Saturday, July 11, 2020

July/August 2020 Snake Oil/How's It Gonna Bee?

Snake Oil 
How’s It Gonna Bee?

There never seemed to be a shortage of bees in the world during my childhood. From the abundance of honey bees, wasps, hornets, and those weird thick carpenter bees there seemed to be plenty. They were something to deal with, like it or not, when we played or hung out outside. Bees nests and hives sometimes appeared in uncomfortable places like attics and in neighborhood backyard trees. On some occasions they had to be removed. We all inevitably got stung at least once, were chased by bees or bugged by them when playing in the woods, or even near a backyard flower garden. They often bothered us at while we were swimming in the pool, at a barbecue, picnic or the school yard. If you did get stung by a bee it hurt like hell, but we put mud on it to sooth it (likely something that might outrage some of today’s modern parents) or medicine and we surprisingly lived through it. Dealing with bees was an accepted part of life. We knew there were many good things they did for us. Bees were part of the pollination process, propolis and pollen were antiseptics, they made delicious honey, and were seen as a vital part of the natural world. 

In the last few years we’ve all heard stories about how many bees seem to be are dying out. Scientists rightly point out that if the bees die, food production and growth will suffer, and if they go inevitably so will we. There are theories about how and why the bees seem to be disappearing. They range from cell phone and wifi signals potentially disrupting their navigation systems, to dangerous pesticides used in farming. Pesticides can be a help in stopping the ravages of pests, but the inevitable side effects to humans and animals have already been extremely costly. Science of course assists us in many, many positive and productive ways but can sometimes be a detriment as well. There are times when the methods used for the noble cause and progress are truly questionable and can create a backlash. The stories of Frankenstein’s monster and theoretical ancient civilizations like Atlantis succumbing to collapse from overuse of scientific advancement could be viewed as lessons from a past societies mistakes, or a warning about our own potential future. 

As I continually remind my readers, all events in our world have many layers of meaning and purpose. We create our reality both individually and en masse and the potential loss of the bees has significant meaning and origins connected to our present situation in the world. If we look at what the bee represents spiritually, archetypal, and energetically we can see a pattern emerging. In the Druid tradition the bee represents community, celebration, and organization. Human beings come together to celebrate every six weeks or so in the Druid tradition. However impossible this can sometimes seem we are meant to come together in community. Celebrations in Celtic traditions often even include the enjoyment of a glass or two of Meade made with honey. Concerts, block parties, church events, community theater productions, amusement parks, and family gatherings are just some of the many things that human beings naturally need to do and be a part of. Bee reminds us that we can work together in community in spite of our differences. We naturally refer to a positive work environment, group projects, parades and theater groups and similar things as a “hives of activity.” Like the bees, when everyone knows their role, and is willing to work for the group cause we can be like happy buzzing bees. We can feel a sense of purpose, be a part of something, and accomplish significant tasks.

The difficult aspects of bee while minimal are also of note. Some bees can be aggressive. Getting stung is not fun and in extreme cases can be deadly. A bee may bother us or even sting us precisely to prod us into action if we are becoming lazy or too dormant. Some English folk healers even use bee stings therapeutically to cure lung issues and asthma. An imbalance in our “bee energy” can be a feeling of not belonging, not feeling accepted as part of a community or family, and not having a sense of purpose. Being organized, efficient, and productive is its own reward and the bee or issues with bees may be reminding us to develop these attributes in ourselves.

For the last decade or so and even more notably in the past few years we have moved into an angry battle with immigration and moving people. Sentiment like “they don’t belong here,” “they are taking our jobs,” and even more extreme beliefs like “we don’t want so many of those races here in our communities” are sadly abundant. The taking of political sides in such extreme ways has been heightened from the left suggesting we do almost nothing to regulate it, to some on the right being outright cruel. Social media is littered with extreme right and left ideologies about a host of different subjects that often not only state opinions but angrily suggest that if anyone thinks differently they are “wrong or stupid.” People religiously cling to their “ correct camps of beliefs” and shut down family members, friends, and anyone who doesn’t “rightly think like me.” One of 2020’s unfortunate aspects so far has been Covid-19. It has created social distancing, forced quarantine, and people arguing about the right and wrong of it. People fear each other more than ever. This is summed up bizarrely on signs and messages suggesting “Be smart, stay apart.” The normal comforts of celebration and mixing with others have largely been removed for much of the populace. Face-mask shaming on both sides is rampant, cries of “you are trampling my rights,” and “nefarious forces are at work” or “how dare you not think like I do and selfishly spread your evil droplets all over me,” are hard to miss. Smugness, lack of empathy, and even cruelty toward those who disagree are sadly heightened. Examples of fear and what we should or shouldn’t be afraid of abound. More than ever our righteous idealism of “how people should be” has diminished our humanity, celebration of diversity of thought, and simple cordiality. Many people simply are addicted to being angry. Like it or not love and hate both make us feel alive. It is a choice.

