Friday, September 11, 2020

September and October 2020 Snake Oil/Bigfoot, Aliens, and Evil Men pulling all the Levers


Snake Oil 

Bigfoot, Aliens, and the Evil Men Pulling All the Levers

Magazines and newspapers like the National Enquirer, The Star, and similar publications beckoned us at the supermarket checkout to read about “Bat Boy,” Aliens, and the darker secrets and lives of celebrities before the internet largely took over this job. Most of us knew this stuff was largely nonsense but sometimes for the fun of it we bit on the hook and dived into the guilty pleasures. A smaller percentage of the population believed some or even everything in the pages of those magazines. Conspiracy theories, secret organizations, end of the world predictions, and the like have been part of our world from the very beginning of human communication, and expression and were magnified when we learned how to publish and print words. Is it all false? Could some of it even actually be true? Why are we drawn to conjecture about what is “really behind the scenes?”

Astrology teaches us that strong influences of certain astrological signs especially Scorpio, and Sagittarius can have us naturally interested in questions about power and philosophy respectively. This can also be seen in relation to planets or other notable influences in the eighth or ninth house in a natal chart. The eighth house is the place where we look at shared resources, sex, transformation, and having or not having personal or collective power and influence. The ninth house corresponds to travel, philosophy, religion, deeper meanings of life, and higher education. In essence we all have (some far more than others) some desire to understand how life actually works, and why we are here. The probing, curious detective mind wants to get to the bottom of things. I have Mercury in Sagittarius in my eight house on the cusp of my ninth, so I was “wired” at birth to be a seeker.

When I was about thirteen my mind was heavily stimulated by a book called “Flying Saucers are Watching Us.” It was compelling, even awesome to me with many different exciting and scary stories about alien sightings, contact, and even abductions. This naturally led to books about the Lochness monster, Bigfoot, and similar theoretical sensational beings. By the age of fifteen I was reading books about witchcraft, spell casting, and other potential ways to gain power. I was already questioning so many tenants of religion (raised Catholic) and my naturally inquisitive and rebellious mind wanted answers. Comic books, television shows, and movies about similar phenomenon ran parallel and fed the magic of my search for the secrets of the universe. By the age of seventeen I needed far more advanced material and this led to books on channeling, astrology, numerology, and similar subjects. These far more progressive studies put the sensational starting point of UFO’s, Bigfoot, and Witchcraft comfortably in my rear view mirror.


What I did learn from these start-up sensational subjects was, while heavily exaggerated, was they did have some aspects of truth to why people were drawn to them. My studies of advanced teachings of brilliant channelers like Jane Roberts, and the Michael teachings did put those subjects into a far more clear perspective though and made me see those subjects differently. I wasn’t a huge fan of the show the X-files but I could see why it became such a phenomenal success in the nineties. Human beings often sense that there are deeper meanings and forces that govern our existence and the creation of events. We are also drawn to the theatrical, and at times make things larger than they actually are for the sheer excitement of discovery, even when often a large portion of those discoveries are nonsense.

Beginning in the late nineties the internet has fed the machine that magazines life the Enquirer fed and it has grown profitable to pull people in with conspiracies groups like Q-Anon, Info Wars, and similar countermine news shows. Conspiracy theories about the flat earth, faked moon landings, 9-11 being an inside job, secret societies, the Illuminati as well as a host of other stories have been around for a while now and some for decades. Behind the draw to find sensational answers is the wisdom that many sense things aren’t always what they seem. Some of these outrageous speculations even have some hints of truth to them, still much of it is exaggerated and even out and out malarky.


