January-February 2019 Snake Oil
Pigging Out
I saw a video online of a baby in a high chair eating bacon for the very first time. He takes his first bite and looks up at his parents with the excitement of a new sensation and grateful tears in his eyes. He can’t believe how delicious this is. It is very cute and funny. While I don’t eat a lot of meat anymore I have never been able to fully let go and go full on vegetarian. I have no plans to at this time either. Like the baby in the video I love bacon and while I don’t eat it often I find it to be seriously yummy. In early February of 2019 we begin the year of the Pig in Chinese astrology. If you were born in the year of the Pig than this year will reinforce both the best and challenging aspects of your personality. If you were not born in the year of the Pig than attributes of this totem animal will still be a notable influence in the world and personally to consider in the coming year ahead.
In Chinese astrology animal totems for the specific year you were born have good characteristics and of course some potential negative ones. The positive attributes of people born in the year of the pig are accommodating personalities, honest, trusting, educated, sincere, enjoyment of life, will work hard for what they want, selfless, and diligent. The negatives can be sluggishness, naive, self-indulgent, lazy, easy to anger, and materialistic. In Chinese astrology there are also five elements that influence each animal totem for different years. Those elements are metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. These elements will add another dimension to each animal sign.
Many different cultures have unique beliefs and influences that are attributed to the characteristics of animals and can be viewed as shared human aspects as well. While they are not always exactly the same there are far more commonalities than differences. In American culture we give children Piggy banks to collect money. We refer to men as pigs if they are overtly sexual and uncouth in their approach. When we overindulge at a buffet or a meal we often call it pigging out. We yell at our kids to “clean up this pigsty.” Whether these attributes are seem as positive or negative are clearly subjective. A child who is thrifty and saves money is usually seen as a good attribute but may also be seen as something the young shouldn’t be concerned with. Men who are pigs can be seen as uncouth and overly aggressive or that he is really into expressing robust sexual energy. Overeating can be bad for the body but is often a ritual among friends or family that can act as a bonding agent. We have expressions like “when pigs fly,” suggesting they are heavy, or referring to an unlikely probability. Calling someone a pig can also mean dirty or messy, but possibly also being relaxed and not picky. We may not be as conscious of the influence of animal attributes or honor them the same way as other cultures notably do but they are definitely part of our awareness.
In Druid teachings the pig (or Sow) is seen as an animal totem representing generosity, nourishment, and discovery. Pigs can eat certain foods that human and other animals could not eat without causing harm. This shows their resiliency. The image of the Sow with her large litters represents fertility. The aspects of the joy of discovery and excitement outweighing a fear of the unknown, or being overly cautious for fear of making a mistake is truly an element of wisdom. The excitement of celebrating by eating and drinking with others in an abundant way and enjoying the beauty and splendor of the physical world are elements of the Sow at her best. The Druids saw the form of expressing pig energy as one form of the many connections to the love of the Goddess. “The Goddess is generous, giving to all and renewing all.” Similar connotations to the Empress archetype in the Major Arcana in Tarot are easy to recognize.
There are of course negative associations in the Druid tradition as well. If someone is too much of a pig, overindulgence and gluttony can be very unappealing. The expression in Gaelic “when you thought you were on the sow’s back, you were beside her in the puddle” expresses this idea. Another Gaelic saying indicates, “As a golden jewel in a pig’s snout is a fair woman with out sufficiency of understanding.” “Pignorance” means being judgmental of others if they appear to be lacking according to your standards. This attitude is often associated with the wealthy and aristocracy. Judging others only on their physical looks or the way they dress can be seen as a lack of understanding of the subtleties of life. The lines between the negative and the positive can sometimes be blurry. Pigs are omnivorous (they can eat virtually anything) while far from being discriminating pigs were valued because they could also hunt out “hidden treasures” and find fungal delicacies in Europe.