Thankfully the landscape isn’t completely toxic and without hope. Crisis does have a way of also bringing out the best in us too. This year people have come together to help many of those in need in profound ways. Examples of chefs cooking food for those under extreme stress in the medical world, the elderly, and the poor are abundant. A heightened awareness of the needs for all races to be treated fairly and equally has emerged. Doctors, nurses and others in the medical world are being deservedly praised for their sacrifices and hard work. Invention, and creativity have blossomed as we find new ways to solve problems. Tremendous innovation in working at home, online meetings, the reemergence of drive in movie theaters, and concerts remind us of our ability to collectively and creatively solve problems. 

It could be said that we had to collectively create a reason to inevitably and hopefully once again value community, celebration, organization, and coming together in harmony. Sometimes losing the things of real value can remind us of how truly important the things we lost actually were. We all have a choice individually to make at this time. Do we continue on the current road of toxic, myopic perspectives and a lack of respect for why others might think differently, or do we become more understanding and inclusive? Do we focus more on what separates us or what unites us? Each individual that chooses love, acceptance of differences, and letting go of fear actually changes the world. Simply put; maybe everyone can be a little less mean to each other. And maybe, we might even see a tangible solution to saving the bees!
Jim Ventura 7-2020

“Trying to change ‘what is’ usually doesn’t work. Trying to change how you feel about ‘what is’ usually does.” Dick Sutphen


As we continue to move through this bizarre period in our history I can say that all things considered I have been very lucky. Overall life, and business has been fairly good. I used some of the time off and forced quarantine time to my advantage to study more about expanding my presence on FaceBook and YouTube as well as Instagram. Typical scholar here in making the best of a difficult conditions to learn more. Business has been not only good as of late, but a little better than before this began. My ability to still do in-office sessions (with reasonable, appropriate and practical safeguards) as well as expanding phone and FaceTime sessions and classes has been strengthened. I have been working with many of my Regular Clients about how to do this in their own unique ways as well. Overall it seems like most of the people around me are thriving thankfully! I have touched upon some of the elements of what the pandemic is about in astrological terms in a recent FaceBook post. You can see that post and part one of this later in this newsletter. 

I occasionally do mini videos on Instagram (one minute) and longer (average of 5-10 minute) videos on my Youtube channel. You can subscribe to my channel by cutting and pasting this link (my most recent video can also be seen) into your browser. I also expand on each column and do many other types of shows on my once or twice a month radio show at

The world seems to be quite a bit more volatile as of late in so many ways. Almost like its on fire, and actually parts of it are! We can all still choose to stay centered, meditate, pray, and focus on not getting caught up in fear (watching a little less news alone will help!). Everything is choice. So whatever is happening in the world, you can choose to create peace in your corner of it. Wishing everyone a good summer. Cheers, Jim V

“The ability to foresee consequences before you act is a mark of the profound person.” Ralph Blum

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.

Nature and Consciousness
“To attempt to protect the self in old terms or to keep the self rigidly ‘itself’ is like holding your breath for too long. Selves, like breaths, go through us all the time. But from our standpoint we are the larger psychological structures that translate these selves into ourselves; just as the body translates our breath into our living.

Even our bodies often seem not us or not ours because we have forgotten how to identify with them, lost the knack of following the strands of consciousness that should connect us, so that our full experience of creature-hood itself is further limited. We seem instead to be victims of the flesh, at the mercy of illnesses, wars, and natural disasters, because we have lost track of our natural selves and lost sight of our place within nature’s framework.

It seems idiotic, for example, to think that we can cure ourselves naturally of illnesses when we believe that disease is thrust upon us by the flesh, and has nothing as all to do with our desires or beliefs. Until we realize that our consciousness, working through the body, creates its state of being, then any natural cures will be considered miraculous. Seth, for example, states that so-called miraculous cures are simply examples of unimpeded nature.

In the same way we are part of nature; physically as real as mountains, air currents, trees, or oceans, all of which have their effects upon the climate and world conditions. Yet for some reason we imagine that we affect the natural world only through our technology. But our physical presence itself has an interaction with the earth and with the physical elements that compose it. We are biologically connected, and this means that the chemical makeup of our bodies is part of the earth’s contents.

