• Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s and 90s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.

    From Reflections Of an Elder Brother by Bartholomew
    “Looking In The Wrong Place
    One of the things that kills your spontaneous joy in life is the constant judgmental critique you have running against yourself. You have no idea the number of moments you spend criticizing your looks, your diet, your friendships, your speech, your house, your car, your job, etc,. In order to really understand what I mean, I would like you to take a few moments to write down all of the judgments that, one, you have against yourself, and two, you think the world holds about you. Please be very specific and thorough in recording these.
    Alright, my friends, let me tell you what your list represents. It represents a great deal of energy drain and it represents a tremendous amount of defensive awareness. When you are still trying to please the world or to have the world find you pleasing, you are trapped in this downward spiraling energy vortex. You will constantly be trying to assess how well you are doing, constantly ruminating about how to appear in order to get what you want or to please others. In the end, my friends, the only things that brings the love you are looking for in this world, is the love in you. And that love is already there, in perfect safety and wholeness. You do not have to create the love-just allow yourself to experience it.
    You are trying to get love using the wrong technique. The point here is very simple. Everyone wants to feel loved, and every one of you wants to feel love. You believe it takes someone outside yourself who miraculously happens to ‘love’ you, to feel loved. So you spend your lives looking for this someone. But in the deepest part of you, you are not trying to find someone to love you, you are trying to feel love within yourself. And your list of judgements, however subtle, comes in to undercut all of your awareness of the love that is within you...”

    “When people undermine your dreams, predict your doom or criticize you, remember they’re telling you their story, not yours. Cynthia Occelli