your spiritual best-good), the life that you live is the very life you chose. There simply are no exceptions. And the living of it all brings the necessary experiences and lessons to bear, all of which contribute to the ultimate growth and understanding of every soul-fragment.
The agreements which you made with your soul are the opening plans for the unfoldment of that blueprint. They shape the reality of your life environment. And a life in which every agreement is refused, avoided, or even broken will only serve to teach you what such avoidance brings. Regardless of whether the physical life was completed or not, that life still remains valid to some degree, and whatever was learned will contribute to the evolution of the soul as it moves into the greater essence of its soul community...”
from Kunda in Spirit Speaks magazine. 1988

“Never, never be afraid to do what’s right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society’s punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way.” Anonymous

This is a post I ran in late October of this year of Face Book:
Feeling angry frustrated, or taken advantage of by situations or other people? Do you ever feel like it is hard to be loving and kind when your buttons keep repeatedly getting pushed?

This is what the archetypal energy is about in the Strength card and what it represents in the Tarot. People are often confused by what Tarot cards actually are meant to be used for. They can be for insight into the near future but are more effectively used to act as a navigational aid to assist in moving more fluidly and in an empowered way through life.
The Art of Tarot/8 Strength
Major Arcana card number eight is the Strength symbol (Some Tarot decks have this card numbered eleven and the Justice Archetype in this position). The number 8 in Numerology refers to power, mastery, and achievement. The image shows a woman calmly petting a red lion. The image conveys the feminine power to overcome “the beast.” She uses her calming, serene, unshakable, power of understanding and gentleness to quiet her lion. The red lion symbolizes anger, fear, phobia’s, the lower self, and other negative feelings and behaviors. It represents that base part of ourselves that may at times help us in crisis but can also hinder us if taken too far. The infinity symbol above her head reminds us that the use of spiritual wisdom and practical patience can overcome the darker parts of ourselves and others. The power of kindness and the love principal can often overcome negativity. The Strength imagery reminds us of what true Strength really is. 

Strength Archetype Upright:
The Strength card in its upright position suggests that we are learning and mastering the ability to be strong, spiritual, kind, and wise in how we respond. We are no longer allowing anger and emotional or brute force to be the way we deal with difficulties. Unresolved emotional issues from our past or triggers from people and situations outside in the world will often test us. We may be finding ourselves encountering old battles that may even be dressed in “new clothing.” The Strength archetype suggests we are coming into contact with the wise, calm part of ourselves that can overcome base emotion and reactions to others that may have previously robbed us of our sense of peace. We no longer allow others to “push our buttons.”
While we may have the power and the “right” to strike back and react on some occasions, we have become patient and peaceful both internally and externally. We direct our willful nature toward acts of kindness and generosity. We treat others as we wish to be treated. A new respect, understanding, and peaceful perspectives becomes a part of our life-path. The Strength card shows goals achieved by taking the “high road.” The seeker encounters a more advanced form of personal power. Confidence, a healthy body, mind, and the strength to overcome any difficulties are now part of the seeker’s life. Also now part of the seeker’s life show leadership by example, wisdom, kindness, understanding, and strength of character.

Strength Archetype Reversed:
When the Strength card falls reversed, the seeker has allowed internal and external “fears” to unhinge them. A lack of understanding, selfishness, judgment, and anger surface. The temptation to strike back may be acted upon. Violence may be part of the current situation. The seeker may use bullying tactics, or be a victim of such tactics. There may be a weakness in standing up to abuse. We see an imbalance of healthy self-protection by either excessive anger and resentment or ineffectiveness. Misunderstanding, miscommunication, thoughtless actions from others push the seeker to either plot or act with vengeance.  An internal lack of self-love and martyrdom has created a pool of anger and hostility. Perceived or actual manipulation from others triggers angry responses. Internal self-doubt and toxic feelings pollute the seeker. A need for self-love, acceptance, and to “not take this world personally,” is necessary to find peace. Developing healthy boundaries that do not need to be “fought over” is the key to experiencing harmony again.
Jim Ventura is a Navigational Consultant with many years of study and practice. He uses oracles like Astrology, Numerology, Tarot, Runes and others to help assist his clients to live a more empowered life. More information about in-office or phone consultations are available at 

Snake Oil Radio

Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be one live broadcast this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday,  November 15th at 3:30 p.m. mountain time. Usually one or two Thursdays each month you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into:  You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.

“Spirituality is not a religion or a trend-it is a lifestyle. It is a lifestyle of awareness that combines the understanding of faith, body, mind, and soul, allowing us to live modern-day enlightened lives in small and big ways.” Emma Mildon

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (best method for contact).
Phone calls: (602) 957-3035 text only: (602) 349-0746 

Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http:// 

“Friend” me on Face book to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates. 

You also may want to check out my posts on

All sessions/readings for 2018 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $85.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each, although no other discounts will apply).  Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. 

Mercury is retrograde in Libra November 16th through December 6th 2018...

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