The thread that exists behind all of this of course relates to our beliefs individually and en masse. Our beliefs not only color how we see reality but often actually form the reality of the world we see around us. The mass and individual belief that fuels the majority of these speculations is that “evil, wealthy men secretly control the world and we are all just pawns in their game with no real power.” This often never questioned belief that many of us hold is assumed to be a fact of realty. In ancient Rome, Greece and in societies all over the world they believed that the gods pulled the strings and we were at the whims of their desires; “the gods must be punishing us.” In many respects the modern equivalent belief that “THE MAN has all the power” is just another variation of the old gods powers. It isn’t that when crisis happens both in the world at large, and personally there isn’t a cause behind these things, there always is. But the more likely reality is less about secret characters pulling all the strings and levers and more about how ethically challenged people will take advantage of the chaos and fear generated and find a way to profit from it. This is often the case and actually part of many Young souls* exploration of using and acquiring power, and also creating karma to later resolve in the process. It is our belief that we don’t have personal power to create our reality that is the real limitation. When we are willing to own this fully the sensational beliefs about evil men, or angry gods begins to fall away and becomes unnecessary, or at least much less interesting. We can accept that there is of course life on other planets (just practical math), possibly other creatures we haven’t yet discovered that live at other layers of our world, and that magic in some forms does exists. But we can hopefully happily let go of the “Power of the MAN” and secret evil doers who pull the world strings. Letting go of this and reclaiming our own power is where our true dominion and evolution potentially can grow. 

For those with strictly scientific minds, agnostics or atheists often understandably from their perspective suggest things like: “Isn’t a belief in Guardian Angels, protective crystals, Astrology, healing herbs, numerology, or even the value of animal totem work, actually real or even beneficial in any potential way? “Aren’t New Age folks just replacing magical friendly or unfriendly gods with new versions too?” Any serious study of subjects like astrology, meditation, oracles, and similar things will leave almost anyone who explores them convinced of their value and outright brilliance. Many of these studies have been around for centuries and for good reason. Most of these suppositions from the skeptical scientific minds come from those who have simply never looked at any of these arts in any real way. And, aside from many of these things bringing actual measurable benefits to those who use or practice them, whether the crystal or angels help or don’t help becomes less important. The idea or beliefs that these protective, benevolent, and healing influences may in some respects represent another belief system is valid. The difference is this focus on the basic goodness of life, seeing order and meaning, healing aspects of this world, and insight from the natural world around us, and guides us toward manifesting happiness and joy is a far better belief to carry. Even if you doubt the validity of these things and their actual impact, why not focus on these more positive beliefs that form our reality and the creation of potential good? Shifting your focus away from a random universe with no real basic meaning, no purpose in life (“Your birth is accidental, you live, and die, and thats all there is” logic) or conspiracy theories that reinforce our lack of power in this world is like all things, a choice. And, without question moving toward the more positive view of a world designed to help, heal, inspire and guide us is a very good choice. 

8-2020 Jim Ventura

*There are 5 of 7 different soul ages manifest on the physical plane. Infant, Baby, young, Mature, and Old. These designations have nothing to do with chronological age, but refer to evolutionary progress and focus in all human lifetimes.

The Young soul focus is: “There’s you and there’s me-and I’m going to win.” “The world is my oyster.” “I can have it all.”


The world has been a nutty place this year for so many different reasons and just too long to list here. I expect the challenging pace will remain in place throughout the remainder of this year. Jupiter and Saturn move direct again in mid and late September respectively. Pluto will go direct again in mid October and this should soften at least some of the crazy. The astrological triggers from early 2020 will be mostly finished by February of 2021. We should see somewhat calmer waters and progress in comparison to the wild, uncomfortable (for many fearful) ride that was much of 2020.

Part two of last months extra: Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn. Astrology of the shared human condition. is in this newsletter. You may want to re-read part one to get a clearer picture of what is involved here. 

Many of my subscribers get an invitation during your astrological Birthday time for discounted sessions for yourself and the ability to purchase one for a friend. Generally I keep clients on that mailing list for the Birthday promotion for about 5-6 years. If no sessions are booked or the birthday promo isn’t used I generally remove those uninterested from getting these those mailings permanently. It is a lot of work to keep track of birthdays and send out the mailers so I purge a number of names each month from the list. If you are dropped from the Birthday promo I will still keep you on the every other month newsletter mailing list though unless you request being removed or your email bounces back for two columns in a row. 

I still have my new client promotional special in place for $10-15 off your first session until mid November. This also applies to purchasing a session as a gift for a friend who is a potentially new client. Everyone currently on my newsletter mailing always list gets the option of a $5-10 discount off session prices while still receiving my newsletter, unless using a promotional special. Much larger discounts are an option for those who purchase three session packages or for those currently in my Regular Client program. Contact me for more information about any of these options.