There is notably a connection in western astrology of course with the pig energy. We see some of these elements in people with planets in Taurus or second house influences in their charts. The positive pole or expression of Taurus is “I have.” It’s negative is “I indulge.” Taurus can be proud of what they have acquired whether that be material things, security, ethical standards, or anything Taurus values. The ability to be able to relax and enjoy life or shift from a negative viewpoint by simply enjoying the pleasures the physical world is a form of wisdom. I have a Taurus ascendant. If I am emotionally upset, a good nap, cigar, sex, tasty food, or coffee will often “fix me.” Whether you were born during the year of the pig or not there will be aspects of this for everyone in the year ahead to review. We can relish in the positive aspects of the pig by focusing on the joy of discovery, seeing the value of generosity, and even an occasional indulgence can be exciting and make life all the sweeter. At the same time we can remember to not over value the material aspects of life and to be pignorant or judgmental. Remember to balance the physical with the spiritual to happily thrive in the year of the pig.
Jim Ventura 12-2018
The year of the pig ahead will be interesting to observe. In numerology the universal year (2019) is a three. This is about expression, creativity, expansion, social exchange, and multiple viewpoints that can create tension. Political figures, performers, and people in our personal worlds that express pig energy in a positive way will do well. Those that show the negative sides of the pig will struggle and possibly be exposed for it.
I may be filming a video clip about the year of the pig for the ABC show the List. If we do it would run in late January or early February. I will likely post a clip of it on FaceBook. All of my past 13 appearances on The List are carried on YouTube and on the shows website as well.
My years of skilled marketing have beneficial for my business so I welcome both return and new clients for sessions. I will not run as many specials but will keep the $10 discount new client promotion as well as $5 off for returning current snake oil column subscribers, or $5 off sessions for FaceBook followers. Those discounts are either or, but while I happily accept credit or debit cards to pay for sessions locals who pay by cash or check can take an additional $5 off discount! Current Regular Client Program participants (if you are a regular who hasn't checked in monthly or quarterly over the last 4 months you currently no longer receive the discounted rates) will keep their discounted rates this year. If you have let your participation in the Regular client program lapse you can contact me to look into getting back on track. More information later in newsletter about how you can get involved in this beneficial program.
While I generally take Sundays and Mondays off, you will occasionally see options available for those days when I add extra days to balance out vacation days off. I will have availability options for 4 and a half days each week in 2019 and only take a maximum of 18 appointments each week. You can request same day appointments but the availability for them is usually rare.
I have been working solo and with a small group for the last year or so (many of my Regular clients are getting information about this to use in their own lives now too) for manifesting more prosperity. There have been notable beneficial changes already with this shift in focus with undoubtably more epic things to come.
Wishing everyone the best for 2019!
Jim V
“There is nothing magical about the flip of the calendar, but it represents a clean break, a new hope, and a blank canvas.” Jason Soroski
“I would like to say that what I fear are the challenges that stand in front of me, when in reality what I fear is the cowardice that lays within me.” Craig Lounbrough
New Client Special 2019:
January 1st 2019 thru October 31st, 2019 Special: New Client introductory offer:
$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Ask for the special when you email Venturasag@yahoo.com to book. Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session you can also take advantage of these rates!
$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Ask for the special when you email Venturasag@yahoo.com to book. Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session you can also take advantage of these rates!
My current rates (new clients can subtract the above discounts from these rates): 45 minute sessions $85. 70 minute sessions $110. 90 minute sessions $130. Sessions can be in-office or by phone.
Regular Client Program
One of the best programs I have been doing for 18 years now is my Regular client program. The program is designed to benefit my clients at multiple levels. Clients who enroll in the program come in every three months for personal sessions (monthly or every other month sessions are also an option). This can also be done for out-of-area clients by phone. The focus of the program is on consistent work in developing your intuitive abilities, learning how to use the signs and signals that are all around us, and conquering fear-based programming permanently. We also get to do work with all the many different oracles I currently work with! My Regular client program has resulted in some tremendous spiritual evolution for hundreds of people over the years. Some of my Regulars have gone on to do spiritual counseling, or similar types of work and some are healing and guiding others personally and professionally. The progress I have seen over the years among the majority of my Regular clients has been phenomenal. It is wonderful to see the spiritual, physical, and emotional progress I have assisted in motivating. So many of my Regular clients have dramatically changed the way they now view life and are enjoying a more enlightened point of view. You can join this program as well, just ask.