Our chemical balance changes as our emotions do, and we alter the composition of the earth. We are not at the mercy of natural disasters. We have forgotten or ignored our native emotional identification with the wind and with storms, and therefore lost our part in their existence, and whatever conscious control we may have once had over them. Therefore we need technology-to bring rain to parched areas, for example-and consider it the sheerest nonsense to blame parched emotions instead...”
Jane Roberts (speaking for herself, not as channeled Seth in this book) from Psychic Politics

“Middle school is for being like everyone else; middle age is for being like yourself.”  Victoria Moran

“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up? Chuck Palahniuk

New Client Special 2020:
January 1st 2020 thru October 31st, 2020 Special: New Client introductory offer:
$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Ask for the special when you email at to book. Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session you can also take advantage of these rates!

My current rates (new clients can subtract the above discounts from these rates): 45 minute sessions $90. 70 minute sessions $115. 90 minute sessions $135. Sessions can be in-office or by phone.

Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn. Astrology of the shared human condition.

I have discussed aspects of this conjunction in last months newsletter and also in more detail on my radio show and FaceBook. Now I will discuss this from another angle:The astrological trigger of these planets made a conjunction in Capricorn in early 2020. Now as they all move in retrograde motion this summer after some forward movement into Aquarius and back into Capricorn we can see the shadow of fear becoming more prominent.

We all have Capricorn somewhere in our chart whether we are a “Capricorn” or not. The energy of Capricorn and what it represents is also part of the human psyche and the world itself.

The positive side of Capricorn energy is where we can be hard working, strong, diligent, use authority, and be cautious in a wise and mature sense. The area in our chart with Capricorn (especially if there are planets there) is where we tend to feel responsible. 
The positive pole of Capricorn is “I Use.”
It’s negative pole is “I inhibit.”
One of Capricorns test is to learn sociability. It isn’t that they are necessarily bad at it, but without other strong social aspects (like Libra, Sagittarius, etc.. in a chart) Capricorns carry too much weight on their shoulders and are naturally responsible, often overly responsible. They often don’t have ease in group associations. Think of Mary tyler Moore (a beautiful Capricorn!) for those of you who are old enough to understand the reference and her horrible parties humorously played in the Mary Tyler Moore show. I often joke that a 12 year old Capricorn often feels already like they are 40! Being cautious, slow-moving, inhibited, and overly responsible is not a combination that makes sociability come easily. But if Capricorn works on it, they can become quite successful at this too.

So when we look at these aspects in the world now (and the full transit won’t actually be over until February 2021) we can see how Covid-19 brought a heightened fear of others and inhibition in a number of different ways to many people. Social distancing became the norm, and sternly required by those in authority as uncomfortable but necessary. With this and and the help of Jupiter, bringing conspiracy theories about powerful authority figures that secretly, or not so secretly control us, we see a fear based perspective for much of the populace. 

Even as the numbers of Covid-19 cases go up and down at different paces in each unique area, we are left with a practical need to open business and things that require social attendance to thrive. The right and wrong of this is where the arguments stem from. If we stay closed too long people lose money, businesses, livelihoods, homes, employment, and the importance in so many ways of community and social exchange. Connection and development are necessary for human happiness and social development. 

The fear of the responsibility of getting sick, avoiding getting sick, or of getting others sick becomes a difficult needle to thread. We can see the clear emergence of the negative pole of Capricorn: “I inhibit.” Truly a Capricorn Sun, Moon or ascendant can understand that maturity means sometimes you have to make decisions that are “the lesser of the evils.”

The solution is to confront our deepest fears, our shadow, and the realization that at times there are no easy answers. Moving toward the positive pole of Capricorn “I use” is the key. I have discussed this in more individual and personal ways with the clients I have been working with one on one over the last few months. I will discuss part two of this to give my readers insight in my next months newsletter in the September/October edition. 

Snake Oil Radio

Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcast this period)
My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday,  August 6th. at 3:30 p.m. mountain time. Usually one or two Thursdays each month you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to chat with other listeners in the chat room with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).
To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into:  You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (best method for contact).
Phone calls: (602) 957-3035 text only: (602) 349-0746 

Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http:// 

“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates. 

You also may want to check out my posts on

All sessions/readings for 2020-21 are: Full (70 minutes) $115.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $135.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back with an added fee of $5 for $70.00 each, although no other discounts will apply). Mini phone session 20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 pre-paid sessions also brings sizable discounts (example 3 pre-paid 45 minute sessions is $150 total or $50 a session...) 

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