Arizona had its hottest summer on record, and thankfully is coming to an end now. We had around 50 days of 110 degrees or higher and broke the previous record! The weather of course reflects the energy so prevalent here, just as it does in all areas of the world. The cooler temperatures and magic of Fall (my favorite season) is here though and for this and many other things I am truly grateful. Wishing everyone a softer, peaceful season ahead. Cheers, Jim V

“I am such an autumn person. Give me a quiet, cozy spot with a simple view of gorgeous tress with colorful leaves on a crisp September day, fuzzy socks, a warm drink, and a good book and I will be in all my glory,” McKenna Kaelin

Channeled corner. I read many, many books from different trance channelers in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. Unfortunately many of them are now out of print, but I still have a huge collection and will share some of the best material I have collected over the years.

Divine Grace in the Physical World

“How does one recognize Divine Grace? How does one know its face? And how does one know when Divine Grace has been shunted aside, betrayed, in pursuit of some less worthy goal? 

Again, Divine Grace is the source of your world, the great limitless fuel that powers your every moment, from the smallest atomic building block to your mass civilizations.  Always, always, it seeks to bring into actuality those events that will be of greatest benefit to those involved.

Divine Grace manifests most clearly on your plane as respect. What is respect? Respect is when you allow all others the right to ride their own Divine Grace as they see fit, understanding that you each live in a cocoon on your own creation, a highly private yet publicly shared existence in which each individual, pursuing his/her own greatest fulfillment, automatically and unconsciously contributes to the advancement of the species and planet as a whole.

Respect then is when you allow all others of your species, and all others of all species, their private place, time and path. Respect allows no place to coercion, force or violence against another. Respect is an intuitive acknowledgment of the uniqueness of each individual, each species, each form physical matter can take, a deep understanding of the greater cooperation that underlies your world, as each species and individual contributes its unique perspective, its private experience, to the shared venture on which you have embarked.

Respect is how Divine Grace manifests itself in your world. When you respect another, you recognize and acknowledge the Divine Grace within the other, understanding that it is not necessary for him or her to follow your footsteps in order to reach greatest fulfillment.

Notice we do not use the word “love.” It is not necessary that you run around flinging your arms about every person and four-legged manifestation of Divine Grace you stumble upon. There will be those whose paths differ so markedly from yours, whose inner awareness of Divine Grace has been so blunted by fear, that you are unable to connect. You need not love such individuals. You must, however, respect their right to pursue their path as they see fit, regardless of how obvious the deleterious outcome is to you.

You need not love all you meet. Understand that they share the same source as you. All That Is poring itself into the physical world through the fluid medium of Divine Grace, you grant them respect.

The rule of thumb to follow then, when considering a choice or decision, whether individually or en masse, is to ask: Does this course of action respect my integrity and that of all others who may be affected? Will this action be only of benefit to others, or do some stand to be harmed by it? Am I, or are we, acknowledging the Divine Grace manifest in every aspect of creation...”

Whatever Happened to Divine Grace? Ramon Stevens

“Winter is an etching, Spring a watercolor, Summer an oil painting, Autumn a mosaic of them all,” Starley Horowitz

New Client Special 2020:

January 1st 2020 thru November 14th 2020 Special: New Client introductory offer:
$10-15 off listed rates for your first 45 minute session, 70, or 90 minute session! Ask for the special when you email at to book. Debit and credit card payments get $10 off for 45-90 minute sessions. Local in-office clients can get an extra $5 off for cash or check payments for sessions. If you want to buy a new client a thoughtful gift of a session you can also take advantage of these rates!

My current rates (new clients can subtract the above discounts from these rates): 45 minute sessions $90. 70 minute sessions $115. 90 minute sessions $135. Sessions can be in-office or by phone.

Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter in Capricorn. Astrology of the shared human condition 

Part Two 

...The solution is to confront our deepest fears, our shadow, and the realization that at times there are no easy answers. Moving toward the positive pole of Capricorn “I use” is the key. I have been discussing this in more individual and personal ways with the clients I have been working with one on one over the last few months. Here is a general summation to consider for my Snake Oil subscribers.

There is always an advantage that can be found in even the most difficult times. “It has been said that only at the moment of greatest darkness do we become aware of the light within and come to recognize the true creative powers of the self...” What lies ahead in the coming months is the potential for innovation and the wisdom of turning a disadvantage into an advantage.