More about the Regular Client Program... This program was designed to create an easy, cost effective way for my clients to progress in their spiritual development.
When we are consistent at attending to our body/mind/spirit, we naturally move through life with more harmony and greater joy. When our spiritual awareness is heightened and fine tuned we are often happier which helps us to enjoy all aspects of our lives, including occasional personal challenges because we see them as inevitably beneficial. We can truly assist the people around us. Human beings learn by example. Your intimate partnerships, friendships, family, and children benefit when you are in a good space.
The Regular Client Program makes it easier to prioritize keeping your spiritual, emotional and even physical “garden” free of weeds. In China, the professional soothsayer is a reverent and dignified calling. It does not attract the sort of suspicion it does in the western world. In fact, in most eastern cultures, seeing an oracle reader is a sign of wisdom, success, and prestige. If you have an interest in increasing these attributes and working with a highly skilled navigational consultant then the Regular Client Program may be right for you.
Regular client discounted rates for 2014-2019:
Quarterly (every three months) Regulars:
Full 70 minute sessions $90.00 shorter sessions $65.00 Extended sessions $105.00
Monthly Regulars:
Full 70 sessions $80.00 shorter sessions $55.00 Extended sessions $95.00
(prepaid three quarterly sessions: (3) - 45 minute sessions $175. (3) - 70 minute sessions $240. (3) - 90 minute sessions $285.
(prepaid three monthly sessions: (3) - 45 minute sessions $150. (3) - 70 minute sessions $210. (3) - 90 minute sessions $250.
* Regular clients get to choose whether they will come in for a full, 45, or extended session. You may vary the length of each session each time you come in for your appointments, and still keep your discounted rates.
* I will contact you a few weeks before your next appointment by email or phone for scheduling. If there is a need for a few weeks delay or to come in sooner or for an extra appointment this is also an option.
* Sessions can be used for all of the different readings I offer, transformation sessions, reality change sessions, or personalized instruction on how to read oracles yourself.
* Regular Clients can purchase gift certificates for sessions to give to friends and family at their discounted rates. Regulars also receive discounts on classes, CDS, and books.
* If at any point you decide to come in more often or less often, or even exit the program, simply let me know. I have worked with clients who have come monthly for two years, then switched to quarterly, etc... Clients who exit the program can still come in randomly for sessions, although they will be required to pay current non-regular rates.
When we are out of balance, and not attending to our spiritual sides we are more likely to: hold onto the past, feel anxious about the present, and fearful about the future. Oracle readings and navigational consultations help us keep clear of lower energies and bring us to a higher awareness in all areas of our lives. Developing our intuitive abilities increases our potential for happy relationships, excellent health, and keep us excited about wherever our lives are headed. The majority of my clients come in for a session once or twice a year or when a crisis triggers them. My Regular clients use the sessions as PREVENTIVE MEDICINE.
If you are interested in signing up for this program call or e mail me VenturaSag@yahoo.com
“May all your troubles last as long as your New year’s resolutions!.” Joey Adams
Snake Oil Radio
Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcast this month)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday, January 24th at 3:30 p.m. mountain time. Usually one or two Thursdays each month you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to call in live (or chat with other listeners in the chat room) with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Jim-Ventura You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.
“Past and Present I know well; each is a friend and sometimes an enemy to me. But it is the quiet, beckoning Future, an absolute stranger, with whom I have fallen madly in love.” Richelle Goodrich
Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: Venturasag@yahoo.com (best method for contact).
Phone calls: (602) 957-3035 text only: (602) 349-0746
Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http://JimVentura.com
“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.
You also may want to check out my posts on Tumblr.com: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/snake-oil-blog
All sessions/readings for 2019 are: Full (70 minutes) $110.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $85.00; Extended session (90 minutes) $130.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back for $65.00 each, although no other discounts will apply). Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins.
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