While the US remains polarized politically, hit with painful losses from the pandemic and some businesses have dried up and are lost (and too much of this has already happened and more unfortunately is on the way before this cycle ends) the prospects of more fear, difficulty and struggle may keep us from holding onto optimism. Yet, what appears to be negative can also strengthen us and make us not sweat things precisely because we have been previously tested. Think of acquired “street smarts” or “Since I have been through hell and back, I simply cannot be shaken anymore.” The other choice is to become phobic, despondent, defeatist, cynical, even more fearful, and following the waiting for the shoe to drop mindset. This is a road that can be taken and many will do so in the months ahead. Which choice and road we follow of course is up to us individually.

The limitations and difficulties can also give us an opportunity to reexamine if we are on the right road in terms of career, status in the world, mission and messages, and what we would like to achieve if we are willing to work either on the path we are already pursuing or a to find a new path. We can potentially find more joy and fulfillment in our lives if this idea is embraced. Hard work when combined with purpose is not only empowering, but can lead to great things.

Confronting our worst fears, limiting beliefs and putting them to the side once and for all  can lead to us becoming more successful (In whatever we individually term that to be...). This is the more positive side and use of Saturn and Pluto.

The Viking Rune stone of Disruption (Hagalez) speaks of things that uncomfortably test us like plans going awry, a source of supply dries up, a relationship fails, etc... but it also reminds us:

“Change, freedom, invention and liberation are all attributes of this Rune. Drawing it indicates a pressing need within the psyche to break free from constricting identification with material reality and to experience the world of archetypal mind...”

There is always potential for the storm to clear the old away and point us toward a brighter path ahead. Many people in the months and even year ahead will be troubled and have a hard time. Many if not most of us have already been going through some major tests, I have been through a few myself. Having empathy and understanding for those suffering in the present and future is important but we don’t help either when we jump into the quicksand. When we demonstrate how to turn limitation into success we inspire others to consider doing the very same things. If we continue to focus on the loss, unfairness, and suffering for too long we miss other doors that could be walked through. We can allow a new light to view doorways and opportunities that were either closed before or that we simply never saw were there at all!

Jim V

“In my own life I know that my state of cheerfulness is a reliable gauge of my level of spiritual enlightenment at that moment. The more cheerful, happy, contented, and satisfied I am feeling, the more aware I am of my deep connection to spirit.” Wayne Dyer

“When a man becomes a writer, I think he takes on a sacred obligation to produce beauty and enlightenment at top speed.” Kurt Vonnegut

Snake Oil Radio

Thursdays at 3:30 pm (there will be two live broadcast this period)

My next live broadcast of Snake Oil Radio will be Thursday,  October 1st. at 3:30 p.m. mountain time. Usually one or two Thursdays each month you can catch a new show. Each 45 minute show will expand on my current column’s subject matter. It will also offer an opportunity for you to chat with other listeners in the chat room with comments and your thoughts about the topic of discussion. If you miss the live show, you can catch any of my previously recorded shows on the web site’s archive. You can also catch Snake Oil Radio on I-tunes (download my pod-casts there).

To hear a live show, all you need to do is be at a computer and tuned into:  You may also access it by going to the site and type “Snake Oil” into the search option. You can also go to the shows that are currently “On air” at that time and find me. The call in number is 646-200-3966 for questions and comments.

“Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.” William James

Here’s my contact information to make an appointment for a session, or information on current classes: Email: (best method for contact).

Phone calls: (602) 957-3035 text only: (602) 349-0746 

Information about the different sessions and types of readings and services, past Snake Oil columns, and how to order my books and audio CD’s can be found at my website: Http:// 

“Friend” me on Facebook to get other extra offers and in between column extras! Signing up for my fan page will get you even more extras and first shot at reading specials. Simply click on “like” on the fan page and you will automatically get my weekly updates.

You also may want to check out my posts on

All sessions/readings for 2020-21 are: Full (70 minutes) $115.00; Shorter session (45 minutes) $90.00;  Extended session (90 minutes) $135.00 (two people can split an extended session back to back with an added fee of $5 for $70.00 each, although no other discounts will apply). Mini phone session 20 minutes $40. Email me for information about my Regular Client Program for even bigger discounts on session prices with the added benefit of monthly or quarterly check-ins. Purchasing 3 pre-paid sessions also brings sizable discounts (example 3 pre-paid 45 minute sessions is $150 total or $50 a session...) 

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